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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Gotta know them - Gene and Glenda. They live at the intersection of 55 st north and 66th West Ave.
  2. You do good work. I think you are going to like it.
  3. Ok, I've compared the two pages (56 & 57) of the 1985 EVTM that deal with the EEC for the 4.9L with the same pages (56 & 57) of the 1986 EVTM that I have online. And they are essentially the same, so you can use the 1986 pages to plan your removal work. My experience with a 1982 that had basically the same EEC-III system and feedback carb was that all of the EEC circuitry was stand-alone. In other words, each sensor for the EEC served only the EEC. So I was able to separate the EEC wiring and remove all of it, leaving just the basic wiring. Similarly, the pages on the fuel tank selector and gauges are essentially the same for the 4.9L. The only issue is that in '86 the idiot lights had been discontinued but they were offered in '85. So if your friend's truck has idiot lights you need to refer to Page 56 in the 1981 EVTM. But if I'm missed something please let me know.
  4. I’m very sure you can post anywhere now, but let me know if not. As for the EVTM, the 85 is essentially the same as the 86, which I have here: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/1986-evtm.html. I’m out and about, but will check back later to see what else you need.
  5. So, I was supposed to paw at the door to teach the pup to go out? Yes, it is rewarding to know you helped them. In our case it was to be our daughter's dog, so we picked it up from the breeder in MO, kept it a couple of weeks, and then our SiL's parents took it to Nicaragua to our daughter. We got down there about 2 weeks later and the dog went bananas remembering us. Was a really good feeling!
  6. Yes, I think this would be good to have as a handy reference. Here is some info on the different ratios on the 4 speed overdrive Tremec gear boxes: http://www.f150hub.com/trans/t170-smod-srod-tod.html I'll see what I can do, but you need to keep (get?) me honest as I am not fully up to speed on the transmission options.
  7. Jonathan - I'm not sure of that. Maybe I should check. But, it is coming out anyway as the ZF is going in. And that 3rd gear is really way too low. I take most street corners in 3rd when not towing, so once you are rolling it is really a two-speed tranny. And 4th is good from 25 MPH up, so there isn't much shifting.
  8. Nope. Do you guys think this info might be good to pretty up, add the other transmissions, and put on the website?
  9. Welcome! Glad you found us, and look forward to meeting you in September. Hopefully you can bring a few more with you. By the way, where does your friend live from the BD fire station. We have friends from church that live ~1/4 mile due west of it - the Neals. As for the newer computerized stuff, there was an era where it was particularly hard to work on. That era started in mid-85 with the EFI'd 302 and ended in ~'96. Most, if not all, of those ran the EEC-IV system w/o OBD-II, so while the systems worked well when they worked they couldn't easily tell us what the problem was when things went wrong since the user interface was Ford-specific. However, starting in about '96, depending on location and engine, Ford brought in the EEC-V system with OBD-II, the standardized plug and diagnostic interface. And with that diagnosing problems became much easier since an app on a smart phone and a blue-tooth adapter can let the shade-tree mechanic determine what the computer is seeing. I'm almost 71 and know my way around a carburetor, but my offspring doesn't. So I'm converting my trucks to EEC-V, and when problems arise someone can plug the adapter in, fire up the app, and find out that the right O2 sensor is going bad, or whatever.
  10. I was testing you ..... yea that's it, my story and I am sticking to it LOL I was wrong and I changed my post it should be 5000 - 5150. I was able to get the right calipers in the next town over but I am foster puppy, 2 of them, sitting and hate to crate them when I am out in the garage. The garage is not safe for them, the wife had had them out there when walking them. You watch them more than working. Dave ---- I had a teacher like that once. Whenever we pointed out an error he said he was testing us. I usually was the one that pointed it out. Anyway, glad you got it figured out. As for the puppies, we did that for our daughter for a couple of weeks. Loved the dog, but it sure was refreshing when it was over.
  11. Yes, please send the log - at your convenience. I plan to buy the Core Tuning package in a few weeks so want to start thinking about that again. But 16:1 is a bit lean, although if the engine doesn't mind I guess it isn't a problem. I'd think that is on the verge of stalling with a cold engine, but if it works.... By the way, USPS didn't deliver the plenum yesterday. But they did deliver the 1982 Facts Organizer Jonathan sent, so they did come by.
  12. Sounds like you have the clamp issue sorted. 200 HP in that vehicle would certainly be snappy! And 300 would probably be scary. It sounds like you are doing something like you do with Core Tuning's software on the computer on that one. Right?
  13. I think I see the problem - the names are below the pin, so your name overlays Vinny's pin. Click on your pin, the one right on where you live. Is that a different pin than you've been clicking? As for Dan, I'll contact the "irregulars", slowly, and see if I can get their permission to add them to the map.
  14. In the diesel circles you hear a LOT of bad, bad things about the E4OD... but I think most of the problems are electrical and have to do with the control module. On the mechanical side I think the upgrades do wonders, and many of the “upgrades” became standard in later versions as you are finding out. In all honesty I should probably consider an E4OD for my diesel since my power level exceeds what the 13” south bend will hold, and my ZF needs rebuilt. I guess I just like rowing gears even though it’s not my best option. One thing I've been wondering about is the gear ratios of the various transmissions, so I put together the chart below based on info from this Gear Vendors page. So, going from a diesel ZF5 to an E4OD makes a huge difference in 1st, with the E4OD's 1st being closer to the ZF's 2nd. Yes, you have the torque converter for slippage and some multiplication, but.... In my case on Big Blue, I think the T19 to gas ZF5 swap is going to be perfect. I'll get a 12% lower 1st gear, so crawling will be even slower - especially in 4Lo. Second is only 3% taller, so starting in 2nd will still be easy. And third is 10% taller, which I like because I find the T19's 3rd to be too low when towing. There's just too big of a gap between 3rd and 4th, so the taller gear will be welcome. All in all, I think the E4OD is going to be perfect for Dad's truck, and the ZF5 will be perfect for Big Blue. Win/win! But for your diesel and the towing you will do, I think the ZF5 is the better choice.
  15. Rum! There is a "procedure" in Newfoundland of being "Screeched In" when you visit;). I work for (and with) Newfoundlanders and will be traveling over there in a couple weeks to go offshore. Hey Vinny, next time you're passing through NS, can you bring me some Bakeapples?...lol. Ahhh! That makes sense. Thanks.
  16. I would have thought that's "dancing", not "walking". But it is no fun! Anyway, I'm confused. You said "I also learned non-power calipers for 4600-4700 lb trucks (mine) are the same as the power 5500-5600 lb trucks." But I don't see calipers for 5500-5600 lbs trucks in the catalog. What am I missing?
  17. I wouldn't have thought that 15:1 was very lean during warm up. I'm assuming that "warm up" means open loop, and that during that time it is just running off the tables - right? So, you could tweak the tables and dial it in if needed. How much does that AFR vary due to temp? I assume that the colder it gets the leaner it is. Or, do the tables include temp? What about atmospheric pressure? Just thinking ahead.....
  18. That's a lot of pressure for those clamps. Are you going to change to other clamps? If so, what? The wiring change is a good upgrade. But I'm surprised, although glad, that you could find good copper to solder to. I guess yours just isn't old enough to have tarnished. Or maybe later wiring is better? That's a bummer about the transaxle. What mod's have you done to it?
  19. Cool! Are you guys related? So, Vinny winters in the north and summers in the south? And, what's Screech?
  20. Bill - I'm confused. If I click on the pin that has your name beside it then it takes me to your info. Please try it again, and refresh your page before you do.
  21. Dennis/Whisler - See if you are ok with the location Google chose for Campbell County. Don/Pebcak - I'm not placing anyone on the map w/o their consent. They may not want it shared, so I'll wait to do so until they say it is ok and, for that matter, what that location should be. As for a list, have you tried clicking the icon on the very left of the header bar? I'm trying to keep that list alphabetical based on first names or, if I don't know the first name, the "handle".
  22. I'm hearing/reading very good things about the E4OD. Glad of that because I have one.
  23. Don - Sounds like eating heaven! All - I think the Member's Map is here to stay. So, I've made some changes to it: First, I made an executive decision and did away with the Willing To Help label on the map so everyone is equal. I suspect most, if not all, of us are willing to help and not having that label implies one isn't. Second, given the map I'd like to do away with the listing of members on the Willing To Help thread. In fact, I think we ought to rename the thread Member's Map. My thinking is that's the thread I'd like to use to have people sign up for being on the map. But, I'd like to hear from y'all on that, please. Third, I've put the map on a page on the website: Bullnose Forum/Member's Map Forth, I've played around with the width of the map on the Member's Map page: . I now have it just about as wide as it can go w/o losing something - as far as I can tell. So, please try it on various devices and see what you think. Fifth, I've changed the link that comes up if you click on a person's pin. Now, instead of going to the page about a person and from there having to click on the Email link, I've placed the email link within the pin. So, there's one less step. But, in doing so I realized that the email link cannot be used by non-members. And, I like that as my priorities are to Bullnose Forum members.
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