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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Stairs and handrail. Then I have to go get all my stuff out of my mother's garage. I've got shelves and tools and a car lift over there. I will do concrete, but I am paying cash for all this as I go, so I need to let the old wallet refill before doing that. May 8th we are having my grandmother's 80th birthday party at my place, and she wanted a barn party. Granny is still going strong at 80, still driving and living like she always has. Glad to see that there's still life at 80 - that's only 9 years away. Be careful how much you move in before having the floor poured. It is a pain getting everything out to do the floor, and you may not want to do that. But rolling the lift, or even a car, is going to be difficult. But the stairs and hand rail are a good addition as you can then carry things up safely.
  2. The radiator support is different. I compared Huck's '90 support to the Bullnose one that Jonathan brought me and the only obvious difference was the headlight openings. The Bullnose support uses the buckets and has places for the Nylon pads and the springs and adjusting bolts. But the Bricknose has an elongated opening that takes the wraparound headlight/turn signal unit. Ray's done or is doing the cab swap, and Bill did the interior part for Darth.
  3. You don't have a hoarding problem! You have a wonderful opportunity to store potential projects, an opportunity most of us don't have. I love it! But, you have a Bacaruda? A '68, which would have the round marker lights? As for Core Tuning, I'm getting ready to buy their package. And, I hope I can get them to come to my show. Maybe you could come and we can sit with them to understand it a bit better?
  4. You are now literally "on the map". But, you aren't all that close to Mark. At least we know where you are. And, by the way, the guys out west sometimes find really nice trucks for cheap, so let us know what you find. The eBay & Craigslist Finds folder is the place for those things. Also, this forum is unusual in the way it notifies you of posts. You might want to read the Subscriptions thread on that. But I can send you a link in an email that will subscribe you if you'd like.
  5. Yes, I like the bullet-hole wheels the best as well. That bed looks great! And an Explorer like Big Blue no less. So, what is the cross-eyed truck? As for the engine, I think Paul said "Say, ain't we walking down the same street together On the very same day?" What's your plan on the computer? Core Tuning?
  6. You must have had a pretty stout clutch in them to split the tube. I've rebuilt several on these trucks and the tubes were in good shape but the plastic bushings were GONE and the metal below them was badly worn. Changed all the pivots over to sintered bronze and I suspect they would last a long time.
  7. Excellent! So, what's the next step in the project?
  8. Dave - You had quite a day! But that truck is jealous, so you need to baby it a bit more. And, well done on the engine-side pivot. Been there, done that. Lots of work and it'll wear out that Nylon bushing if you don't keep it lubed. But it has more feel than the hydraulic linkage when it works.
  9. Bill - Just like being home. I get no respect. (Sorry, Rodney.) Kevin - Glad it helped. It isn't all that difficult, but takes a bit to "click". Let me know if you need more help or have questions. Oh yes, Kevin. Would you like to be on the Member's Map? Give me a city and I'll put you on. Who knows, maybe you are close to Dyn Blin.
  10. Vinny - Has to be under 1 Mb. I use an editor and reduce the size that way.
  11. Ray - You beat me to it as you are now subscribed at the top level. Well done! And, glad you've figured out where the password problem is. Thanks.
  12. Please don't "sir" me. I just happen to be crazy enough to have a forum and a website, not to mention a penchant for Bullnose trucks. But I'm just one of the guys. So, tell me more about the problems finding things? I consider the view below the main page. And you can get to it by clicking the Gary's Garagemahal that pops into view when you scroll up or down. So, let's assume I put this thread into the New Members Start Here folder shown below. To get to it click that folder's name and you'll see the threads/topics the other new members have started, with the newest at the top. You can click on any of them to read them, and when you want to go back you can go to the top and either click on the New Members Start Here link in the center, or click on the Bullnose Enthusiasts link to the left. Does that help?
  13. I wasn't aware that subscriptions changed then. But anyway, glad you are now getting them again. I think the way this forum (Nabble) works on subscriptions is backwards, but it is what it is as they are busily working on a new version and this one is in maintenance mode. So, we will have to live with what we have and then see if the new one is better.
  14. Wow! I'm sure glad I kept pestering or we never would have seen this story. Or, maybe what I should call the "opening chapter" of this story as it obviously isn't over. It is sad when you lose that companion. Been there, done that, and still tear up when I think about it, years later. I agree that the later wiring layout is much cleaner. Huck's wiring was much more simple, and the '96 harnesses that you and Mark/Dyn Blin sent me will certainly allow me to clean up the wiring on both Big Blue and Dad's truck. But I still like the old-school dash of the Bullnose era, so I'll have what I think is the best of both worlds. It looks like between the two trucks at the top of that post you might have had one set of wheels. Were they really mixed up that way or did you take a set to get the trucks rolling? As for the engine, you certainly have choices. But the Explorer engine is a roller, right? That and those heads would be a good combo. Ok, so now we've read Chapter 1. When do we get the next installation?
  15. Kevin - Welcome to the Bullnose Forum! Those look like excellent projects, but the '80 looks like a bit more of a project than the '85. However, looks can be deceiving. I'm tempted to ask what your plans are for each truck, but that could take a while and this is sort of an introduction thread. So, I have a couple of suggestions: Let's treat this as an intro thread and you tell us more about you, like where you are, what is going on with you, and maybe a little bit about your truck plans. And, with your approval, I suggest I move this thread to the New Members Start Here folder where most of the introductions are. Then, when it is convenient, you start a thread for each truck here in the main body of the forum, like you've done for this thread. That way you can document your plans, accomplishments, etc for each truck and have a record. Or, if they are short-term projects that you aren't keeping maybe just telling us about them in the What Have You Done To Your Truck Today thread. Anyway, whatever you decide is fine. There is no set protocol for where things go, and this is your thread. GO FOR IT!
  16. The rivets might have changed by '97, but when I took my door apart I used a punch to drive the stud out (back into the door), then drilled out the aluminum rivet easily. I'll have to try that next time. Would be a lot easier and leave a cleaner hole.
  17. I don't know that it would do the job, but it looks like it would. But, at about $136 it costs more then an Arduino, which could do a lot more than interface the fuel system. And it is a lot more than Ray's transistor approach. But, if you need it.... Ray - I'm replying to my post to test that you get notified now that you've subscribed. Anyway, I think your transistor plan is a good one, and with a top and bottom pot you should be able to dial in Full and Empty, or 1/4 and 3/4, or whatever. And, it has to be a lot less expensive than either the Custom Instruments device or the Arduino. Having said that, I'll probably still go with the Arduino. I've been wanting to use one of those for something for quite a while, and this is a good chance. Plus, it would let me monitor and alarm lots of other things. I'd like to do away with the aftermarket gauges for Dad's truck, and maybe even Big Blue, and the Arduino would allow that. And if I can find the right display to go in the clock windows I can use a button to step through all of the display options, like volts, oil pressure, water temp, and even outside temp if I want. Plus, I can set high and low level alarms for water temp and oil pressure and have the Arduino sound an alarm as well as bring on the Check Engine light.
  18. Ray - You may be subscribed to a thread/topic, but you aren't subscribed to the whole of the Bullnose Forum nor any of the sub-forums like Resources, New Members Start Here, Projects, etc. So you will not be getting notifications of new topics nor new posts - unless those posts are in direct response to a post of yours. All - Nabble works in a very strange way it seems to me. Unless you overtly subscribe at some level the only notifications you will receive are due to someone replying to your post. However, I can send any or all of you a subscription invitation and with one click you will be subscribed to the forum and get email notifications. If you want me to send you one then respond to this post. Please.
  19. I'll probably heat the area around the one that sticks out a ways and see if it'll come out. If so, then I'll weld something to the other one on that plenum, let it cool, and then heat that aluminum and see if it'll come out. That way I'll have another good one for someone. But, I'm cutting the EGR lump off of the one you sent, milling it down, taping the hole, and plugging it up. Should look pretty clean and "factory".
  20. Heinz - Don't miss his new thread here: http://forum.garysgaragemahal.com/Finally-brought-the-bullnose-home-td9865.html
  21. It would be cool if those fenders could be recreated. And I'll bet you can easily peddle those fenders if you buy them.
  22. Did you try it from home? Did the problem persist? On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 10:35 AM, Ray Cecil [via Bullnose Enthusiasts] <redacted_email_address> wrote:
  23. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's very good news! And, it is a very nice looking truck. Is there anything you have to do to it, or is it just enjoy? And, I understand "vice", although mine is sometimes called an obsession.
  24. I really dislike all this data collection and tracking stuff that is so common these days. We have to just get used to some of it and learn to live with it unfortunately. Even if your vehicle isn't tracking everything, your mobile phone is already doing it...even more than we care to admit or think about. I've listened to and read some interesting discussions on our devices (potentially) listening to our conversations...and not just when on the phone either. Some people say it is already happening, some argue that it is not. I do however really enjoy and appreciate the capability of today's car stereos...or whatever they're called now...entertainment centers?>..lol. I'm still driving an old VW diesel (2006 model, sold new in 2007) and I plan to keep driving it for years to come. Eventually I'll have to buy something newer with all of the modern tricks and trinkets, but for now I'll keep pretending it's decades away...lol. How about a trade off? I'd be more accepting of the newer technology if they'd at least give me the option of having a vehicle with a manual transmission;). Yes, we are being tracked. Both my wife and I've had experiences where we've looked at something in a store, like Walmart, and then gotten home and have adverts on Facebook for that thing. We didn't Google it, we didn't email about it, and we didn't take a pic of it. But it showed up. So, call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think we are being tracked more than we think.
  25. Thanks! So selfless to offer to drive it up. Anyway, thanks for checking with folks. I forgot to say that when I was talking to Cory Marshall at 4WD Parts I mentioned that LMC has gotten me stuff and NPD said they would, but that I've not heard back from Jeff's Bronco Graveyard. He said "I'll tell what'shisname (I didn't catch it)." In other words, he knows people at JBG and will alert them!
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