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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. I have the ability to hide a page from the menu. So that would constitute "just storing each TSB on its own page somewhere". In other words, the TSB's would be on the website but not accessible via the menu. Is that what you meant? And we sorta have the "page with a search menu (similar to BBB's) above a long list of TSB links in numerical order with titles & descriptions" in the form of the index spreadsheet. However, it doesn't have the TSB's in numerical order. Instead it has them in alpha order within each of Ford's 9 categories. And, we have the search function. In the example below, which is the first 26 entries in the index spreadsheet, I've hit Control-F and brought up the search function within the browser - just like the instructions at the top of the page say. And I've typed in the word "improperly" and the computer says there are 2 instances of that word in the index, and it has highlighted the first instance in orange. Plus, you can cycle to them with the up/down arrows. (And if you type in "transmission" it'll currently find 136 instances of that, although as we add TSB's that aren't yet in the index that count will go up.) So here's what I propose: We hide all TSB pages but the index spreadsheet from the menu. So when you hit TSB's in the menu you'll find the index and can search for what you need, like a key word in the description or the TSB # if you know that. Does that work?
  2. So the "front" and "rear" in the info I posted would apply to the front and rear shoes of the front brakes. That's kinda what I thought, but even the illustrations don't really help on that. Thanks. As for the info, we are on the same page - leave it in.
  3. Angelo - I know very little about the C6, but I'll suggest a few things. First, I agree that either you have a stretched cable or one that is out of adjustment. I say that because if the linkage only pulls the tranny down into 2nd it'll start out in 2nd. Second, the lack of upshift at WOT may well be due to the kickdown linkage. If you have it adjusted too far it might keep it from shifting until very high RPM. I don't know that, but it would be an easy try to either back off the linkage or take it of entirely to test the theory. As for the converter not being able to take the load, while they did use different converters behind different engines, the more powerful engines actually had a lower stall speed. But, if you are over-powering the torque converter all that will happen is that your stall speed will go up - and you'll heat things up very rapidly. I think the pop and sputter/bog is due to the air/fuel mix being off, and probably lean. The accelerator pump is supposed to cover the difference in mass of the air vs fuel, so when you hit the throttle hard the lighter air rushes in sooner than the heavier fuel, thereby leaning the mix. Perhaps your accelerator pump isn't covering that gap and you need to adjust it. Your signature doesn't say anything about your engine or the carb, so I can't suggest how to adjust the pump, but most carbs have that ability.
  4. What does "push-pull" mean? That you pull a button out to set it?
  5. On second thought, the idea of going to a by-year instead of a by-category scheme isn't much help as there aren't that many more years involved than categories. If we assume that the bulk of the TSB's will have been issued during 1980 - 89 , then there would only be 10 years to spread the ~1,000 TSB's across instead of the 9 categories, and that's not much help. However, perhaps if we use the bulletin dates as a second layer it would help, although we'll still have ~25 bulletins nested under each year, and there's really no rhyme nor reason as to why a TSB is in a given bulletin, so that doesn't help anyone find them. In fact, it actually makes it worse. So I'm still at a loss as to how to categorize 1,000 TSB's. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. I added another document to the Interchange/Brakes page today. It is on tabs Front Brakes and then Pads/Shoes. This area is a bit confusing as it shows both "front" and "rear" on there, but the part number of 2001 appears to be front brakes. And there's another set of pages that are for part number 2018, which appears to be the rear brakes, although I don't yet have it scanned. Is perhaps the reference to front and rear the front shoe and the rear shoe on the front brakes? Do any of you know? Also, I've included the whole set of pages from that catalog even though it starts in 1951. But the first reference to Bullnose trucks is on Page 5 and the 1975 trucks. So, I could delete the first 4 pages but they really don't hurt anything and might help someone. Similarly the last Bullnose reference is on Page 14 so I could cut off the last 18 pages. But, they don't hurt anything and you don't have to scroll past Page 14 if you aren't interested. Thoughts?
  7. Thanks, Steve. I've downloaded and saved all of those files in my Unprocessed folder. And between us we have 39 TSB's in there that haven't been put up on the website. But, since that is a slow and tedious process I'm saving doing that until I have some in-the-arm-chair time, like Super Bowl Sunday. Also, I've just been contacted by an individual that has these TSBs that he wants to donate: 9/74-1/78, 1978-1979, 1980-1981, 1982-1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990,1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, and a couple of index books. They are in 23 binders and he estimates that collectively they weigh ~275 lbs. Shipping was going to be expensive, but he has a friend that is going to be driving through Oklahoma in about 10 days and he thinks he will bring them. So, if this comes about we should have ALL of the TSBs we'd ever need. And I'll have my work cut out for me to scan all of them and get them on the website. The enormity of this project is overwhelming. When we started the website had about 500 pages. We now have over 550 as each TSB takes a page. So, if there are 1000 TSBs then we'll have 1500 pages to the site when this project is done - without adding other pages. But, I think there's a hidden problem - the menu system won't support having that many things nested under each of the headings. For instance, assuming an even distribution, each of Ford's 9 categories (Body/Windnoise/Leaks/Trim, etc) will have over 100 TSBs nested under it. I'm wondering if we need to change the indexing to have TSBs nested by year and by date/bulletin. Thoughts?
  8. Not a bad price. Put a Bullnose front clip on it and enjoy a solid truck.
  9. Good story! And extremely well written. Reminds me of a story I read a few years ago somewhere else. As for Okiehoma, you didn't mention the name of the town where the truck, and your grandparents, lived. Nor it proximity to me. Now on to the question: A couple of carb kits might be good to store up, and even a replacement carb as they do wear out. And the ignition module, coil, and pickup module in the distributor might be good. But what about a whole distributor, which would include the pickup? Beyond that, I dunno. I would expect radiators, mufflers, wheel bearings, et al to be readily available so wouldn't see a need to stockpile them.
  10. Bill - Welcome! That's really low mileage. Should be a very nice truck, and the 351HO, which is what the 4bbl version was called, was a sweet spot in my estimation as it had the least amount of emissions "stuff" on it of all the engines. And glad the site is helping. I assume you've found this page on the carb: Fuel Systems/Carburetors, Chokes, & EFI/4180C. And the one on 85/86 Fuel System Adjustments. But what about Page 53 in the 1985 EVTM? That has the wiring diagram for the choke circuits, and they have to work correctly in order for the choke plate to go vertical. As for Florida, we have a member's map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map) and I'd be happy to add you if you just give me your town.
  11. That looks like it says E0TE 9C675-A and -B. I don't know exactly what that is as here's what I find in the catalog. But if anyone is really interested I can look it up in the cross-reference book.
  12. That's a good looking piece of carpet. If I weren't going with all new carpet I'd snag that for Dad's truck.
  13. Did the smoke ONLY appear during cranking? Or did it look like it had been smoking for a while, and just blew out where you could see it when the fan started spinning? The first thing that suggests is a poor block ground. Bummer! That does tend to destroy confidence. But Steve's suggestion/question is a good one - block ground. Anyway, sorry for the problem, but it is just another ring of onion for the Bloomin' Onion you are creating for a celebration.
  14. Thanks, Jonathan. I knew there were several differences, but had forgotten the cable one. And the year when the changes happened. Well done.
  15. With speed control the switch on the steering wheel has 3 connections to make everything work, as shown here: Electrical/EVTM/1985 EVTM/Horn, and shown below. You can see the three connections on the right: to the horn relay; to ground; and to the speed control module. You should be able to connect one wire from your switch to the horn relay (dark blue wire) and the other to ground (black wire) and get it to work, although you won't have speed control. And having no connection to the speed control won't cause a problem.
  16. I added two documents to the Interchange/Brakes page today: A 4-page document on front rotors only. Yes, there is a part number for a "rotor and hub" and a part number for just a "hub". So I set up tabs for Rotor & Hub and Hub Only. An 8-page document on rear drums only. Yep, there is a part number for drum & hub, and another part number for the hub only. So I added tabs for them as well.
  17. I do plan to leave it there, but the question is where else to put it or, as you suggest, links to it. Anyway, the info isn't year-specific. The items it discusses were used in all the Bullnose years - except for the Dana 60, which appears to have been discontinued for '86. But I could add links to the info in the places where I suggested the specific sections of the document be placed. Does that make sense? Did I misunderstand?
  18. Yes sir, you're right. I dunno...around here a non-running 302 with unknown history is only worth it's weight in scrap metal. At least if it is running I can check/verify compression and oil pressure, and it's value will increase...at least a little bit...lol. Is that the 1985 pressure sensitive trim I've read you guys talking about Gary?...lol. Anyway...all I was really after was the 4x4 running gear. We'll see what happens if we can get the old pig to run. Yes, that's the pressure-sensitive trim.
  19. You are absolutely right - it is UGLY! However, there are LOTS of good parts on there. And if you can get it running then it'll be worth far more that if not. Good luck, and keep us posted.
  20. The HVAC control won't be easy to swap, assuming that's an '85 or '86. I don't remember all of the differences, but I think you'll have to go back and get the vacuum lines that connect to it. My memory says the '85/86 ones have a different connector to the HVAC controls and won't work. But if you get the vacuum lines and the associated connector then you can swap it into your truck. Also, there's something about the switch that's different, if I remember correctly. Maybe Jonathan/Ford F834 will remember?
  21. That's great Gary, thank you. My apologies...I didn't mean for anybody to have to take the effort to actually look it up...I thought it might have been one of those things that you knew off the top of your head;). No, my head is . That's 'cause I'm waaaaaaay in, far over my head in documentation. I just posted a new thread asking for help on the tip of the iceberg on that subject. But, there are two more similar documents that I've had scanned and will, soon process. However, "process" is way to simple of a word. I had the people doing the scanning take the booklet apart and scan it that way. But, that gave me 30 pdf pages, each of which held two pages for a 70-page document. And, they aren't adjacent. So, it took hours to duplicate each page and then crop it to keep only the appropriate one. Plus, on the TSB front Keith Dickson (Mr FORDification) found me a trove of TSBs from the late 70's to the late 90's. But, they are in Michigan. And there are probably 500 booklets/25,000 pages and they fill up 22 large 3-ring binders. So, shipping looks EXPENSIVE. Given that, there may be a road trip in the offing. Meanwhile I'm trying to scan in some of the interchange pages as they look REALLY useful to folks. So, you can see why my brain isn't about to retain anything, much less torque values. So, I'd rather give you the real thing rather than what I think it is.
  22. Darin/Oz Econoline had a bunch of documentation shipped to me to capture, and I've just put up the first one thereof up on the site: 1980 Truck Service Highlights - Chassis. I've put it in Literature/1980 Literature/1980 Truck Service Highlights - Chassis. But, as you'll see, it covers all years of the Bullnose, as well as many other, trucks since it includes: Proper adjustment procedures on the park brake linkage Rebuild procedures for the Dana 60 rear axle Rebuild procedures for the NP208 transfer case Rebuild procedures for the BW1345 transfer case So, my question to you is where it really should go in the overall menu scheme? Or, how we should link to it? One approach would be to hive off the sections and put them in their appropriate spots in the menu - but leave the whole document where it is now. In other words: Park brake linkage pages would go in Driveline/Brakes and on a new tab called Parking Brake under the Rear Brakes tab. Dana 60 would go in Driveline/Axles & Differentials and on the Rear Axles & Differentials tab on a new tab called, oddly enough, Dana 60. But the transfer case info is another issue as we already have repair procedures for both transfer cases. However, this new set of procedures provides slightly different information, so may well be useful. So, what I propose is to put it on the Driveline/Transfer Case page on new tabs under the correct transfer case's tab. What do you think? Is that a good plan? Got another one? I'm all eyes.
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