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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. I'm dense. Sorry. But I don't understand "forward facing page" nor "upgrades folder". Please try me again? As for a drilling down to diagnose their alternator, when they get to the EVTM there are no words. Or, maybe I should say "no words I can modify". There are words in the EVTM on how to test, as shown below, but in reality those are pictures of words and they aren't something I can edit. I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm just trying to understand.
  2. I think you mean 😈 It's racing season, and if smoothing the inside of the header and keeping the gasses hot is good for 3%, or even .003 seconds per run, it's worth it! What did Alan have to say about L&L's headers rubbing the frame? I really despise fender exit headers that run out below the rocker, but at least they keep heat away from the starter. I probably meant , , , and Didn't ask him about them hitting the frame. Didn't think of it. But the engine was sitting low on the driver's side. So I know I can shim with 1/4 plate and level the engine as well as get it off the frame - if I need to do so. As for the racing, you are right. Any advantage and they'll take it. How much advantage did Penske gain by going to 4-bolt wheels over 5-bolt? Not much, but everything adds up.
  3. Ok, we have a page: Documentation/Bulnose Upgrades. (By naming it that I could put it #3 in the list and still keep the alpha order. ) It is just a start and I want to kick some ideas around before going very far with it to ensure I get it right and don't have to backtrack. For instance, the only thing that has a link right now is the 3G, and I added a blurb beside it. Is it too much? Will having blurbs beside each one make the page too long? Are blurbs even needed? And, is there a need to order/re-order them? Alphabetically? Put priorities with them? Should they be grouped? ????????????????? So please check it out and see what you think.
  4. Good ideas, Jonathan. On the hydroboost, I'll have pics from Big Blue, so can show how to do it on an F250. Yours was on the F150, right? Maybe we can just note the differences?
  5. Yes, Dane, I did already know that. I am truly blessed, and I thank God for her daily. Today's update: The headers are on order and HPC Jet-Hot is expecting them. Now for the details. I spoke with Roger again at HPC Jet-Hot and found that the lead time is running 3 weeks right now. UGH! The issue is that racing season is on us and everyone needs their headers done. But he thinks they'll get it down to 2 weeks soon. Then I spoke to Alan (x303) at L&L and ordered the headers. These are the same headers as I had, but just have a different flange. So they'll bolt to the exhausts I have for start-up and break-in of the cam. However, they build the headers to suit, and I don't want EGR so they'll leave that fitting off. And they don't put O2 sensor bungs in the headers. Instead they put them in the reducer flange, and are going to put bungs in both for me since EEC-V uses one on each side. (It'll also use a third one behind the cat, but since I don't have a cat I have that one turned off in the ECU.) Having said that, Alan wasn't aware that the '96 & '97 CA 460's got EEC-V. He was in CA in '94 to get CA certification on their headers and he well remembers only one O2 sensor so was surprised when I asked for two. Also, he explained why I didn't have leaks with the gaskets nor loosened bolts - the 1/2" thick flanges. Anything less and the tubes heat the flange up too much and warp it. That causes the bolts to back out and it causes leaks. Anyway, their lead time is running about a week, so I'm looking at about a month before getting the headers. Guess I'd better work on other things on Big Blue, and there are plenty of them to do. Oh, and now for a bit of farcical thinking. I found a statement that says the coating increases HP by 3%. If you assume that it also increases efficiency by the same amount and assume that the non-coated MPG will be 13, then the coated will be 13.4 MPG. And, with $3/gallon gasoline the coating will pay for itself in 66,666 miles.
  6. Jim - I'm not high on another sticky, which is why I asked. Scott - I'm with you on having a page in the Doc section that is dedicated to Upgrades To Bullnose Trucks. (Jim - I see you've also agree.) It would have a title and thumbnail description of each upgrade, as well as a link to the page having the info on the upgrade. That will get found by the search engines, and they will also follow the links and catalog them. But, those links can be to threads if we don't yet have a page on the upgrade. Or to multiple threads. And, even if we have a page on the upgrade we might want to provide links to threads. For instance, on the 3G we have the page, but we also have several testimonials on how much difference it makes. So why not give them links to them as well? So the next question is where. I've alphabetized the pages in Documentation - at least I hope I have. So does it go under "U" for Upgrades? Or does it get stuck toward the top of the list?
  7. Just to be clear, we are talking about a sticky, right? Not a "thread". Something that one of us creates, locks, and manages. Correct? We have Angelo's Necessities List? thread that could be the genesis of it? If so, the "upgrades" listed there are: Did I capture them correctly? Miss some?
  8. You aren't that far away, but it is amazing how much more "weather" you get. We watch the snow/ice/sleet skim across north of us and hit you, time after time. And 9 degrees! We were "only" 17 last night.
  9. Scott - They come with a 30a fuse, right? Other than that they are just right for the choke relay or for headlight relays. Buy a set of 6 and use 1 or 2 and have spares. The only thing I wish is that the fuse holder was part of the socket and not part of the relay. That way you could use other relays and still be protected.
  10. So that's what it looks like! Thanks, Scott. Don't think I've ever seen it before. Btw, what's the white stuff on the roof?
  11. I'll take lifting the cab into consideration. It really isn't too difficult, especially with the lift. I can drop the truck onto the tires, pull the 4 bolts, use the lift to raise the cab a bit, and block it up with 2x4's. Then pick the truck up again to put the truck back up in the air on the lift.
  12. Steve - Thanks. Do they have the built-in fuse? That is what makes the ones Scott found so appealing, with fuse, relay, and socket as one.
  13. Should be a hydro clutch. The 460's and IDI's got the hydro in '83 when they came out, and everything else got it in '84. Odd that it has a York/Techumseh A/C compressor, as the factory air got the Sanden in '82. So that must have been part of the dealer-installed A/C package. Wonder why the front is level with the back? I like it, but that's not the way Big Blue was.
  14. Looking good! But, you have me worried. I don't yet have the new/replacement headers but already have the tranny in. Perhaps I'd better get onto that ASAP.
  15. Well, it seems the feedback is split. Some for an individual page, like we have now, and some for it being on the Power Steering page. I think I want to leave it where it is for a while, for two reasons. First, it would take some time to move it, and I need to get back to Big Blue. Second, so the search engines can find it, which they don't seem to do with content that is deep on the page due to lots of tabs. Vic - I've added key words on many pages that have tabs and from what I've seen the search engines don't reward info in key words the way they do content itself. And they don't seem to find tabbed content. And your suggestion of changing the font and reducing the cell padding is good. But the key words, font, and cell padding are all part and parcel of an overall usability vs SEO optimization discussion. It is one we seriously need to have, but not in this thread. Let me think about this and I'll start another thread that will delve into this aspect of the site. Thanks. Jonathan - I think the Saginaw Conversion page's location is consistent with the 3G page. For the Sag it is Doc/Suspension & Steering/Steering/Saginaw Upgrade. For the 3G it is Doc/Electrical/3G. But I don't think we have a page on Hydroboost upgrades, do we? We have discussions about it here in the forum, but no page on it in the Doc section. But, we should and either you or Jim, IIRC, said I'd do it when done with Big Blue. I'm happy to do that and can also do the 460 Saginaw part of it as well. As for where it should go, I guess in light of the above discussion maybe it should be a page on its own in Doc/Driveline/Brakes/Hydroboost Upgrade? Jim - I'm not averse to a folder with links, but where would you suggest we put it? A new sticky? And what is an "upgrade"? Does a D60 qualify? How 'bout converting from a Bricknose to a Bullnose? Just trying to understand the guidelines.
  16. Scott - I was afraid a single would cost almost as much as the 6-pack, so I think I'll point that out on that page and let the reader choose. But I also need to add that the relay should be kept close to the source of power, like the starter relay, as the fuse is at the relay and if there's a short in the wire running to the relay it'll melt down. Having said that, even the wire running to a fuse holder is unprotected, so as long as the wire is kept short it is fine. And I think your upgrade on the 460 is a good one. Whisler - Yes, individual power feeds is an issue with something like this. I think Jim ran into that with his power distribution box. So having something with a buss in it would be nice.
  17. That's neat, and I'll be thrilled to put it on the site. We have a page in Electrical called Speed Control and it would probably be best there. But, as it is an accessory we could have a page in Accessories for it.
  18. Ok, sports fans, let's see what you think of what we have on the Choke tab here: Documentation/Electrical/3G Conversions. We can embellish it, improve it, etc but we have a start. Please tell me what to change, add, etc.
  19. I guess I need to change that fuse then. Thanks! As for the relays, that's a slick system. While I'm typing on the 3G page, do you know if they have a single or double-relay pack? I realize that $20 for 6 relays and fuses is cheap, but I'm exploring options for the page.
  20. We have a page called Saginaw Conversions here: Documentation/Suspension & Steering/Steering/Saginaw Conversions. Today I did a bit of reorganizing in the Steering section and debated what to do with that page. Here are the options I'm thinking of, but would like your opinions. Leave it where it is. The advantage with this approach is that it can be found by search engines. Fold it into the Power Steering page on the Pumps tab. That is cleaner, neater, but apparently won't be found by search engines. Thoughts?
  21. What VIN decoder are you using? The one on here is directly from Ford's master parts catalog.
  22. Yesterday David sent me a link and asked if I had this book: 1980 FORD POWER STEERING SYSTEM OPERATION & DIAGNOSIS FACTORY TRAINING MANUAL. I don't have it, but got to looking it over, at least what of it I could see in the advert, and then compared it to the sections on steering in the 1985 FSM. Turns out that book has 39 pages and the FSM has 56 pages covering the same things. So I thanked him but opted out. Today I got to thinking about that and realized that I only had less than 1/2 day in the shop before Janey and I headed to Tulsa for our Valentine's day out. And, I didn't really want to get too dirty. So I decided to scan those sections in from the '85 FSM. But, that took a significant revision to the Document/Suspension & Steering/Steering section as it was a bit wonky. (Things get that way when you just tack pages on.) You can see what we have now by looking at the menu, but here are the sections I added in Steering: (NOTE: If you don't do a refresh you may see a mix of old and new in the menu.) General Steering Service Manual Steering Gear Box Power Steering Gear Box: This is on the Power Steering page on the Steering Gear tab. C-II: This is on the Power Steering page on the Pumps tab. Saginaw: This is on the Power Steering page on the Pumps tab. Steering Linkage: This is on the page called Tie Rods & Drag Links. However, we still have a page on Saginaw Conversions, although the only engine that has info about it is the IDI. Not many seem to be following this thread, so I'm going to start a new thread about that page.
  23. Let's see if this looks better. What do y'all think? Is it good enough? Are we ready to move on to spec'ing the relay, the relay holder/socket, fuse holder, etc?
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