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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. I just tried on my bench power supply and my Tyco relays come in at about 6.5V. But that's a pure DC and I think the stator puts out a pulsing DC. And it is that pulse that gets read as 7V by most DVM's. Anyway, it would be good to know that similar relays to those in the link come in using the stator. Thanks!
  2. Thanks, Dave. I had no way to find those clips.
  3. Ha! Gary, I have both the 1984 and 1985 factory service manuals in PDF on my PC, so that is usually where I go for this stuff....I'm not sure if it's quicker or just habit, but I can zoom the PDF and then grab the image. My wife got me using the Windows Snipping Tool, and now I use it every day...usually multiple times, for work stuff and Bullnose stuff. I'm getting better at linking to your website...especially if info on a whole page is required...like paint codes, etc...but my default mode is to go directly to my own PDF's for smaller images. Cory - That makes sense. PDF gives you a very crisp picture, assuming a high resolution when it was created, and you can zoom in and still get a nice snag. Whatever works for you is best. I do it that way frequently as well. Snag something, circle the thing in question, and save it. I have a Misc folder and put all the one-off stuff in it. Once posted it won't be used again and I purge it every once in a while.
  4. The one on that other forum I posted a link to above. I just thought it odd it listed his 83 as a flare side but my 2 trucks, 1 a flare side, as reg or std cabs? Cant remember if I used yours or not as I was having a heck of a time just getting the VIN right for the other site between O & 0 and F & P from the cert labels LOL Dave ---- How 'bout trying the one on here and then let me know if you have similar problems?
  5. Excellent question, and one that I thought we had an answer to. But no. When I went to the Documentation/Exterior/Exterior Trim & Moulding page I found that you need retainer "JU". But we don't list the part number for that. I'm in the process of adding a page with the exterior moulding retainer part numbers, but for now you want # 375480-S102. And this Google search turned up several of them.
  6. They would be the wires that went to the switch in the driver's seat belt buckle. The switch is normally closed, and opens when the seat belt is buckled (Thus turning off the seat belt buzzer). Check the wire colors to confirm. Lower RH corner in the picture below. Good job, Cory. You took a screen shot, which allowed you to zoom in. That's more than I do - I just right click the pic, choose Copy Image Address, and paste that into the "Or copy an image from the Internet:" entry in the Insert Image popup, making sure I wipe out the existing http://. I'm lazy.
  7. Maybe. The stripes I've heard about have hardened and shrunk. But the tailgate letters might not have. Someone needs to measure things and set up a business using a Cricut.
  8. $7K is a pretty high for that year truck, which is essentially the same age as a Bullnose. But for a really clean one maybe the price is OK. However, we can't tell that with only one pic! Pictures are free, both to take and to include in the advert, so I don't understand posting only one.
  9. In my experience the stator voltage has always pulled the relay in. But, that's a good question on these new relays as it may vary by relay manufacturer. Scott, could you do a test since you have the relays?
  10. Frank - Thanks. It wasn't my idea. In fact, looking back on it I'm not exactly sure who had the idea, but several were involved. Cory - You have a good point about the MTOD-R2. Perhaps what we need is a page that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the different transmissions and then pages for how to swap in the options? IOW, a page that explains that the Bullnose era was during the realization by Ford that overdrives were needed for fuel economy. At the start of the era there were only these transmissions that had OD, but by the early 90's these transmissions were added. Thoughts? Stock amp gauge to voltmeter is covered in the 3G upgrade, but are you thinking it needs to stand alone? Steering shaft - good one! Delay wiper - we have that writeup already on the Wipers page, so I added that to the page. Sliding rear window latch - good one 8.8" Explorer diff cover - got it. All of this "work" is really, REALLY making me think about enlisting folks to get it done. If it is all single-threaded through me it'll never get done. As I think about it, maybe there are two levels of contributors. One would be an "author" that creates a Word document with all the verbiage and pictures. And another would be an "editor" that creates the web page and puts the words and pictures on it. Volunteers?
  11. Big Blue HAD a serious rake to him. Not sure what he's gonna have when his transformation is complete, but it better not be as bad.
  12. Vic - You are right about Google, and the anchor text approach is one that many have go to in order to get around the problem. However, that creates another problem - load time. Many of our highly-tabbed pages have lots of documents embedded on them, and if you put them all on the same page won't they all have to load before the users sees much of anything? That's not the case with tabbed content as it just has to load what's on that tab before you see it. I really struggle with this. Perhaps I need to re-create a page using anchor text and see how it works. As for outsourcing some of the labor, I've thought of that. Unfortunately, the plan I've signed up for, at $6/mo, does allow multiple Admins. But each Admin has access to the full site. However, for $12/mo I could upgrade to the Pro plan and that adds the option of having Authors, and I can limit which pages they can work on. Maybe it is time to do the upgrade. Thanks for the offer, but let me think on that just a bit. OK?
  13. With those paperweights over the front wheels why do you need power steering?
  14. Ok, I'll let everyone know what I do. But don't hold your breath as the headers won't be here for a month.
  15. These are 1983 only. The red was change for 1984, so these are a one-year wonder. And, they are not leather - despite the advertising.
  16. 80/82 U150 — w/power windows w/o heated backlite D8TZ 14529-C r/b E1TZ 14529-A #D8TB 14046-AD-key operated on tailgate
  17. We have a new page: Documentation/Bullnose Upgrades. This page will provide a thumbnail sketch of each upgrade as well as a link to the page on this site that contains info on the upgrade. But, you might be wondering what an upgrade is. Our definition is "An upgrade is a replacement for something that is already on the truck, or a different way of doing something that was already done on the truck." In other words, an add-on like fog lights isn't an upgrade, but replacing the wiring that drives the headlights with a relay harness is. And, as said the links will be to web pages on this site. In other words, not to threads on the forum or to other sites. But over time we plan to convert information from threads into web pages to which we'll have links on the Upgrades page. At this point we've gleaned this list of potential upgrade pages from Angelo's recent thread on Necessities, and would hope that we can get some traction on creating pages for these. But if you have suggestions to add to the list please let us know.
  18. Well, I think we have agreement on what an "upgrade" actually is. So I'll put that dafynition on that page. But, we have votes for doing the pages both ways. Not including me there are two votes for having the page of a list of Upgrades/links and leaving the pages themselves in their associated sections, vs one vote for the pages themselves being under the Upgrades page header. (I'm sure I said that poorly.) So, let's leave the pages on the upgrades in their respective sections and link to them from the new page. And, I agree that we should only put on that page links to what upgrade pages we have. So I'll clean that up in a bit. In addition, I agree with having a thread on this, so I'll start said thread when I introduce the page in a bit. As for the how-to's on things, we could have a How-To page and, keeping the same convention, put links on that page to the how-to pages. So, for instance, the How-To page would have a link to Salvaging Rosewood, which would remain in the Interior section.
  19. Check out the page now to see what questions you have. All - Note that I had to invert the normal Bosch relay drawing to fit with Mictuning's wire colors and terminal designations.
  20. True, but if the price of gas was different it wouldn't be 66,666 miles. For instance, at $2 it is more like 75,000 miles. But maybe I should call him Big Beast?
  21. Scott - You have a good point about "upgrades" and fire extinguishers. Maybe we should say "An upgrade is a replacement for something that is already on the truck, or a different way of doing something that was already done on the truck." Here are two examples: Replacement: A 3G alternator is a direct replacement for an existing 1G or a 2G Different Way: A headlight relay harness is an addition in one way of thinking, but it is really just a replacement for getting power from the battery to the headlight via control of the headlight switch. Does that make sense? If so, that knocks out the fire extinguisher as it is an addition. But what about the firewall reinforcement plate? Can we say it is upgrading the integrity of the firewall? Ditto the door handle plate? And, what do you think about Jim's suggestion, assuming I finally understand, of having a page that just houses the Upgrade pages? That would do away with the need for the page I've created since the upgrades would be easily seen in the menu. And, that would do away with the need to write things up. Further, there would be no links, so no links to threads.
  22. Jim - I think I may have figured out what you mean. You are talking about having a page on the site that has pages under it with all the upgrades. In other words, it might look like: - Documentation - Accessories - Bullnose FAQ's - Bullnose Upgrades - 3G - Hydroboost - etc - Calibration Info In other words, the upgrades wouldn't reside where we currently have them, like 3G in Electrical or Saginaw in Steering. Is that what you mean? If so, we are just talking a difference of where the pages reside - in their "native" category or in the Upgrade category. Right? As for sticking a paragraph on the EVTM page, I can do that. However, the page on our site is really a jpg not a pdf. (Did I say it was a pdf?) What that means is that I'd convert it to pdf, stick the paragraph on, then convert it back to jpg.
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