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Everything posted by BigBrother-84

  1. !!! My family has good friends living there! When I was visiting them, my friend explained me that the «Jurassic» period was named because of limestone strata from the Jura Mountains. We learn so much things here! And I LOVE bow ties! The ones I wear, should I say.
  2. Interesting! Big show! But Gary, you lost me... What is a French truck? A "lowered" pickup?
  3. Shaun, I like this idea about remote users posting a short video about their truck and the achievements of the last year they would like to highlight, kind of. We could determine the duration (1 minute, 2 minutes maximum), and structure a method to group and sort these presentations on a platform page. I'm not a social network nerd, but I suggest to use a platform that enables this "sorting". I find Facebook difficult to follow and to find specific information I am looking for. Maybe a dedicated YouToube channel? Do we have some members knowing well the different broadcasting platforms, who could suggest something meeting our needs?
  4. You're right on! I literally wrote my own "word-for-word" translation (remise de prix). Should have check on web and found the good terms (awards presentations, round of awards, awarding of prizes, and so on). Sometimes I shoot straight, but this one was a flop!
  5. Since I am not living in Far Far Away Forum Headquarters neighborhood , I'll break the ice. It would be nice to see what's happening during this very special event, but Gary (maybe I am wrong) your program appears to be very ambitious. You'll need someone dedicated to the animation, kind of a technical team, and that's not the goal (in my humble opinion). Here is how I see it: • Dinner: Maybe just a 5 to 10 minutes "live", where our host can say some words to the group (local and remote members), and Cheers all together. • The show: Short sequences of trucks on site and their proud owner, in order to enable remote members to see what's going on locally, who was there, the general ambiance. • The prices remittance: Maybe simply a summary of this part of the event, could be a slide show with comments (similar of what you already post in the forum). So a foreign member can participate "live" 5-10 minute's during the dinner, the rest (not too long, simple overview of the event) could be delayed and posted on whatever platform. Seems to me that we have to keep it simple, the organization of this event already requires lot of energy. This opening to "remote participation" should not become bigger than the event itself...
  6. I agree! Unfortunately, the last Bullnose they have is approaching its ultimate moment. The owner told me they're starting to be really rare. He has good pre/80's F-stock, and has no problem with 90's up ones. But no new Bullnose is arriving...
  7. Yep. The idea caught on and my wife is becoming acquainted with the project. Planing a big US counterclockwise loop. 3 weeks wheeling. • Go West really fast • Going South-East easy, following the Rockies, from Montana's Glacier Park to Denver • Stop in a certain September Truck event • Come back home at a good pace, but with a South loop through the scenic Smoky Mountains. Still analyzing but will probably look like this. I'm thinking about starting a specific topic about «Big Bro's Big Trip».
  8. Is it really snapping?? I never took one off...
  9. Hi, About the dome light question, you can find detailed information here. For the other lights/cluster gauges, not sure about what is now working or not. Do the gauges themselves work, or just the lighting is gone?
  10. Hi there! I'll let the administrators precise you some little things (signature, map, etc), but I suppose "thirsty" stands for the truck and not for the owner? Welcome!
  11. Road Trip preparation: • New road tires (used to keep winter agressive ones all year long, since Big Brother usually doesn't wheel a lot). Will be more comfortable, more easy on the fuel and more quiet. • Tested a seat cushion, very comfortable. For long lasting drives. • Replaced the fuel pump (kept the old one as a spare. We never know). And while working there, replaced the fuel line between pump and carb (old one seemed slightly leek at the pump connection). • Repaired the front seat rails, they did not "clip" well when the seat was pushed far from steering. I discovered they were slightly bend, so straightened them with hammer. Slide now as new. Also, nothing to see with road trip, but had them since couple of months and did not find time to install these new interior door panels. It's done.
  12. Higgy66, your message here is empty, while your text appears in another thread. There is a mismatch...
  13. I disagree! This is an old trucks forum, and we have couple of really young Bullnose owners here! I look everywhere, I only see young at heart enthusiastic people in this Forum!
  14. Absolutely! http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/laughing-25-x-25_orig.gif And you're right about the iPhone's screenshots: They do not suffer the upside-down issue, the Forum always display them correctly oriented, no matter about the 3 ways you hold your iPhone when taking the screenshot (horizontal left, vertical or horizontal right. No screenshot allowed if you try while the iPhone is pointing down).
  15. Gary, when I mistakenly upload an upside-down pict on the Forum, I don't have to rename it. I simply: 1-Modify my pict directly on my phone (the rotate trick) 2-Edit my post: a)Delete the upside-down inserted one b)Insert the newly modified "rotated" version (no renaming required). It works all the time. The forum doesn't bother with the "same name" file, it just show it correctly after the new insertion. But we have to delete-reinsert the pict, the Forum does not "refresh" the rotation automatically.
  16. If you take pictures with an iPhone (maybe the same with other brands but can't confirm), no need for a Desktop software. Here is the trick: 1-Directly in your iPhone's pictures library, Modify your picture, rotating it 90° and save the modifications. 2-Again, Modify this same picture, rotate it correctly upside and save the modifications. Even if you feel to simply have reversed the first modification and went back to the original situation, some metadata were saved in the picture file itself. It will now appear correctly when imported in the Forum.
  17. Right! In the late '80s, I was still studying, and had summer jobs in architecture offices. For these modifications, I highly suspect airbrush, scissors and glue. Such ol' tools my "young" 40 years old partners and younger employees simply do not know. Just for fun, I occasionally take out of my "museum" and show them some tools we were using "before computers" and tablets (velum, plastic drawing film, rules, electric eraser, toilet and furniture templates, Koh-I-Noor ink pens, Leroy lettering kit, Letraset stencils...). It's really funny to look at their faces when they manipulate these artifacts they almost qualify prehistoric and that we were considering back then so modern tools.
  18. Horses are 5 months younger on the left one? More seriously, I am surprised they were already photoshoping pictures on early 1985. Or maybe they just applied some Liquid Paper on the stripe?
  19. I suppose common sense is more developed in Norway than here... A friend of my wife related that she had to call the police about her moron neighbor, who made a big fire in his courtyard. Fire Service came, extinguished the fire and the guy won a 12,000$ CAD ticket. Stein, I realize I am hacking your Eddie's thread. Sorry! Gary, maybe you can move my "forest fire" post elsewhere?
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