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Everything posted by Rembrant

  1. Awesome Gary, thank you. I'll not likely ever find a home for them around here, but knowing what they're supposed to fit is a big help. Thanks!
  2. Gary if it is a big hassle to look them up then don't worry, but it would be good to know since I'm selling them and would be good to list what they fit.
  3. You can't read VIN's on the frame here and they don't check them anyway, so whatever the VIN on the dash is, is the VIN of the vehicle.
  4. Mr. Gary, I have a set of rear leaf spring rear hangers that came with the 1980 F150 that I bought, and when I checked them this morning they are not the same as the ones on the 1995 frame, which should be the same from 1980-1996. These hangers are indeed 3" wide, but the bolt spacing is different. They are Ford hangers that were removed from a vehicle (grinding marks intact lol). The Ford number stamped on them is D8TA-5775-CA. A quick Google search shows that they fit 1975-1991 E250/E350, and 1978-1979 Bronco. Any chance you could confirm this? I'll sell them since they don't fit, but I'd like to confirm 100% what they are first.
  5. Can't wait to hear more about in Jonathan. I'll be ordering one myself if you give it the thumbs up.
  6. Speaking of getting some extra parts sold, I took the cats from the 1995 donor to the junkyard with me today, and darn it if they didn't pay me $90 bucks for them!! I knew that they were worth money, but I didn't know it was that much...lol. This old '95 donor truck is getting better all the time! (On the same topic of the parts, I have a buyer for a spare steering wheel I had hanging on the wall, so I should be shipping that this week.) As for the plans morphing...yes, they have. As you've seen above, the entire body for the '95 F150 is now gone. Sold it to a guy I know that is into that gen trucks more so than the Bulls and bricks. The little 5.0L is coming out and the 300/6 is going in, and then the Bullnose cab and front end is going on it. I think it's going to be a cool little truck. 300 six with a 5spd and 3.55 gears should work nicely together. I've been wanting a 4x4 Flareside with a 300 anyway, so I might as well do it the way I want it from the start (subject to my plans morphing again for unforseen reasons...lol). So I went to the junkyard this afternoon and the old '86 gave up her frame horns so that they can be grafted on to my 1995 frame. I felt kind of bad ruining the frame on that truck, but it's been there forever and will no doubt be crushed soon as it has been picked pretty clean (which reminds me, I might have to scavenge the core support out of it...lol). I scribed the horns so that I have a registration point for the height when welding them in place. I plan to do this before I put the body back on, so it has to be right. I'm going to install them as cleanly as possible so that they look (sort of) like they belong there. Don't want to ruffle any feathers during MVI. Jim, I forgot to tell you, I found one at work. Seems I may have suggested that the shop buy one a while ago and I forgot about it...lol. I went digging for a big impact gun the other day and found it. Let me tell ya, I am in love with this tool. It is so handy for removing scale and cleaning around rivet heads and layered edges, etc. I put a full hour on it today, and I'll be putting many more on it in the future. It's good because it is going to eliminate the need for sand blasting in a lot of areas. I'm going to needle scale, wire cup, and then go straight to the Ospho, then prime and paint. I can't wait! The frame will look kind of nasty to you southern guys, but it's really not that bad for up here in the land of rust. I'm going to replace the spring hangers...definitely the rear set, and likely the fronts as well, and I'm going to have to repair a couple problem areas, but it's very very fixable. It will look like a million bucks when it's all cleaned up and painted. Stay tuned for more. I'm going to enjoy this. This isn't going to happen over night of course, but I have a lot of work to do now that is very cheap, but is labor intensive...and I like that. Keeps me busy, and I enjoy renewing rusty stuff.
  7. Haha! Well, as long as she keeps letting me gather and work on rusty trucks, I’ll haul and deliver whatever she asks me to! I’m back in the shop for the day working on the ‘95 chassis and then going to the junkyard later on. She’s sleeping in and then going hiking and whale watching with a girlfriend! I’ll post up some pics of the chassis later today!
  8. Jim, we have had an absolutely amazing summer up here. The weather has been beautiful every day, clear blue skies and nice and warm. However...the lack of rain has made it really dry. Fires of any kind have been banned...even a little backyard fire to drink around, people will call the cops on you. I get it though, it is as dry as a wooden bridge in Africa right now...lol. Pic below shows my daily routine...our well is low so I’ve been hauling water home from work every day for the woman to water her flowers.
  9. Haha! I slept in today! I've been doing pretty good these days, usually sleeping until about 5am (Atlantic time), plus or minus 15 mins, so anytime I wake up and see 5+ on the clock, I consider myself well rested, lol! I wake up at 4am sometimes, and that's just too early. I'm off to the shop again this morning to finish disassembling the crusty '95. I quite enjoy my solo time in the shop with my rust and dirt and grinding sparks...lol. My friend Tom is sort of looking for a Dentside truck. There are a few of them around, but usually they are rust buckets or $20-$30k trucks that have been restored. I think he's looking for something sort of in the middle, which is even rare still! In any case, I like hunting for this stuff, so I don't mind knocking on doors to ask questions;). Hopefully I get to see the Flareside in the flesh one of these days. I'll let him know about the forum for sure.
  10. So I finally got the rest of the body removed from the '95 donor F150 yesterday, and it went off with a new owner almost immediately. This is a guy I know that has a bunch of these 92-96 trucks, with a couple 80-91 extras kickin' around. I still have some stuff to strip from the 1995 chassis...fuel tank and lines, and eventually engine and trans, etc but it's starting to get pretty bare. The frame is in pretty decent condition. I'm happy with it so far. It needs a little bit of work, but nothing too serious. I may strengthen it up a bit with some internal plates, but otherwise there just a couple small spots to fix and then on to cleaning, Ospho, and then paint.
  11. This beauty happened to show up in my news feed the other night at one of our local-ish car show gatherings. This one is at a market about 75 miles away, and I've only made the journey a couple of times. I wish I had been there Friday night to see it and talk to the owner. Don't get to see many Flaresides around here, not in 4x4 at least.
  12. I stopped by to see this old Dentside for sale in a driveway yesterday. A friend of mine is looking for one of these. The owner wasn't home, so I don't know what year it is or even what engine is in it. Interior and underside looked really nice.
  13. We got the extra digit in the regular trucks in the early 80's...since ours are in Kilometers. I think 1980-81 have the 5-digit, and then 82-86 had the Million KM odometers. In the US, I think the regular trucks had the 5-digit odometers for all the Bullnose years.
  14. Another big fan of RockAuto here. I've ordered from them a lot. They're especially good if you need a whole bunch of same brand items. I always like to use Moog as an example. I would never order just a single tie-rod end from them as once the shipping is added, I can buy it locally for the same. But...if you need 4 ball joints, and tie-rods, and drag-link, then buying them all together shipped from the same warehouse, it's a good deal...at least for me. They get two thumbs up from me.
  15. I have ordered a lot of stuff from LMC, and overall I've been pretty happy with them. I gave them a 4, which is pretty good imho. I've found several mistakes in the catalogs, but I must say that I sure do like their catalogs, and I like receiving them every quarter...I almost look forward to it. They might be one of the only companies left that are still keeping their print offering strong, and I like that. I guess they know their target demographic well. I've found their customer service and shipping (both speed, and price) to be very good. No complaints from me.
  16. Gary, Speaking of vendors, whatever happened to Keith Dickson? Has anybody talked to him recently? The only time I ever see or hear of him is when somebody on Facebook uses the term Stepside...lol. He polices that stuff pretty hard, but I haven't seen him much otherwise.
  17. Thanks! I still really dig the old vans, and those snub nose Fords are real classics. They look very cool with the mag wheels and such.
  18. The guy with the Bronco is a regular like me, and he was parked very close to me last week or the week before with only a Courier between us. I'll snap some pictures of it next week. It appears to be really well done (from what little I know). I know it has a small block in it, but I can't remember what at the moment. It's a real show piece, inside and out.
  19. I know next to nothing about Corvette's, but I overheard the guy say that it was a '62. The burger was delish...lol.
  20. Gary, I think it's a great idea, but...a lot of votes are going to come down to opinions, which vary wildly. One thing I see very often is people complaining about LMC. I've personally had pretty good experience with LMC and their products. Does that mean I have lower standards, or that I'm less likely to complain, or maybe I've just had good luck? lol.
  21. Couple cool old Ford stubby nosed vans. Love these things. Similar colors, too.
  22. This was a new arrival for our Thursday night. A very cool 1930 Ford ton and a half. Husband, wife, and dog sitting in between them. Very cool truck, and very nicely done as well. I'm not really a dually guy, but I'd rock this one in a heartbeat!
  23. I sat back in the shade for a while watching all of the classics pull in, and for you sea-foodies I even stopped for a Haddock cheesburger on the way...lol. Thursday night is fend for yourself night...Mrs. Rembrant goes out for dinner with a girlfriend, and I head off to the cruise in.
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