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Everything posted by Rembrant

  1. Gentlemen, I installed a new fuel tank this past winter (Spectra Premium # F14A 16.5 Gallon), and a brand new sending unit (Spectra Premium FG75A). I tested the sending unit before I installed it in the tank, and it stroked the fuel gauge with no issue. So now for the past few weeks driving the truck, the gas pump cuts off and the fuel gauge only shows 1/2 tank. I don't know how much fuel is in there...I drive it until I hits Empty, and then refill it...today it took 8 gallons. Previously, the old rusty tank and sending unit both worked fine. I could fill the tank until full, and the gauge worked perfectly. So today I got wondering if I tried to gently force some more fuel in there, if it would actually take it. I got another half gallon in there maybe, without trying any further, and the gauge went a bit above 1/2 way on flat ground, but when I was going downhill or coming to a stop, the gauge would read almost full. Back on level ground it would go back to the mid-tank level or so. Anybody know what's going on here? Should I try to force feed it a little more fuel again and test? That leads me to my next question...if that does work, then what is wrong? I reinstalled the plastic tube in the fuel filler hose (reused original hose). I just checked and it is still intact on the upper end. When you look down the hole, all you can see is that plastic tube. The reason I am asking all this is, I'll be pulling the box off on Tuesday before sending the cab/chassis to the body shop, and if I need to do something with the tank and/or sender, etc that would be the opportune time. Does that plastic tube really need to be in there? What would stop the tank from filling higher (if indeed that is the problem)? Or, is there just something wonky going on with my new aftermarket tank and sender?..
  2. No no...it plugged into the house, like a block heater.
  3. Oh man, I'd love to...and I'm going to one of these days. I think I'll be cutting it a little too close this year between having my truck finished (and ready for a journey like that). Heck, It's an 800 mile drive for me just to get to the lower corner of Connecticut! Anyway... Maybe in 2020, we'll see. I'll need a lot of prep for a trip like that in a 35 year old truck. Cruise control is almost a must, and I haven't even gotten to that. September might be OK without AC...but it's also on my to-do list...
  4. I keep my pliers drawer pretty neat... Everything has it's place, and I keep it that way. I'd like a little more space sometimes, but having a small space forces one to minimize and keep things neat and tidy. Still rockin' my Craftsman socket set purchased back in 1995. Metric on the left, standard on the right. Man they are great tools. And, as fussy as I am with organizing the tools, I'm not so fussy about matching colors and whatnot...lol. The top box is 25 years old, but the bottom is maybe only 5.
  5. Oh, this F250 4x4 is nice too...45k original miles, and a three pedal truck... https://www.ebay.com/itm/283566327894
  6. Now this is a lovely looking Bullnose. Clean, low miles, not all beat to smithereens... Bidding is already past $9000... https://www.ebay.com/itm/133127172634
  7. This is a nicely preserved little Bullnose. By the looks of that bed, it doesn't look like it was ever used as a truck. Interior is super clean too. As Gary always says, you couldn't build one for what this one will sell for. https://www.ebay.com/itm/113838184244 I really like the 1984 one-year-only grey weave bezels with the bright silver edging. I might be biased...owning an '84 myself, but it stands out in my opinion.
  8. Time for the strippers!! Truck is going into the body shop on Tuesday for paint (the front half anyway), so this weekend's project is to remove the front bumper and grill, mirrors, wipers, door panels and as much as I can get out of the door, then pull the whole bed, etc, etc... I also have to swap on the passenger front fender, so that means laying on my back on the floor and drilling more bolts out! But the old thing might be worthy of attending some late season cars shows...September, and maybe even late August.
  9. Of all the rotten metal that was on my truck, I am lucky my tailgate stayed in remarkable condition. Originals are getting pricey, aren't they?
  10. I picked some easy tasks for Friday night... Grease U-Joints and all front end fittings (8 of them , I think?). Adjust front wheel bearings. Adjust drum brakes. Check and top-up diff fluid. Something I noticed...that I hadn't noticed previously, is that my 8.8 open rear diff has some axle end-play. Enough that if you pull out on the wheels, you can feel/hear a little "clunk". Question is, how much is normal? I looked through my FSM and didn't see an end-play tolerance spec. 90% of what Dr. Google shows regarding the 8.8 is Foxbody Mustang stuff... I read where some guys said that the end play is indicative of the cross-pin being worn. I already know that I have some slop in the spider gears...maybe it's time for a kit? https://www.summitracing.com/int/parts/mgr-f88bi/overview/ This is a low mile rear end...truck still only has 40k miles on it. Rear diff is quiet, and there are no leaks. Any comments, good or bad?
  11. I threw one away recently...lol. While on the topic of items for your truck, does it have a factory tach?
  12. Just curious, but does anybody know if one of these washer fluid tanks will fit the Bullnose fender without drilling additional holes? And, does anybody know if the washer fluid pumps are the same?...although I can figure that out pretty easily anyway, but figured I'd ask.
  13. Well, I guess the answer to that is yes and no. Some people would have had both, yes. We almost never see block heaters anymore in my area, but they were semi common around here at one time. Out west on the prairies where it gets much colder, block heaters were a must...and not only did people use them at home, but many employers had rows of outlets in their parking lots for the employees as well. I don't think the interior heaters were all that common either, at least not around here. This particular Bullnose was daily driven by the guy's wife for many years, and he installed the heater for her...maybe she couldn't reach all of the glass to clear off the snow, I dunno.
  14. Yes, exactly, or to preheat the cab before even getting in the vehicle. If it was covered in snow or ice this would melt it off the glass so that you wouldn't have to scrape it. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/little-buddy-120v-car-warmer-0303405p.html I guess maybe these units are not as obsolete as I thought. A quick Google search shows me that not only are they still available, they're in-stock locally. It's funny...I don't know who is buying these things these days. Prior to this one, I hadn't seen one since probably 1980-ish...
  15. I forgot to post up some pictures of this last night. This under dash heater was in the 1981 Bullnose parked next to me. Anybody remember these things besides me?...lol. Definitely a northern thing, and maybe only Canadian, I don't know, but I haven't seen one since I was a little kid (and I'm 47 now). My Grandparents had them in their cars (one a Merc Montego, and the other a Ford Zephyr).
  16. Once you get the fan off, if you can get any kind of a swing at them, it wouldn't hurt to give the bolt heads a smack with a hammer. Those water pump and timing cover bolts are bad for breaking off. I had one hex head snap off, but once I removed the timing cover there was an inch or so to grab and it spun out easily then. I bought a bolt kit, and while I didn't use every one of them, I did end up using a couple or three of them. Not sure if this is the one, but it was the same as this anyway... https://www.jegs.com/i/Speedmaster/746/PCE447.1001/10002/-1
  17. Hi Blake, Fellow Canuck here. Greetings from the Maritimes! I lived in Calgary for a couple years back in the mid-1990's, and did a brief stint in Banff as well. My little brother is currently working at a truck shop in Fort Mac. Nice bunch of guys on here, you'll like them.
  18. I made a quick visit to the local car night this evening, and I had a Bullnose friend pull in beside me! (I mentioned this truck earlier in this thread). There were a few other nice pushrod Fords kickin' around... And this old Merc wrecker is as cool as the other side of the pillow! And LOOK Gary, a real STEPside!!
  19. I have days where I feel like doing that...lol.
  20. Nobody, but decades later when people want to buy the part they find out that it is NLA and has been obsolete since Nirvana was a new band.
  21. Well, according to the OP, that striker does not fit... Hmmm. I can cut the washer off, I guess...but what a stupid design...lol.
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