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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Thanks, Bob. But the position is a guestimate, so it may well move a bit farther out. We'll see when the time comes. As for the housing, do the Hellas come with a black housing? Or are you suggesting another brand? I'm not wedded to the Hellas, but think I want to go with something like them. But I would like to see some data on them and haven't been able to find it.
  2. Jim - Sorry to see that about your uncle. So, so sad. And yes, it is and will be an odd and sad holiday season. As for our road trip, we certainly are distancing. For instance, last week we drove 135 miles and yet had absolutely no interaction with others. We took our lunch and ate in the truck. Didn't even stop to get gas. However, tomorrow we will have to get gas, but I use hand sanitizer after doing so, and pay at the pump. And, we may go into a McDonalds to use the restroom and get a burger. We will be wearing masks and, again, will use hand sanitizer. But we just feel like we need to get out of the house. As for the relay, it has two more sets of contacts. I intentionally made the wiring long enough to reach them. Plus, I got two relays for that price. And by the way, when that relay comes in it CLICKS! More like a contactor. I think it is a winner. Thanks again. Scott - I think I'll be drilling one hole to match the one on the driver's side that has a cap over it currently. But I could easily plug it just like the other one is if I decide to go another way.
  3. I think I'd add a relay to the trailer. That way whatever truck you pull it with will take advantage of the relay.
  4. Works now. Beautiful! Shame about the dent. But I really like it.
  5. Thanks, guys. So right now it is 50/50 from y'all. Scott: The mounts that come with that light bar won't work as they expect the bar to be mounted on top of something, not in front of it. So I'd have to fab something up, and I'd do that in a way that would allow me to mount it to the holes already in the bumper. And I could incorporate slots for the screws so it could be angled up/down. But, that usually means that it will get out of adjustment, so I'd probably start with just screw holes, meaning no adjustment. Bob & Dane - I agree that it doesn't seem to be in character for Big Blue. Too modern for an old truck. Luckily I'm not ready to buy and am just exploring things. But all of the input has been very helpful. For instance, I really don't want to drill nor cut on the bumper. I just don't want to. However, an exception might be to drill holes in the top plate to mount lights. And, speaking of that, I've been playing around with placing other lights on the bumper and may have just found "it". In fact, Janey just said "I like that!" These are Hella's 450 Fog Lamps, and they are $116. Wouldn't they be a nice compliment to Hella E-Codes? I told Janey that I really think rectangular is the right "look" for Big Blue given the rectangular headlights and turn signals, but asked if I should plop round ones on there, and she was quick to say "no!" What'cha think, guys? Is this the right look? (Note that I'm only guessing on the sizing, but these are 161mm wide while the headlights are 200mm.)
  6. David - I think that would work if I want to put two lights above the bumper. And I might want to do that, so thanks. However, that link alerted me to Sylvania's offroad LED lights, and several following links I found this one: SYLVANIA - Ultra 20 Inch LED Light Bar And it has these drawings which show the size as well as the reach. Note that the height would be an easy fit above the fairlead and the 2.43" would fit back against the bumper pretty nicely. And, with a bit of playing, here's sorta what it would look like on Big Blue. Thoughts, y'all?
  7. Ok, it is official. The switches are on order and it will take 2 - 3 business days to send them out. Let me say that if you are ever in the market for switches the people at OTRATTW are outstanding. Today I talked to Jim and he patiently guided me through the options. And I got exactly what I wanted.
  8. Bill - I can see you having fog problems there near the water. And I know Chris is frequently antsy when he comes to the show in the fall about the possibility of running into fog coming from Colorado. But we don't have much of it here, although that doesn't mean that I don't want to have lights that will help with it. Bob - Got it. I understand your comments in the context of using the lights more for lighting your way than for getting under fog. But that raises a question of height - I think you are saying that you want the upper cutoff of your lights to be horizontal? Right? And that you want that to be below the eye level of on-coming drivers. Correct? If those understandings are correct then is there an issue if the lights are lower? I ask because Janey and I had a conversation about this and I mentioned not cutting the bumper. Her response was "Why worry about it? Do what you want with the bumper, it isn't as if you are going to be selling it." And that then brings me back to the idea of installing lights "in", or more correctly "behind", the bumper. As said, there's a substantial piece of angle that runs out to the end of the bumper, so I could cut a hole in the bumper and actually mount the light to the brace so it shoots through the bumper. That would put the center of the lights 30" off the road. I'm not saying that's what I want to do, but I'm exploring possibilities.
  9. Bob - I suspect you didn't wait long enough. The file is ~45 Mb so it takes a while to show up, and until it does you have a big white spot.
  10. Yep, that's what I'm seeing as well. Thanks, Steve. Edit: This time the back arrow took me back to this thread. Anyway, this doesn't appear to be the best way to post videos.
  11. That's strange. It takes several seconds, probably to load up the 45 Mb file, and then goes to it and away from the forum.
  12. I took a video this morning of testing the power box's AC relay and put it in this post by uploading it to Youtube. But I'm wondering if I can just embed it from one One Drive. So this is a test of that. Please let me know if it works or doesn't for you.
  13. I'll do that, Scott. Thanks. I'm not at all ready to buy but the discussion re what legend to put on the switch got me to thinking about the lights I want to use. As for what I've done today as I get ready for another ROAD TRIP tomorrow, I did some wiring on the power box. Here's a test thereof: And I also made a short bullet/1/4" female jumper and used that to install the ash tray and charger. It'll do until I get switched power.
  14. By the way, I see you are posting via email. You can do that but it isn't advised as it brings a lot of baggage with it, as shown in the screenshot below. I've circled the "baggage" that gets copied in unless you take pains to delete it before responding. Instead of responding to the email, if you'd click the link in the email that's below the line that says "If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:" you'll be taken to the forum and you can post there/here. And doing so won't bring with it the baggage. But that's your call. However, it is more difficult to read posts if you do reply w/the baggage and not everyone will bother to do so and you won't get the responses you would otherwise.
  15. Welcome, Micah! I'm sure glad you joined 'cause the others on here are much more likely to know about the EFI systems then I do. Beautiful truck as well. But here's a suggestion - copy and paste your entire post into a new thread in the main section. You may get more help there than here in the NMSH section as more people are likely to see it. So, where's home? We have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and we could add you to that if we had a zip code or city.
  16. True, the web site doesn't say much about them. And honestly, I haven't bought any of those in a while. So really I'm looking at the web site and trying to pick the ones that best match the Delta lights I have on my truck. The ones on my truck have what I would call a "fog light" beam. They're very wide horizontally and very narrow vertically, with a very flat cut-off on top. They don't reach out directly in front as well as low beams (but they don't need to, I have low beams for that). But they do light up the ditches really well, and help light around corners. They also fill in close to the truck a little when the high beams are on (not that high beams need a lot of help there). They have black plastic housings (which I like the look of on older trucks better than chrome, at least in rectangular lights, but that's just personal preference). And they have nice lenses. The one quality gripe I gave (living in the rust belt) is that the screws that hold the lens cover on are threaded into brass(?) inserts that are molded into the plastic housing. After sitting on the front of the truck through a few Minnesota winters the screws corrode into the inserts and the insert spins in the plastic so you can't get the screw out to replace a burned out bulb (that's where one of my lights is right now). But if you think to take the screws out and put anti-seize on them when they're new you can avoid that. Another issue I've had with some lights like this (but I don't remember if the Delta's had this) is that the ground often isn't done well enough for me. I usually end up splicing a longer wire onto the ground wire they use and going into a ground in my light harness rather than accepting their offering of an eye connector on the pivot bold and grounding through the mount. But that's easy to deal with too. Bob - Thanks. The Delta website is really poor in my opinion. I've actually found more info elsewhere on the lights than on the website. Does "fog" mean they have a sharp cutoff at the top? Is it fair to assume that other brands do as well?
  17. Another option is the 4" RALLY 400 HALOGEN - 2-LIGHT SYSTEM - 55W SPREAD BEAM. I think the 6" might be too big for the top of the bumper. It is interesting to compare the KC lights: SPECIFICATION GRAVITY RALLY DAYLIGHTER Raw Lumens: 866 1,350 2,452 Lux @ 10 Meters: 150 392 1,962 (Spread pattern) Candela: 15,000 39,240 196,200 (Spread pattern) Beam Distance (Meters): 245 396 886 (Spread pattern) The Gravity's write up says they are street legal, but neither the Rally nor Daylighter say that. And the Rally's shell is black, only:
  18. John - I sent you a bunch of pics in an email just now. But I suggest that you ask people to limit the size of the pics to less than 1 Mb as otherwise you'll have to edit them to be able to post them. And, they need to be properly oriented so you don't have to do that either. As for the write up, I'll take a stab at it later today. But you let me know what you think and we can iterate on it to get it the way you envision.
  19. It really is nice! That's the kind of Bronco I'd like to buy.
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