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Bullnose Forum

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Chris - Thanks. I don't like the word-wrap either, but haven't figured out how to fix it. However, the logo solves that problem. As for the mobile sites, here are some screenshots from my iPhone X with Safari. First is the forum in portrait mode w/o scrolling. Second is in landscape with a bit of slow scrolling, which allows the logo to stay. Third is with more or fast scrolling, and that causes the logo to disappear. To me that is acceptable, but I want to hear from others, and especially those who basically only use a mobile device. Is this a problem?
  2. Ok folks, it is unanimous - two votes for the logo and no votes against. Seriously though, I turned the logo back on. Be aware that that may not be the final logo, but that's another topic for discussion. Also, I took the code out of the forum page's header and you can now see the logo there as well. IIRC we put that code in because it was taking up room at the top of the page. But with the way it is set the logo goes away as you scroll, so maybe that's no longer an issue? Anyway, input please! Do you like having the logo instead of Gary's Garagemahal (the Bullnose bible)"? And do you want it on the forum pages? Perhaps I should create a poll?
  3. Randy - Thanks for the input. Beyond whether to have a bumper or QR codes, you raised several questions in my mind. What is a "cut decal"? What is "weed and mask"? Does color cost more? Cut Line: Is that just where someone would cut them manually, or can shops cut them there? As for Print On Demand, that was just an idea so no one person was lumbered with lots of requests for the labels. But it is looking like that might be an expensive way to go as shops appear to want to print dozens of the labels in one go, so it is looking like someone will have to be the label/sticker czar. Bottom Line: As we get more input we'll generate several alternatives and put them up for a vote. But the show is in one month and we'd like to have them available then, so we need to do this quickly. INPUT PLEASE!
  4. I got one response that said it worked for that person and asked me to try on a mobile device. I explained that it doesn't work on "these" device/browser combos, which includes many mobile devices, and 11 days later they've not replied. So I just went back to them asking for help.
  5. Thanks for the response, Angelo. We need people to tell us what they prefer. This is all part of a "rebranding" effort. I don't like the "Gary's Garagemahal" bit as it isn't about me but is about "we". So as we prepare to move to different servers, which means the domain names need work, it is time to rethink everything.
  6. Bingo! Great idea! The blades are much smaller than 1/4", just measured one and it's a tad over 1/16", look closer to 2mm, and, they are thinner. That's no problem because I've got a lots of connectors so I can file one or two down to size. Actually, I was wondering about measuring the voltage to ground, tried it and that's where the ~0.2 > 0.3 V came up, but the difficulty was with trying to maintain the probe connection in a contorted condition on the seat to under the dash, while at the same time holding the the probes and the connector with only two hands. Will give it another try tomorrow. I'll check it out. Another good idea! .... And, the saga continues... (I'd hate to be a mechanic trying to earn a living! The word starvation comes to mind.) Good luck! Many of us have been through this sort of troubleshooting so have worked out ways to do it. And several of us have been intimate with the fuel pump relay circuit, although yours is slightly different from the one on my 460. Anyway, hang in there you'll figure it out.
  7. Bob, Chrome is a common denominator. But I've had Edge refuse to do it on some devices, and Safari usually doesn't. The only one that consistently works appears to be Firefox. Jim - I even had it refuse to insert a picture yesterday. I right-clicked a pic that's already on here, copied the link, and pasted it into the Insert Image popup. But when I hit Insert nothing happened. As it turned out it was a pic I'd posted so I just used the Select Image option and that worked. However, the next time I tried it everything worked just fine, so I'm confused. The folks at Nabble appear to either be too busy moving the hundreds of forums to the N1 servers to worry about this or unable to recreate it. In any event they won't even respond any more to my plea for help. And since no one else is reporting the problem I think it is something they did to the code running on our server, N8. So maybe when they move us to N1 it'll clear up?
  8. Glad it is working for you, Bob. Yesterday Chrome on my Win10 shop computer was doing both of those things. Today when I went out it had rebooted due to an update and it no longer does either. Guess I'll need to get Firefox on it as well. I keep Firefox open on this tablet and if I need a permalink or to create a link I do it on Firefox.
  9. A number of Ford's connectors use 1/4" blade terminals, so if the inertia switch connector does you could just use some spare spade terminals. But you really don't have to take the inertia switch out of the circuit. You just want to know if there is battery voltage on the output side, and you don't want to measure across the switch but from the switch to ground. So if the blade terminal approach won't work go get a straight pin and push it through the insulation near the inertia switch. Put your positive lead on that and your negative lead on ground and measure the voltage. As for a connector's location, you go to the EVTM section that shows the connector and scroll down to the last or next-to-last page where there'll be a list of connectors and locations. But I don't know anywhere that has a pin-out on the relay. But there are only 4 wires, so you can use the wire colors to determine what is what.
  10. I don't think I'd want to clone his website. I wouldn't want anyone to clone mine. And, there must be things in it that angered Ford since they shut him down. But there are interesting things in the files. So I would like permission to use them.
  11. They aren't all watermarked. And there are some very interesting ones, like the one below out of the "how to solder" series. I'd really like to find him and ask for his permission to use them. But I'd stay away from anything that might anger Ford. However, so far I've not found him. But I have found a number of posts of his - from 10 to 15 years ago. Here's a post on FordSix.com from 2003 when he was Anonymous Guest: https://fordsix.com/threads/interested-in-performance-efi-for-6s.9744. And I found him on FactoryFive's website. And on FSB where he was FireGuy50, but according to these posts he appears to have dropped off the face of the earth in 2012: https://www.fullsizebronco.com/search/299362/?q=Fireguy50&o=relevance So if anyone has a suggestion in how to track him down please let me know.
  12. Bummer! As you said, no wonder it doesn't fit. And I know the feeling, having figured out what you did wrong. Sorry, but don't be too hard on yourself. Regatta Blue? Surely someone can use that. (Wonder how a Supercab carpet fits a regular cab?)
  13. What do y'all know about the fordfuelinjection.com and then the oldfuelinjection.com websites? I ask because with Chris' help I've come into possession of the files from there and wonder if and how we can use them. The author of some of the articles, like Inject Your Horse, is Ryan McCormack. And apparently his middle name starts with "J", which means he's apparently "the" RJM. I'd like to talk with him to get permission to use his files, so if you know of him... Here are some of the files I have: Inject Your Horse parts 1 - 5 in pdf pinouts for the 5.0 as well as trucks in html And following are some screenshots of file listings:
  14. Update: I discovered a mod I'd made in the header code on the home page, which is where the forum is embedded. The code is: So I know how to put a logo on the forum's page - assuming we want to do so. But I'm remembering that we made that change on purpose, so we need to think through it before we jump in.
  15. Got the MyFAK in today. And it fits perfectly where I wanted to put it:
  16. Bob - Sorry, I meant to reply and somehow got sidetracked. And thanks. We will probably air up to at least 25 if we are going very far, but that shouldn't take too long. In fact, I might actually check to see how long it'll take using these that came in today. And the MyFAK came in today and fit right into the storage unit, as shown below:
  17. Worked on the bed cover today. I backed Big Blue out and then backed Blue up to him to pull the cover out onto Blue's cover - with a quilt to separate them. But both covers are at essentially the same height and I needed there to be a bit of drop from Big Blue to Blue so the slats can be moved sideways to line them up. So I jacked BB up and put his rear axle on jack stands. That worked nicely. And what I found was that there are another half dozen or so bad glides. So I called Pace Edwards and talked to Tony again. He asked what width I had between the rails and I told him 62 9/32. But he said that's too wide and is the cause for the problems as it lets the glides come out of the end of the slats. Instead he recommended that I make it 62 1/8. The instructions say 62 3/16, but Tony said I should make it a bit smaller. And, Tony put another bunch of glides in the mail. So I loosened all of the clamps and moved the front and rear clamps in to that dimension. And then I fed the cover back in, making sure that I replaced any damaged glide with a good one, taking them out of the rear end of the cover when I ran out. And, I aligned the slats so their edges were even. Since I'm short 6 glides I alternated empty spots at the end, which Tony said would be fine until the others come in. But now the cover moves easier than it ever has. I haven't as yet tried it with the motor as I want to check the measurements and put the middle brackets in place, but I got the truck back in the shop so I can do that tomorrow - with air conditioning. So I'm hoping it'll go well.
  18. See if this helps: Documentation/Underhood/Vacuum Systems/351W.
  19. And now for another question. We have the ability to put a logo at the top of our pages, although at the moment it isn't working on the forum page, but appears to work on all other pages. I played around with it today and took a couple of screen shots to show the difference. To the left is what we've had for a long time - Gary's Garagemahal (the Bullnose bible). On the right is with the sticker/logo I posted about earlier. So, which do you prefer? Or, maybe the bull with the ring in his nose like is on the web browser's tabs?
  20. Thanks, Jim. I didn't delete the '84 EVTM but just hid it. That way I can get back to it easily if needed.
  21. I could delete it easily, Jim. But can we answer the question first? It was a test of what we thought of the new approach of placing a whole pdf on a page instead of breaking it up by section and having jpgs of each page. As I see it the advantages are that it is easier for me. But we then cannot right-click, grab the link to the page's picture and put it in a post, which we seem to do a lot. Plus there's the issue of downloadability, which we've discussed. So I think we should delete what's there. What say you?
  22. Alex - We have over 550 web pages, and some of those hold multiple documents, so it can be very difficult to find things. But, since I'm the librarian I usually know where put it. So we aren't into razzing people for not searching. Nor for much of anything else, in reality.
  23. Yes, Ford used "bank-fire" port injection up until the mid-90's on many of the trucks. For instance the 460 was bank-fire throughout its life save for 1996 on the CA-spec trucks, which is what Bill/85lebaront2 is running, and what I'm going to install on Big Blue this winter. From my reading the bank-fire approach worked quite well, but true sequential is slightly better. And since one of my goals was OBD2, which only the EEC-V SEFI system had for the 460, my choice was made for me.
  24. As some of you know we've had a discussion on going for over a year regarding having a sticker for the forum, something we could put on our trucks to help others find us. One thread on it is entitled Window Sticker Contest, but it really wasn't a contest as there was no poll for voting and no conclusion, but lots of good ideas and I thank all of you for them. But with the show coming up in a month, John/Machspeed has been working on a sticker that I think is what we are looking for. However I'd like your input as to what changes might be needed. The intent is to have two versions available, one to go inside and one to go outside so it can be put in the rear window or on the rear window, etc. And, if we can find it we'd like to find a printing company that can print and mail them to you - at your expense. Do any of you have any suggestions regarding a printer? Thoughts, comments, upgrades?
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