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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. I like it! Nice and clean! But what is the thing in the middle of your plate with the two yellow wires?
  2. Right, they can see left. Or wrong, they can't see right? Man, that is a disaster waiting to happen. What low-hanging wire will he hit? Like maybe a stop light? When will it tip sideways? Or when will that house of cards come tumbling down? I've seen some really questionable things but that is, without question, the worst.
  3. Yep, I know the drill. And slow & steady will eventually win - in this case useable studs. But lots of times there's a dance involved - two steps forward and one back, two forward and one back. (I took one back yesterday so I'm hoping today will involve two forward.) So maybe your search for the lug nuts is the step back? Or, maybe the orange peel is a step back? Did you have a day with four forward?
  4. You are now on the map. As for posting pics, see if the directions on the page at Bullnose Forum/Forum FAQ's helps.
  5. Looking good! I assume "clasps" are the connectors that look like they go to a 9v battery? And those relays are the same as I've used in several places. They work well.
  6. Yup, it sounds just like a new one. And that's not bad, at all. As for the connections, you could consider a "repair stud".
  7. Thanks, Bill. If I were to take a pic of my all-up harnii it would look very close to that. As you know, I already have the harness across the radiator support. And I really, REALLY don't want to take that apart to add the oxygen sensor wiring. I also have to remember that I have the wide-band to wire. And that the wiring comes through the firewall. So I'm more likely to run the oxygen sensor wiring across the firewall and drop down on either side to the exhausts. But that is going to require some protection.
  8. I replaced most of the fusible links in Big Blue with fuses - and I've had no problems. However, I've read that fusible links can handle a much larger surge of power before blowing than normal fuses can. By the mid-90's Ford had pretty well converted over to fuses - with at least one exception: the #2 wire connecting the alternator to the power distribution box on the driver's fender. They used two fuse links in parallel to protect that run.
  9. Even with a mill and a lathe it would be slow going as I wouldn't use either of them on the studs. It would take too much work to remove each one and chuck it in the lathe. And if you have it out go ahead and replace it. Anyway, I hope you get it done easily and soon.
  10. Hello, Mike! Glad you joined. May I move this into a thread of its own in New Members Start Here? It'll be all yours. And, may I add you to the map? It is at Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu. How 'bout a pic or two of your truck?
  11. Yes, down the back of the engine the sensor wires could be attached to the fuel lines. Will have to take a look at how best to run the sensor wires tomorrow. But I'm going to do my best to figure out what I have first. I'd really like to use this California wiring harness, for a number of reasons. First, because Mark got it for me. Second, I've gotten everything identified. Third, it is stripped down to just what I want to use. Last, I'm going to have to cut the harness going to the ECU anyway, and since this one is already cut I'd like to use it and not cut the other one. Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow. I sure hope I can figure out where the other wires go. And, how to use this harness.
  12. The parts stores used to stock fuse link wire. It is a smaller wire than everything else and has a fireproof insulation.
  13. Sounds like you are making good progress. But be careful bypassing a fuse link. There's a reason it burned, and you may melt something down if it comes back.
  14. Bill - Thanks for the pics and the circuit identification. Just got back and am not ready to start on this hands-on until tomorrow. But let me ask a question or two, make some observations, and lay some plans in prep for tomorrow. Question: Are you are saying that the ICM is wired the same way but uses different wire colors? Plans & Observations: Tomorrow I'm going to do my best to figure out where the other four wires from the ICM go/come from. It is really bugging me! One wire is ground and it wasn't cut. The one wire I figured out today was cut as it came off of the PDB, and the other wires are cut in roughly the same spots. So that implies I cut them yesterday. But so far nothing even close to the same wire colors and gauge is showing up. I do have what appears to be the full harness for the '96 5.0L, but I may not have the O2 harness. I'm not sure of that and need to confirm it - tomorrow. The 5.0L engine harness has plastic supports or stays wrapped in it, and if I use it I think I'd want to remove those so the harness could be attached to the fuel rails. But I could lay the harness over the engine and see what would fit and what wouldn't. It might not be bad to have the O2 sensors coming off of the engine harness. That would get down close to the sensors while staying away from the headers as far as possible. And it would get the wires out to the engine via the bit I'm going to put heat protection on.
  15. If you give it time and distance even 138 HP can get things rolling. As for the people, I've been there, done that. Not on that race but on other races.
  16. Well, I have found one difference. The 5.0 harness has the oxygen sensors going through C101 and therefore out to the engine harness and then down to the sensors. But the 7.5L harness has them going out through C110 instead. So if I use the 7.5L engine harness, as has been the plan, I'll need to strip out the O2 sensor wires from the feed to C101 and tie them into C110 that I take off of the 7.5L harness. And since I doubt the 5.0L harness will reach on the larger engine I think that will have to be the plan. Unless we figure out what I have and can make it work.
  17. Forget 1:00 CST. That's when the funeral starts. So, maybe more like 3:00. Anyway, I'm thinking I may need to use that '96 5.0L Canadian main wiring harness. A cursory look at the EVTM seems to say they are wired the same way - at least my spot checking was the same. And, that harness is intact from what I can tell, meaning the ECU's connector hasn't been cut off. Having said that, I'd really like to figure out what this one is. If I can find the wires that are cut maybe I can figure it out. But so far only the one wire has been found, and the others are either in a harness that was deleted by someone else or are well hidden.
  18. Thanks, Bill. I hope to be back around 1ish CST and will check in. Here's a shot of the ICM from a '96 Canadian 5.0L with EEC-V MAF/SEFI. The Y/BK wire on Pin 3 says this is like the connector the EVTM shows. And, I forgot to say, the one in the previous picture is from Huck, the 1990 460 with SD & BF.
  19. Well Houston, we have a problem. As part of my paring out un-needed "stuff" yesterday I cut most of the wires to the ignition control module. So this morning I was going to put them back, but I can't find most of them - yet. And I'm headed off to a funeral in a bit, so will document where I am and maybe it'll solve itself before I get back? And, what I have does NOT match the EVTM. Not even close. Here's what I've found in wire colors, and so far I've only matched up two of the six wires. The info on the left is what the EVTM says, even in the 7.5L California section, and that on the right is what is actually there. And here's a pic that shows the CA-spec ICM connector on the left and the 49-State connector on the right. Notice that the colors on the right match the spreadsheet above for the EVTM - not what I have. And here's what the EVTM shows for ignition connections in the 7.5L California section. Note that the colors match what the spreadsheet shows, and they match the only page in the Ignition section that shows that connector.
  20. That module is actually black, but the media blasting has left it grayish. I think I do have a gray one and it really is gray. Anyway, there's no good "picture" of the ignition control module in the '96 EVTM. However, one of component location views under the hood shows the SPOUT connector aft of the PDB and the ICM aft of that. So that gets me close enough as there's not going to be the mounting holes for it given it is an '85 fender. And I like the shield idea. As for the headers running red, maybe not since these are Jet Hot coated. But, I do understand what you are saying. Dad and I took their mini-motor home for a spin to dial in the Q-Jet late one evening. It was the van conversion style and we had the doghouse off. That 400 had the cast iron manifolds glowing red. Which reminds me, I have to find some high-heat insulation to replace that bit of fabric/foil that was supposed to protect the engine harness where it crosses over the exhaust. The stuff I took off is toast, and I do know the exhaust gets HOT. Maybe some of the ThermaShield stuff like I used on the dipstick. The convolute measures ~3/4" so the 3/4" stuff might work well. Or this Thermo-Tec 13575 Adhesive Backed Aluminized Heat Barrier. That would fit any size convolute.
  21. You are right, David. Those aren't seen very often. And while it is tan it could be painted any color. Not a bad price.
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