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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Quad shocks were an option and not that many have them. The A/C was probably added by the dealer. I don't think the F & T #'s change the GVWR, just tell you how much reserve you have between the front & total GVWRs and actual weight. But the GVWR on the certification label is your max.
  2. There is another potential problem - the starter. As the bearings in a starter wear the armature gets closer and closer to the field laminations until it finally touches. But it first touches when the starter is hot, like from driving. And when it touches it slows the starter, so the engine doesn't spin very well, and it draws a LOT more current. So that fits some of your symptoms. However, that doesn't fit the smell and noise. But, a worn starter puts a much larger load on the battery & starter cables, so if they are marginal you'll have a problem there as well.
  3. I think you have a poor connection. That might be the end of the cable to the battery or the relay, or it might be the wire inside to the end of the cable - meaning the terminal. My first thing to do would be to check that all of the connection are clean. Pull the cables off and make sure everything is clean, and the connection are tight when you put them back. But if you have that problem again then gingerly check for a hot connection. Feel the end of the cable near the connection. Is it hot or warm? If so, that cable is bad.
  4. Well done! That shows just how well a properly-adjusted system starts.
  5. I just put the original carpet back. My wife convinced me that for a truck that is going offroading I don't want, much less need, new carpet. But ACC sends samples if I remember correctly, so you could get some and decide that way.
  6. Bill - Missed your post. But that's a good idea. However, if my plan works I can make all my changes on this tablet, save the tune to the thumb drive, pop that in the laptop and read it. That way I don't need the keyboard on the laptop. However, if Janey needs her laptop back I may have to check with the pawn shops. We have one in town.
  7. I THINK I have Janey's laptop set up with Binary Editor working. I hope to find out tomorrow. But I want to record here how I got there in case I need to do it again. After downloading and installing Binary Editor and all the prereq's onto the laptop I put everything from the Critical Tuning folder on this tablet onto a thumb drive and then put that in the laptop. But BE wouldn't take it, and as it turned out it needed both the strategy [AGANN] and the calibration [AGANNQ3 (YER2)] as well as the tune. And I couldn't find the strategy nor the calibration. About then I got a call from Cody of Leech Motorsports, who has a Youtube channel on which I'd asked a question. Turns out he wasn't calling about my question but about the forum and the show in September. They, he and the other two guys in the company, are just down the road in Stroud and may come up for it. One of them has a Bullnose and another has an OBS. Plus, they specialize in the EEC-IV EFI systems. After getting off the phone I searched for "Binary Editor" and "Installing strategy" and found a Youtube on - by Leech Motorsports. And the guy on there sounded a whole lot like Cody. Sure enough, he had the right info and I got the Strategy & the Calibration loaded and then the tune, so I think I'm all set. I'll cause BE to compare the tune on the laptop with that in the ECU, and they should be the same. If so I'll then change the dashpot #'s and write that in. If that goes well I'll take it for a spin and let y'all know if I'm getting there. And I now see that there are several more Youtubes from Leech on using BE, so I need to watch them. I may figure this thing out yet!
  8. Yep. He is running smooth and strong. I'm amazed at the difference the EFI made. Can't wait to take it on a trip.
  9. The dashes are the same for all trucks in the same year. And probably the same from 1980 through '86, but if there are differences they are minor.
  10. The 5-6 digit DSO number usually indicates a custom color paint. On every one of the certification labels that I have seen with these special order codes, you will usually notice that the area for the factory paint code is left blank. Unless there's something else special about the truck...it's usually a special order paint color. The F0092 and the T0844 are the reserve capacities in pounds. F is for the front axle, so 92 lbs for the front, and T is for total, so 844 pounds total reserve capacity. Thanks, Cory! I'm glad you explained that. I had what I thought was a brilliant idea about the paint - maybe the 1717 is for upper and lower. But there's no "17" that I can see in the paint chart.
  11. A splitter is a no-no I'm told. Apparently when the ECU is being written to any glitch "bricks" it. And every once in a while the application polls the dongle that says you've paid for it and are licensed to use it. If that happens when you are writing you are toast. That's apparently what happened yesterday.
  12. I've added you to the map. And I've processed your pic a bit to make it a bit larger and maybe sharper. The 521717 would say it was special order # 1717 from the Dallas Office. But I don't know what that means. Or meant. As for FOO or F0092, I don't know. I cannot find either of those in the Master Parts Catalog. And TO or T0844 is the same. Sorry, I don't have any more info.
  13. Not quite. Go to Documentation/Electrical/PMGR Starter Wiring for the minor change that is needed.
  14. Yes, we had given up after trying to fix it, and used a later model sender, E now means Full and visa versa. Oh well... There's a fix for that: Meter Match.
  15. As for decoding the sticker, could you post a pic of it? That would help us get our heads around what you are seeing.
  16. Well, at least you've found the New Members Start Here folder, so had a chance to read the guidelines. Hope you did. But intro's usually include a bit about yourself, wherein I ask where you live since we have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and can add you with a city/state or zip. As for DSO, that's in Documentation/Specifications/DSO Codes.
  17. Yep, but I had places I wanted to go, like Ouray, and wanted to use the truck for a while. And I knew it was going to be down for several months while installing the EFI. Looks like it took right at 3 months to get it going, and it'll take a bit longer to get sorted.
  18. Glad you found us. But please don't forget to introduce yourself in the New Members Start Here folder. One of the reasons we ask for that is because we have our guidelines posted there and since we hold people to them we want to make sure everyone has a chance to read them.
  19. As Jim/Ardwrkntrk has pointed out, if the truck is sitting still and you crank the wheel stop-to-stop the front bumper changes angles a whole lot. That can't be good for the frame.
  20. Yes, it is different. And yes, it is a beast. So I guess that makes it a "a different kind of beast". And it drives sooooo much better with EFI - when the EFI is working correctly. Whole different engine.
  21. Thanks, guys. I think it will have been well worth it when the dust settles. But in the midst of the battle it has had its ups and downs. High ups and low downs. Yesterday was a LOW down. As for the computer, this one does what she wants it to do. And I need one that works well w/o a separate keyboard. But I'm hoping that I can use the tablet to get Binary Editor all set up, give the tune to the laptop on a thumb drive, and then write it using the laptop. However, if anyone has a recommendation on an inexpensive Windows laptop with at least two USB ports, please let me know.
  22. Morning report - It's BAAAAACK! The "write" that Ben did last night put me right back to where I was, with the engine running very nicely. However, it took a while to clean out the plugs for it to run smoothly, but after a few minutes of running it is there. I took it on about a 20 mile jaunt and have several observations from it: Speed Control: I absolutely LOVE the newer all-electronic speed control. It really operates much more like one from a modern vehicle. It doesn't work the throttle much as the vacuum is smooth and you don't feel the adjustments it makes. And Resume is nice and smooth, meaning you can engage it 20 MPH below the set point and it'll take you up there at a reasonable pace. Engine: I really think this thing runs more smoothly than it ever did on the carb. It even has a different exhaust note with the EFI than it did with the carb as there isn't a resonant point that I've detected like there was before. Plus, it now pulls nicely from idle up where with the carb it didn't like to pull below 1200 RPM. I can take corners in third now that I used to take in 2nd. And there are no dead spots, no tip-in issues, nada. AFR: I don't yet know what the actual AFR is, but looking at the AFR the computer was calling for I'm seeing from a low of 13.2 when climbing pretty steep hills to a high of 15.4 when descending hills. But when on reasonably-level ground it is calling for 14.7. MPG: I don't yet know the actual/true MPG either. But, I have figured out a bit about the MPG and IMPG figures that are being logged. IMPG is "instantaneous" MPG and on my run on cruise at 64 true MPH I saw a low of 6.7 IMPG, which was when the called-for AFR was 13.2, and a high of 31.6. But it seemed to run around 13 - 14 IMPG when on level ground - of which there was precious little. And "MPG" is an average of IMPG, but I don't know what causes it to reset. I suspect it would if I closed Binary Editor and opened it again, but it doesn't reset if you just stop recording the parameters and start again. So it averaged my startup and a bit of idling in the driveway and then my ~20 mile jaunt, which was tooling through the neighborhood for a mile or so and then accelerating to 64 and running there on cruise for ~9 miles up and down hill, stopping to turn around, and then coming back at 64 MPH on cruise. And that average was 11.03 MPG, but it was climbing slowly as I drove. So I'm a happy camper. Except that I'm not sure Janey's computer is going to work to make changes. It is a laptop and a few months ago the battery went bad and became swollen. That apparently pushed on the keyboard enough to damage it, but we didn't notice that because she uses it as a work station with an outboard monitor and keyboard. But I'm having a serious problem even typing on it enough to get Binary Editor loaded. Maybe if I go back to the outboard keyboard I can get that done. We shall see.
  23. I agree with that statement - to a point. And that point is some place below 7.5L. I know one of them that is operating leisurely and it isn't going to get what a 393 or a 351 could get, in spite of being a well-built engine and fuel injected. There's just something about the 460 and efficiency that don't belong in the same sentence. Oops! I did it.
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