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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. If you are off 7 degrees today you'll be off more, or less, tomorrow. Once the outer ring lets go it walks around and may eventually come completely off, destroying things as it does. So I think it is time to replace it. As an example, a friend of mine had an Opel Kadett in the 60's. Someone had installed A/C and then he'd done a tuneup. After the tuneup it ran poorly so he eventually brought it to my father. Turns out that every time the A/C compressor came on it slowed the engine so rapidly that the outer ring of the balancer slipped and the indicated timing changed. I'm not saying that yours is changing that often, but I do believe that it will change and the ring may eventually come off. And that's a bad situation. So I'd change it now.
  2. Vinny - Was that to me? My birthday was in June, but thanks anyway.
  3. Yikes! No wonder that the control wouldn't turn off. And you are right, it isn't going to be seen. Hope it holds.
  4. My name is Gary, and I have a problem. 😎 Seriously, it looks good! Lokar is good stuff and it really makes things look well thought out.
  5. Beautiful pic! Glad you got the fuel line sorted. But I wouldn't have thought of using a dime to drive them on. Apparently it spread the load nicely. As for the fuel, I like that plan. But have you thought about adding something like Sta-Bil? It helps stabilize the fuel, so I used it in boats when I put them up for the winter.
  6. Oops, wasn't ready to post. Anyway, I think the swag has all arrived and now is the time to determine how to allocate it for this year's show. And my first approach is as shown below. But let me explain and I'd like your input, PLEASE! This year we have 11 trophies; 5 "classes" (1966 & Earlier; 1967 - 72; 1973 - 79; 1980 - 86; 1987 & Later) and 6 categories (Best Engine; Best Interior; Best Modifications; Best Paint; Crowd Favorite; Farthest Driven). And we have the swag shown in the spreadsheet below. Classes: Since we have 3 good gifts (jack, detailing kit, & air tank) which are worth about $50 each I'm thinking we'll put the two $25 gift cards from LMC together and get a $50 gift card so everything is even. Then let the winner of each class chose what s/he wants, and go in the order shown. Categories: Then the 6 categories will each get a $25 gift card. Koozies & caps: We also have a bunch of koozies and caps from LMC and I suggest we give one of each to each entrant. But as there are several styles of cap and colors of koozies I'm thinking we'll have the driver follow an escort to park the truck, and we are parking them by classes this year, and then come back and fill in the form, get the windshield card, and pick cap and koozie. Does this make sense? Better ideas? PLEASE COMMENT!
  7. Oh no! My SiL, TJMac, was just about to order from them. Here's a screenshot from their website:
  8. Gary, thank you for clarifying that, long time ago Janey and you crossed these bridges on an old bike. Cause Christine and I did the same in an old truck, but it happened yesterday. This would have been in 1978 or 9. Before we wised up and got out of bikes.
  9. Good report! Glad things are going so well. Last time I crossed at that border Janey and I were on a Yamaha XS11. Loooooong time ago.
  10. All good here Gary, very little rain, very little wind. No different than a normal thunderstorm for me, and I'm thankful. Trucks are all okay as well. Others can't say the same, and prayers are sent their way. Good! Glad to see that.
  11. It was me. I probably don't have a use for it, but I'll have it in case I do find a way to make it work. Thought of you when I saw that, Shaun. BTW, you ok? Looks like the storm went west of you.
  12. $400??? Yikes! Someone ought to start making those out of stainless. That might be worth $200.
  13. Been riding the bike in this heat? Man, that couldn't be fun! Haven't heard from Chris. But sure hope you make it here. Would love to see you.
  14. I was with you 'til we got to the radar station. Perhaps that the front/rear cameras & GPS? Or the Garmin GPS? Yes, I have a lot of electrical load available. But that 130A 3G I got from you does the job. So a 95A unit would be a nice upgrade for most people.
  15. Just to show that I'm reading the mail.... I want to know battery/alternator voltage, not after the drop through the wiring. If you want that get a Sony radio like ours, Jim, and put it on voltage display. If you are getting the 95A alternator you might still be able to run the factory ammeter. I'm pretty sure that the shunt is sized to allow 70 amps as there was a 70A alternator available and I can't see Ford not sizing the shunt for that. I doubt the shunt would be hurt with the extra current but you might see the ammeter make some rapid swings.
  16. For those of you coming to the show, please let me know how many will be here for the forum dinner on Friday night, the 15th. It'll be at 6:00 PM at the same place as the show - the Skiatook Church of Christ @ 1900 W. Rogers. I need to order our dinner of Mac's BBQ so need to firm up the headcount.
  17. If you scroll way down on that page there are pics of the interior and engine, but they aren't easy to find.
  18. You may well have a slipped balancer - especially given the rubber that's sticking out of it. Here are several piston stop tools on Amazon. And I think a stop is better than a whistle.
  19. Nice truck, but I'm doubting the $21K price. (We need someone to track these things and see what they sell for.)
  20. The smoke test needs every port either connected to something or blocked off. So you'll need to pull the air cleaner and fashion a way to block off the top of the carb, like a plastic lid to some container with a hole in the middle and it pushed down over the stud. And yes, things that aren't in use can be left disconnected but their ports on the engine need to be capped. Then you get a cigar and start puffing smoke into a large vacuum hose, like the one to the brake booster. Soon, if there are leaks, you'll see smoke coming out. As for the harmonic balancer, it is made up of a large center hub, and an outer ring that is supposed to be bonded to the hub via rubber. But over time the rubber lets go and the outer ring shifts. And since the timing marks are on it, your timing seems to change - but it really doesn't. So use something like a piston stop and find TDC on #1. With a stop you roll it gently one way until it stops and mark the balancer where it meets the timing pointer. Roll it back the other way until it stops and mark the balancer. Half way between those marks should be your TDC mark on the balancer. If not it probably has shifted, although being off a degree or so isn't a problem. But if you are off 10 degrees then the balancer has slipped and needs to be replaced. Initial timing of 10 to 12 degrees BTDC is common on these engines. Some will take 14 degrees but anything more and you are asking for pinging and/or hard starting.
  21. Can't wait, Jeff! Email me your mobile # as well as you and your wife's shirt sizes as I hope to have tee shirts made for the show again this year. And we need to discuss, perhaps in the background, when you'll get in.
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