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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Our new user, kristopherdb, asked about drive belts for the engine today. So, we have a new page: Drive Belts. It is nested in the Engines section in the nav menu to the left.
  2. No problem. And, just 'cause you asked and I didn't have it, there's a web page out there for Drive Belts. (You can also get to it by hovering over Engines to the left and clicking on Drive Belts. That's the beauty of a forum integrated with a website for documentation. )
  3. THERMACTOR EMISSION CONTROL. Aka "air pump". Smog pump.
  4. Oops, missed this post. Did the timing change help? But you are still down on power?
  5. Which sticker? What do you recommend? I have several little details to finish on the air cleaner, like the sticker, and clear-coating the lid. And creating hot air ducting. Plus, I haven't plumbed it up for vacuum to the motors on the snorkels.
  6. That will work, Bill. But I would rather take the pic in a way that I don't have to edit it. So that's why I played with the camera to find a setting that just fits.
  7. Lol! Yes, we frequently discover later that we should have paid more attention in class. 😉 But you've come to the right place as we have the experience and resources to help you in your quest to get the truck going again. However, you might want to tell us more about your plans so we understand where you are going with it. Oh, another thing - your picture is quite wide and it doesn't show fully on smaller screens. Plus, the extra width means that when responding we have to scroll around. But, if you'd add width="100%" to the code that generates the pic it would fix that. Just click More and the Edit Post. Then you'll see something like nabble_img src="IMG_0434.png" border="0"/ but with <> on either end. Just add the above just width="100%" to make it look like nabble_img src="IMG_0434.png" border="0" width="100%"/ and then hit Post.
  8. Happy to help. But please go to the New Members area and start a new topic about yourself. We would like to know about you and your truck.
  9. Kristopher - Welcome to the Bullnose Forum. Frequently I have the documentation needed somewhere in the rest of the website. And when I don't I usually put it on a page quickly. But, in this case I don't have it on the site nor have the time to do it completely at the moment so will post it here to get you some info, and then put up a page later. Here's what Ford's master parts catalog shows for a 1985 w/a 300 six. Pick out your belt and you should be able to find it by Googling the number like JB-430-LB. But, you can usually find the info by going to the website of one of the parts houses, like O'Reilly's, and entering your truck's info.
  10. Here's the original radio for Dad's truck: And here's a close-up of one of the knobs:
  11. Thanks! Yes, and it is going on my business card as well. Or, the card for the webside/forum, which isn't a business. Some businesses don't make money when they are supposed to. But, I have no way to make money on this thing. I'm just having fun and trying to help the Bullnose community.
  12. Please do! It is a long drive, but we will be having fun so hope you can join us. Have you seen the flyer?
  13. There have been some questions about how best to post pictures on this new forum. If you've tried it you've been faced with a pop-up like this one: And you've probably tried to upload a picture and then been notified that it was too large. Turns out that you have to keep the file size below 1Mb. But, the file size and the pixel count are two different things. I did some testing and found some things on my camera that helped my picture quality greatly. There are two variables on my camera that make a difference - "image size" and "quality". For the following tests I set the quality to Fine. Then I set the image size to VGA, meaning 640x480, and got this pic, which is just ok when you say Resize: None, meaning you put it up at original size, which was 640 pixels in this case: However, if you make it 750 pixels wide it starts getting blurry: And, if you tell it to make it 100% of the possible width of the screen it gets really blurry on a big screen: But, by placing the camera in 1600 x 1200 pixel mode I got the following pic, and it is only 801Kb. So, if you work with your camera it looks like you can get it set to give you an image that looks good on a computer screen w/o being too large to upload here. You'll need to set your pixel count to something that gives you a file size of less than 1Mb, but if you want a quality pic you'll want to get as close as is possible to the 1Mb limit.
  14. I had to pull the air cleaner off Big Blue to check out the Eddy's choke for Jim, and as I was re-installing it I saw the only possible thing that could keep him from winning Best Of Show - the stud and wingnut holding the air cleaner on. And I fixed that with a screw like holds the air cleaner together. Now I'm sure to win!
  15. True. But a business card without a name seems strange. So I'm leaning to including name and email address.
  16. Oh, wow! That long??? (Jonathan's driving 1,000 miles, or about 15 hours. And Chris is flying to LA to pick up Bill, and they will either drive the 1,500 miles/24 hours or fly. And then there's getting home.) I should add that they are staying the weekend, so aren't doing it in one day.
  17. David/1986F150Six has a YF. Jim/fljab has YF's and parts - I think. Oh yes, the slot trick.
  18. The simple answer is "YES". On my 4180C rotating the arm clockwise takes the choke off. But on my Eddy rotating the arm counterclockwise takes the choke off. And sorry for the late response. But I had to grind the tops off the screws on the 4180C as it hadn't been molested, and you cannot rotate the cap w/o pulling the cap part way off due to the alignment key. And on the Eddy I had to pull the air cleaner and find the #20 Torx driver.
  19. Exactly this; talked with Bill for almost an hour last night, and mentioned that there are other people coming besides me & Alabama. This normally scares him as he's an anti-social kind of guy but I told him all these guys are around his age and he'll enjoy everything and blah blah blah. He wants to spend significant time in Oklahoma (several days? A week? No idea yet, we'll figure that out as it happens) so we'll see what THAT means. And he wants to take me to meet his sister & BIL so I can explain what's going on, I should also get some information from them e.g. medical conditions that need attention, prescription drugs, breathing at altitude, minor little stuff like that. ;) Yes! Exactly! All of the above. So, let's chat about the timing a bit. I'm assuming most people will be getting in Friday afternoon. That gives us Friday evening/night to talk, then early Saturday morning, and again Saturday evening. Janey has dinner planned for Friday, Mac's BBQ brought to the house, and we can talk before/after/during. Saturday morn we'll have breakfast but then I'll need get over to start setting up by 9, if not sooner. Then we'll close the show at 4 and clean up, so may be back at the house between 5 and 6. Planning to bring in pizza, and we can talk again all evening and into the night. So, we don't have a whole lot of time.
  20. I like it! Tell us more about it? I can't quite tell if it says F150 or what. (If you add width="100%" to the code of your pic and it'll be full-width on any screen.)
  21. I've actually been thinking of doing that myself, either before the get-together or afterwards. I've worked out how to use the lift to raise itself, so it won't be a big deal. That would leave more time for us to talk, and to do the work on Jonathan's clock openings on the mill. And we need time to talk. To plan. To get to know each other.
  22. Yes, Big Blackie is supposed to be here, but I'm not sure he will qualify as having come from Washington. My guess is that Luke will have driven him to Wichita by now and he'll drive down for the day. But, I need to remind him, so thanks. So, if Jonathan doesn't get his '81 going in time, I'm guess in next up would be Alabama.
  23. The wiring at the rear of the truck would be my first place to look. It has usually been hacked by someone to get a trailer connector installed, and those connections and associated wires are frequently poorly done and not well protected.
  24. Chris - Thanks, but I don't have the time to do art work as the lead time is 10 business days. So it has to be nailed down tomorrow at the latest. Ron - I thought about two lines, but that makes the sign taller and even then the lettering will be smaller and harder to read. And, the larger sign will cost about 33% more and we are already over $100. Jonathan - I like the idea of using the font off the tailgates or hood. 👍 Thanks, guys!
  25. Yes, they are blue. And they look like jewels - I have them for Dad's truck. But I didn't know the later ones were red.
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