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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. I get that often. When I do there's a note that says "show more" or something to that effect below and to the left of the last line it shows. When I click that I'll get another screen's worth. Sometimes I have to keep doing that over and over, but most of the time it eventually jumps and shows the entire page. It seems to be related to update speed. If I use "Ctrl" with the mouse click to open a thread in a new tab and then don't switch to that tab too soon it doesn't seem to happen. But if I get to the tab before either my computer or the host (I don't know which) is ready to show everything, then I run into it. I'm at a loss on the "View More" thing. I've not seen it, but believe that you are. Let's see if it persists and then I'll go ask Nabble about it. Perhaps we can figure out common denominators first. So please report when you get it.
  2. Being logged out was to be expected with the changes that were made. But I don't understand having to click "View More". Let's see if that persists.
  3. When you only see a bit try increasing or decreasing the zoom on your browser using Control + or Control -.
  4. Stealing Jim's line, progress is good! And getting things like the spindles done is a big step.
  5. The known problems that this fix was intended for were: You are shown to be logged in, but you type out a long response, hit Post, and it asks for you to log in - and trashes your post. You aren't logged in but it shows that you are. Has happened to Bill, but none others that I've heard of. And, a new-to-me one of the log-in doesn't show but you really are. Hadn't heard of that one, Rembrant, but thanks for sharing it. Nothing in the Bullnose Forum can be found by Google. I wasn't aware of this until very recently. As said, it had something to do with 3rd party cookies and a hack that had been placed in the Nabble code quite some time ago that they took out to fix the problem. So, after they made the change they had me make three changes that should be transparent to y'all. Plus, I've submitted the forum to Google for crawling again. So, hopefully all has been fixed.
  6. FYI, there was one more change that I needed to make and just did it at about 5:50 PM Central. So you may have to log in yet again. Sorry for that. But I think all of the changes have been made and we will try it for a while. So please tell me if you have problems.
  7. Yep. Shapeways just announced their new HP printer that does Nylon. If we get Bill's retainer nailed dimensionally but it doesn't have the needed strength then he can have them print it.
  8. It'll be 9 here in the morning, and the GLK is sitting out. This will be the coldest we've had it, so I'm going to let the glow plugs do their thing for a few seconds before cranking. Never bothered to before, but ....
  9. Nice machine, but at $10K I could wait a while for someone else to make it and ship it to me. However, one of these days those capabilities will come down by a factor of 10. I hope.
  10. Interesting read, Rick. I've seen both the Ford and GM problems that were listed, but haven't seen the Chrysler ones.
  11. I hope it is warmer and drier there than here. Snowed and is around 20. Brrrrr!
  12. Just tried to post from my phone - after typing out a reply. But, I hadn’t logged in since the change so it asked me to log in. I did and it went right back to my post! I didn’t lose it. 👍
  13. I spent that much buying the parts and making my own. So, did you get it installed? Can you tell a difference?
  14. Yes, I should have mentioned the additional log-in. I had to log back in although I had literally just been on the forum making the change. So I'm guessing that was part of it.
  15. I sure hope it fixes it. I tried Edge for a while but have gone back to Chrome because Edge doesn't appear to have the ability to force the results to be "verbatim". Yes, you can put quotes around the text for which you are searching, but if you put the quotes around the whole string then the words have to be in exactly that order. But with Chrome you can say "verbatim" and it forces it to find only those pages that have all of those words.
  16. Thank you for capitalizing "Nylon". As an ex-DuPont employee I should have done so as well. But I didn't realize it is hygroscopic. That would be a problem when heating it above 212. Is storing it in a zip-lock bag sufficient or does it have to be in heated storage? I was fairly up to speed on 3D printing a couple of years ago, but haven't followed it since so I'm sure there have been many, MANY advancements in printers and material in that time.
  17. Jim - I wondered about the ability of PLA to do that job. Do some printers allow the use of nylon? And, that makes sense about smoothness on the bed. Perhaps the HP printer that Ron's sending the bezel to has a really hot bed that makes the first layer quite smooth? That would be handy for the top of the bead since it will be painted silver and texture will show.
  18. Folks, the gurus at Nabble have had me make a change to the forum that should fix some problems we are having, including the log-out/log-in problem where it shows you out when in or vice versa. PLEASE tell me if you have any problems with access to the forum.
  19. Sounds like a plan. I can measure it and send it back w/the hardware, which is already powder-coated, and your EVTM.
  20. Interesting that there was a pattern on the bottom. Guess I don't understand. Anyway, on the part, can you also post pics from the side and the bottom. At first blush it looks to have a constant width, a hook on the bottom, and be Z-shaped. Is the bottom end square to the sides? So, here are some measurements that would get me started - when I can start: Width Length Thickness Outer diameter of the hook at the bottom ID of the hook at the bottom Distance from the bottom to the start of the Z Length of the Z Height of the offset caused by the Z Depth of the inset at the top Width of the inset at the top, which gives the width of the two pins that stick out Width between the ends of the "whiskers" at the top Diameter of the "whiskers" Width of the little inset on the bottom Is that some kind of a tab sticking into the little inset on the bottom? Yes, we still need to work out the dimensions on the retaining slots, but we can do that after we get the overall shape established.
  21. Thanks, Bill. It looks to be pretty smooth on the sides, both inside and out. But the very bottom has more texture. How was it printed - right side up? Or was the bottom printed last? I ask because Ron sent me an HP file of 3D printing tips and it suggested printing lettering and other things you want smooth on the bottom, which would mean printing the fog lamp bezel upside down. So I wondered how yours was printed.
  22. Cool! I didn't even know Rocketman was making relay kits. I assume you have the HRKU-2 kit? That looks like a very good one. Enjoy!
  23. Bill - That is cool! I've been wanting to get into 3D printing for some time, but just never have. However, I'll watch how it works for you and maybe jump in.
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