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Bullnose Forums

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. David - It doesn't allow me to chose the case of the characters, as all are forced upper case. It is actually typed in as "Bullnose bible" but comes out as "BULLNOSE BIBLE". I've tried various ways to change that, but haven't figured out, yet, what to do to fix/change it. But I'll keep looking.
  2. I quit Facebook several years ago because I really disliked what it had become, and my perception is that it has only gotten worse since (Due to the hidden tracking, and news bias, etc). I say perception because I only know what I hear now from the outside. I have no current firsthand experience. Sorry to be so negative Gary...lol, but I figured I'd share my thoughts anyway. I made a move to go back to forums (like this one) as opposed to social media, and I'm glad I did. I can hang out here, read and share info without all of the "fluff" that comes with social media. Having said that, I did recently start using Instagram. It was done partially out of boredom while waiting at the dealer with my wife's car one day. I joined for two reasons. People like me (who do not use social media) miss out on sales and deals that are not advertised elsewhere. RedHead Steering Gears for example might post a sale on Facebook or Instagram, and I may never hear about it on a forum otherwise. Second reason was because I wanted to follow more of the Roadkill and Roadkill Garage stuff, and they were always mentioning Instagram during their shows. I haven't been using it much, but what little I have has been entertaining. Somebody is running a "Bullnose Obsession" page on there...is that you Gary? I've been enjoying that. It's not overly active, but there are some neat pictures on there. I'm on Facebook mainly for two reasons - our kids/grandkids, and church. But I'm also on several Ford truck pages because people ask questions for which there's an answer in/on the Bullnose Bible, so I give them a link back to that page. Plus, it is an easy and cheap way to advertise the show/swap meet. As for the news bias, I don't read the news from there, with the exception of news about Nicaragua as some people I know are connected to people there and get far better news about the terrible happenings than what I can get elsewhere. But I've also learned how to un-follow people that are negative, crude, etc. And, I've learned how to turn certain sources off, so when people post or share those sources I never have to see it. But, for the vast majority of things to do with trucks, I strongly prefer a forum - and this one specifically. On social media there's no continuity. Someone will ask a question and a zillion people will offer advice, and then everyone moves on to another post. And there's essentially no way to find information or the answers to past questions. It is simply a "now" resource with effectively no history. As for Instagram, I've not signed up even though my daughter says I should. So, maybe I will. But, the Bullnose Obsession thing isn't me.
  3. Jochen - The Clutch Cycling Pressure Switch may be the problem. There's a test on Page 144 for it, but it opens if the pressure drops below a certain point to protect the compressor from too little freon. I would start there.
  4. Made me chuckle! You are easily amused. But, beyond the amusement, what are your thoughts? And, by the way, as of today if you Google "Bullnose Bible" you'll get 8 links, 7 of which are to here and the 8th is the FTE which then points to here. And, as Google indexes the site further there will be more and more links as every page says "Bullnose Bible". However, with the (Gary's Garagemahal) being there as well, anyone searching for that will also find it. EDIT: We are up to 9 and 1 on the links Google finds, and that will change almost by the minute. Soon all 425+ pages will show up.
  5. I'm learning some things about how to connect websites and social media, and have just added Facebook "like" and "share" buttons at the top of the forum pages. I suspect that a like or share is for the whole forum and not just that page, but we shall see. Please let me know your thoughts and experiences.
  6. No problem. I knew it was in jest. Just wanted everyone to know what definition of "bible" I'm using. Oh, and while we are discussing the name I put both up there. What do you think?
  7. Jake - Welcome to the Bullnose Forum! Nice looking truck. Tell us more about it. Is it a manual or an auto? Maybe you even have the upshift indicator we talked about recently? In any event, to be able to reliably take it on those extended trips says you've worked the bugs out quite well. What are you studying? Or, what is your major?
  8. I also went with Gary's but not so much because of the original name but who knows our year / body style truck as a Bull Nose? I did not till I was on the other site and I have been around them when they were factory new. I also think there has been some talk of the same on the other site, why are they called Bull Nose? So take someone that knows vary little of fixing cars/trucks and you call it a Bull Nose how would they find the site? I think when I was looking for information on mine I Google the year & model but was almost 3 years ago now. Ford pick up's 80 - 86, aka Bull Nose @ Gary's Garagemahal.com Dave ---- Dave - The origins of the Bullnose moniker are documented on the Bullnose FAQ's page on the Origin Of "Bullnose" tab - right here in the Bullnose Bible/Gary's Garagemahal.
  9. I will have to take a picture but I pulled the radiator and to keep it safe laid it flat in the bed of the truck. It took just under a gallon of vinegar to fill it up to the just below the top of the 2 hose outlets. So far it is not looking like it will do much after being in for 2 hours. I will most likely keep it in for a week or more till I get back out to check & drain it. I am also going to have wife order the Oxalic Acid thru Amazon and give that a try if the vinegar don't cut it. Dave ---- I wouldn't think that 2 hours would show any signs of change. But over time and with some agitation it should.
  10. Farmboy60 - I know you meant that in jest, but just to be clear, the Oxford Dictionary says that "bible" means several things, and one of them is: And that, the informal definition, is the one I'm using.
  11. Don't think that is the stock seat. Looks more comfortable than the bench.
  12. While I appreciate that 4 of y'all have voted, and so far 100% for Bullnose Bible, no one has commented as to why. Comments are not required, but they might be helpful for others to understand your thinking and, therefore, sway your vote. My thinking: Gary's Garagemahal doesn't explain what the site is all about - Bullnose documentation. Plus, it sounds "highfalutin", and that seems at odds with "old trucks". But my shop can still be the Garagemahal. Bullnose Bible explains what the site is mainly about - documentation for Bullnose trucks. And, by the way, I haven't voted.
  13. Back in 2016, over on another forum, Cienega32 said he's calling our website the Bullnose Bible. As I said at the time, I like the term. I recently mentioned it to someone, and then got to wondering if anyone else was using it. A Google search proved that they aren't. So I just temporarily changed the name from "Gary's Garagemahal" to "Bullnose Bible". (It is a very simple change and I can easily put it back.) But, I'd like your thoughts on it. And toward that end, I've created a poll. Please vote as well as tell me in words what you think. Note that this only changes what shows at the top of the page. It does not change the URL. And it does not change the name of the forum - Bullnose Enthusiasts.
  14. Will do. As a start I picked up 2 gallons. I have also been tossing around using a small pump and back flow it from the bottom outlet up and out the top outlet. Stay tune Dave ---- A pump would probably help as it would cause flow, and therefore agitation, at the top where you know there are deposits.
  15. Its not that the shop will not do it I don't have one or know of a shop around here as I am some what new to the area and never needed to look for one. The other thing is most shops are only open M-F 9-5 and when you are out the door 4am and not out of work till they are long closed. Truck driver so cant take an hour to run out either. Up north the radiator shop I used was like you said, cost more to rod then for new and why I replace a radiator in a car 2 times because of low flow. I got nothing to lose but a few $ trying the vinegar. Thanks, Dave ---- Give it a try and let us know. How much vinegar will it take?
  16. Excellent suggestion David! I was appalled at the amount of build up in both my trucks. This time, I also removed the resister pack which opened a window to the evaporator coil, so I could actually see the "stuff" resting on the bottom. It is not necessary, but I am glad I did. Let's see, lots needing replies. First, I haven't found Cherokees to be difficult to deal with. Perhaps it is the fact that she's only a 3/16 Cherokee? Second, we are gaining momentum, and while the 2018 show will be great the 2019 will be even better. So, mark your calendars if you can't be here this year. Third, I haven't tried pulling the resistor pack, but that's a good idea. However, with Big Blue having the pin-cushion cowl I doubt anything has gotten in there.
  17. Cool! I have a '69 Bee to restore and a '50 Chevy PU, but I do like the Bullnose trucks.
  18. I had a chat with the guy, and it's all there...every bit and piece. Even the bed, as rotten as it may be, is all original. Still has the original wood in it, although it is in poor condition. It has (and had) the typical rust issues...front fenders, cab corners, etc. This truck is a few hours north of me (which to me, is still "close"), and they do get much colder winter's up there. What that means is, much less road salt. So, as odd as it may seem, some northern (far northern) vehicles are kept almost as pristine as the southern ones. My biggest issue is storage actually. I'd buy the darn thing just for the heck of it, but I don't have anywhere to put it;(. Where's Ray/NotEnoughTrucks? He seems to have storage galore. (Yes, I know he's a long ways away from you. )
  19. I'd leave it. For those that like documentation, you can never have enough of it;). Good plan, Stan!
  20. Yes, Cory, they were. Well spotted. Well, after having spent some time editing the last pic to get it straight, cropped, and clearer I'm inclined to leave it. Thoughts?
  21. Bill - See what you think now. I added the Canadian codes and another.
  22. Excellent suggestion David! I was appalled at the amount of build up in both my trucks. It was very sobering, because a few years back I bought our older daughter a cheap 90’s Jeep Cherokee. We were helping her move and she had everything she owned in that car. My wife was driving it and said she smelled some smoke so she pulled over and the smoke stopped. Nonetheless she traded cars with me and put our daughter and granddaughter in my Jetta. I could not find anything amiss, so I pulled back onto the interstate. As soon as I did, air flow from the cowl fanned the smoldering leaves and a wall of flames came out of the defrost vents and soot blacked out the windshield. My eyes were burning and I was choking on the burning plastic. I was not familiar with the car and I could not find the door handle to get out. Luckily the window was down about 5” and I was able to reach the outside door handle and let myself out. The smoke messed me up so bad I could barely get away from it let alone fight the fire. It was a total loss, but no one was hurt and material things can be replaced. Still, had I taken the time to do that one little task.... What an awful experience! It doesn't take much heat with the type of stuff that's usually in there to catch fire with the airflow the blower causes. Since on a Bullnose it is so easy to clean out it really should be done frequently. And, while the later polka dot style cowl keeps junk from coming in directly, unless the truck is driven frequently mice may make a home there and carry fluffy stuff in.
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