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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Agree on the politics. But, I love the adjustable link. Well done! So, do you have the new bracket made? In other words, how close are you to having this thing wrapped up?
  2. Well done. I noticed that you included Great Britain awa the United Kingdom. And I wanted to ask if that was perhaps due to the possibility of Ireland and Scotland leaving the UK due to Brexit. But, that could get into politics, so I won't.
  3. I remember where you are, usually, but might it help if you mentioned that in your signature?
  4. Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual is "EVTM. That's exactly the right manual as it will have all of the wiring for your engine and electronics, and it is broken out by "system". As for ID'ing your tranny, there's some info here: https://therangerstation.com/tech_library/AutoTrans.html. However, while it shows the 4R55E it doesn't really show the 5R55E.
  5. Good tip, Jim. May do that myself as Big Blue goes back together.
  6. This would take some study to see if it would work and, if it will, on which trucks. I say that because there were some wiring changes, but the fuse block stayed pretty much the same save for additions through the year. So it might work, but I'd call them first at that price to make sure. And, this statement gives me a bit of concern as well: "Here at OK Parts our main focus is to help our customers get their GM cars and trucks done, dialed and looking right."
  7. Yup, that would be Dad's truck. Last full-sized Ranger.
  8. Oh! Hadn't thought that the Ranger wouldn't be covered in the EVTM.
  9. Oh, ok. Hope it doesn't have anything to do with Epstein and the Clintons.
  10. Bill - Do you have the '97 wiring diagram? I have the '96 EVTM. Do you expect the '96 and '97 Ranger wiring to be the same? If so, I could scan in the pages for the '96 Ranger and we could talk about where the salient wires need to go. Thoughts?
  11. Chris - What conspiracy theories? Anyway, yes Nabble is small. And they say their focus now is on the replacement for what we have. So they aren't wanting to spend time fixing things on this one, other than big issues.
  12. I'll bet you are READY! So, where's home? How far do they have to come?
  13. I wondered how to do that. Well done! Did you say you are going to make a new one? Will it be adjustable?
  14. Shaun - I may see if Nabble will help us out for some money. If so, I might come back asking for help. Chris - Good catch. I added that link to that page. But, on the ability to "do things", there's only one level of authorization that can do things - Admin. And, if you have that ability you'll show as "Admin" below your avatar. There's nothing I can do about that. And you have full ability, including the ability to delete the site. As for Assistant Admin, I created that role but it doesn't work. It doesn't give the person with that designation any powers. Nada. So I've petitioned Nabble to make that level work. Something that can approve new members, move posts, etc but not be able to delete the site. But so far Nabble hasn't even acknowledged my request, much less done it.
  15. I understand. I do not like using my phone, and Jim/ArdWrknTrk has pointed out some of the problems with doing so. Also, if you decide you'd like an avatar, downsize your pic to 200 x 200 pixels so you don't have to crop it. Basically, cropping on the phone doesn't work. Anyway, when do you get the truck??????
  16. This sounds pretty exciting to me. I've loved building boards since Heathkit back in the late '60's when I was a kid. But given my eyes and the lack of experience with SMD solder ovens, or even hot air rework equipment I can see the appeal of a unit like Arduino or Pi, even a Beagleboard. Lmk if you ever get started on this. I'd like to follow along. I fully intend to do it. Going with the later fuel system so have to translate the sending unit, and an Arduino is how I plan to do it.
  17. If we had someone who wanted to be the "historian of sales" and kept track of trucks and what they sold for and when they sold we'd have something that no one else has - that I'm aware of. Kind of an index of pictures and sales prices that people could look through to see what they should pay for a similar truck, or ask for theirs. I really don't know what all it would entail. Those are just some of my thoughts.
  18. Welcome! Glad you joined! We are a small but friendly group, and we like calling each other by name rather than screen name. And, a signature is a huge help when we start talking about your truck. So why not join the two ideas and create a signature that includes not only the info about your beautiful truck but also your first name. And, an introduction in the New Members folder is appreciated as well. Not everyone will see your post here, but more will see it there.. Also, we have a member's map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and I'd be happy to add you if I just had a town/city.
  19. First, congrat's on the thermostat change. As for the gas gauge, there are two separate issues here: On the vacuum connections, I really can't tell anything from your little picture. I've blown it up a bit below, but that's getting pretty fuzzy. In any event, there were some extra vacuum devices on the 81's, and I suspect the one you are asking about is the temperature-switched valve. I don't remember exactly what it did, but you do not need it if you aren't running the full emissions package. If you had a picture of where those lines go we could probably figure out exactly what you have. But, before posting more pics please go here and read up on how to post them so we can actually see them well: Bullnose Forum/Forum FAQ's.
  20. Wait...... I'm fired already???? Nope! You, Bill, and Jonathan have the same power that I have. IOW, you could delete the forum with a couple of button pushes. All I want is an Assistant Admin position that has the same power except that it cannot edit the site. So everything you having been doing you'd still be able to do.
  21. Scott - As far as I know, Nabble is in containment mode. They are just fixing the worst of the problems, and not enhancing it any. Supposedly there is work going on to develop its replacement, to which there's going to be an easy way to migrate. But we've not heard anything about that of late. Shaun - Would "contributor memberships" be ones where people kicked in some money that was then sent to Nabble? We could do that, but from what I've seen there's currently no way for me to set up a badge that would indicate to others that you've contributed. However, there's a glimmer of hope that such a way can be developed. If that's what you mean then I could explore with Nabble what level of funding they'd need to address some of the problems we are having. They've said that they are working on the problem of editing your own post on a mobile device, but I've not seen anything for a few weeks on that. But they've not even acknowledged my plea for an Assistant Admin position.
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