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Everything posted by BigBrother-84

  1. Finally, mystery solved! We got an answer about the Caramilk Secret long license plates fitting mystery! We now understand how they get the long European size plates inside the small Bullnose rear (and front too, yep) bumper allowed space. Thanks to Stein, here is the answer: https://forum.garysgaragemahal.com/Fixing-Eddie-tp84683p124185.html
  2. Thanks Stein! I suspected something like that, but I was really skeptical. Here in Quebec, there is only one available size (I suspect the same for other Canadian provinces and territories). In the best case scenario, it's possible to order a personalized license plate with some specific character combinations. Nice to see that it's more flexible for our friends on the other side of the big pond!
  3. Oh, ok, not the kind of fabric you make a wedding dress with.
  4. Larry, I too got mine from LMC. In addition to waiting a few weeks for the rubber to smooth and take its place, I had to play with the position of the four door latches (yep, crew cab is like a motel), in order to find a comfortable slam-the-door-arm-power requirement.
  5. Stein - Maybe you can answer the absolutely useless neither trivial question I posted on this thread: https://forum.garysgaragemahal.com/European-Licence-Plates-tp123885.html I see that Eddie has an "American-more-square-style" licence plate (front and rear, for what I can see). Is this a "special" licence dimensions that are allowed for American made cars, in order to fit-in-the-hole? Just for fun... 😉
  6. Gary, it's interesting! I use the "Choose File" button method (red circle). Same when I am on my computer. When back home, I'll try from my desktop Mac. We'll see if it works same way than from your PC, while rotating with an app (Photoshop on my side). Maybe it's a kind of «iOS-super protected-and-unreachable-from-outside» System structure? Stay tuned!
  7. Brother, I think you're a lot smarter than you admit to here....LOL! From what I gather, a speed bleeder valve will not allow air into the system, so you could bleed your brakes the traditional way without two people. Of course, with the traditional valve, you cannot do this and you need two people, one to pump the pedal and the other to open and close the valve. Someone correct me here if I'm wrong on this? I stayed with the conventional valve and decided not to go with the speed bleeder valve. Another use for the word "Speed Bleeder" is given to a tool which applies pressure at the master cylinder. Look up Motive Speed Bleeder on Youtube. I did this to my truck yesterday and I love it. One person job. Doc, thanks a lot! I like to feel smarter while getting older. Then, I can spread my knowledge around the dining table, trying to look smarter, pointing to my family these fine differences between some specific mechanical items or tools. You guess that, in fact, I'm talking alone, everyone here is yawning and bored about these exciting and trivial questions.
  8. Hey John, Please, have mercy on the dummy mechanic I am, don't laugh What is the difference between a bleeder and a speed bleeder? Thanks!
  9. David, just curious, I was looking for a picture. Is this that part #7? I got this in my web search:
  10. Gary, not sure about my theory, but I have the feeling that the Forum rename the picture each time it loads it. If after it loaded it, I play with my original picture, it doesn't automatically detect it, I have to "reload" it (choose it again, choose the size and load). At that point, the Forum gives a new name, for it, it is a different picture. In my "last test" higher in this thread, the forum shows two different pictures, that in fact are a same one in my phone. Once loaded on the post, we have no control on that "clone", which have now its own life. We just can delete it.
  11. Gary- No, not what I do. When typing, before posting, I do a preview. Ooops! I realize one picture is badly oriented. Then I go to the pictures library on my iPhone and open the faulty one. In fact, I see it correctly oriented on my iPhone screen. So I modify it, forcing it to another orientation and save it that way (now, I see it badly oriented on my screen). I re-open it and rotate it in order to view it in well oriented, and save it. At that point, I usually feel losing my time, playing with the orientation of my picture that nevertheless appeared to me correctly oriented at the beginning But the Forum detects that something changed. I delete the picture in my post and do a new preview. It appears ok. Then I post.
  12. Gary, I did nothing more than simply rotate it and save the modifications. No more editing. Just a last test. Badly oriented: And corrected: For Gary: This is how the Forum "tag" each of them (in my iPhone, this is the same file):
  13. Gary, I did nothing more than simply rotate it and save the modifications. No more editing.
  14. Well, seems that if we do not replace the badly oriented picture with the good one, the Forum software detects that the corrected picture is different and do not load the modifications. Even if the name isn't modified, there is something enough significant in the Metadata or in the iPhone file path that makes the Forum software consider the two pictures to be different ones. I conclude that we have to replace the badly oriented picture by the corrected one before posting. At least for iOS phones...
  15. And here is the corrected picture, I did nothing else than just pasted it here:
  16. Now, here is the same picture, badly oriented, then corrected using my iPhone. I just let it that way, we'll see if the Forum software will replace it the good way.
  17. This is an experiment about the smartphone correction I detailed here: https://forum.garysgaragemahal.com/81-flareside-4x4-project-tp122751p124113.html I am using an iPhone 12 Mini. I don't think that matters. This is a badly oriented picture:
  18. Lol! We'll, nothing as a scientific experiment to decide between the yes or no. I'll try it in a specific post. Just for fun. We shall know the truth!
  19. Well, when I changed mine, I had to shut the doors, let's say very firmly, during couple of weeks. Now they close like new, I have the feeling I'm driving a Rolls Royce.
  20. Gary, there is a third method. No need for an external software, just using the smartphone. A-Using the smart phone, edit the picture and force it to rotate (no matter which direction). Save the modifications. B-Edit the picture a second time, rotating it in the good way, save it again. In the thread, simply replace the bad a picture by the good one. Done! Now it will appear on the forum correctly oriented.
  21. You're right! I thought about the rubber in the vertical channels, going around the top door too. Sorry! So, you're talking about #8 on LMC's diagram. This is the one that holds the window glass to the rail #7. Has to be in very good condition to avoid the glass to come out. I never had to change it, I will let other members to share their experiences.
  22. Hi Carl, Is your truck with a bench seat? If so, I bought mine from LMC and I’m very satisfied. I decided to keep the original vinyl under and "wrap" it with the new upholstery. Did a very nice job, original style look. I think they sale couple of styles, this is the one I bought (49-5735). Hope this can help you!
  23. Well, not a pro about that question, but I would say that the issue is not the glass particles stuck in the channel. I’m pretty sure they’ll come out easily. The "dryness" of the rubber will be the real issue, but you don’t need to pull it out in order to reinstall the new glass. If it was working well without water leaks, you’re probably better to keep it as is. Depends on how "rejuvenate" your truck is important or not.
  24. Invisibleman, thanks for the reply! Make sense!
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