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Everything posted by 1986F150Six

  1. That looks good! Best paint? [Dad's Truck] Farthest driven? Jonathan [i bet he gets the 1981 ready!!] Closest to stock? [i should drive my son's 1984 with functioning feedback system.] It should be fun!
  2. As Jonathan said, the 1985 and 1986 knobs are small and black. I have an old 1985/86 radio if anyone needs the knobs. I do not believe the radio works.
  3. I, too, like the 6 cylinder engine. Welcome!
  4. Gary, Don't fail to set aside some time for modifying the lift [added height]. Perhaps Friday evening?
  5. Luckily Chris/MotorsportXLS emailed me and offered to help, so we've worked it a bit behind the scenes. But I need to nail it down ASAP 'cause I need to have the trophies made. (The ones I have picked out are similar to the one below, and will have the name of the show and the class engraved on it.) So, here is what I'm thinking about, but want your opinions. • Furthest Distance Driven I believe that Jonathan is sure to be the winner!! • People's Favorite • Best Paint • Best Engine (Must be installed) • Closest To Stock (Pre-2000) • Best Upgrades (Modifications?)
  6. Da plane!!! Da plane!!! "Da plane!!! Da plane!!!" You are dating yourself, Chris! http://memecrunch.com/meme/4ENB9/boss-ze-plane-ze-plane/image.jpg?w=400&c=1
  7. If you decide not to include your name, one could find out about you by visiting the forum and using the "about me and contact me".
  8. What about a single line with: FORD Trucks P.S. Gary, if I were you, go with what is decided by the forum to be "best", but have a small "sample" made to be like Janey suggested and place it by her plate... "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"!!!
  9. Pebcak, when you mentioned that it was 66F and the flasher stopped working, I was reminded that in my 1986, the flashers would stop in cool weather unless the engine was spinning enough to have the alternator really working. I replaced the flasher with an electronic heavy duty unit and immediately, all was good. Even @ idle speed with headlights and A/C on, the flasher works at its predetermined flash rate.
  10. Take it easy on Gary... remember, he is used to driving Big Blue and a 2015 F150 [blue].
  11. Welcome! It looks like you pup [photo] is putting his "best" paw forward!
  12. Representing the "younger" guys, I will help!
  13. I like everything outside, if the weather permits.
  14. Good questions. I wonder where this will take place? Will it be where our trucks are parked [your church]? If so, the items can be placed in the truck bed and I guess we just stay nearby?
  15. They were part of the XLS package and offered, I believe, for 1982 and 1983. The eBay listing is for 1984 - 1986 [wrong]. Sometime you find "goodies" by going outside the envelope.
  16. http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/JiAAAOSw5cNYE4U5/s-l1600.jpg http://www.ebay.com/itm/NOS-OEM-Ford-F150-84-85-86-Passenger-LH-Black-Headlight-Bezel-Trim-E2TZ13064C-/192012088946?epid=1923517768&hash=item2cb4cff672:g:JiAAAOSw5cNYE4U5&vxp=mtr
  17. Thinking ahead to the OK GTG, I had not really planned to bring anything for the swap meet, but Saturday, while relocating items in my "man cave", I ran across some wheel covers I have had put away for years. There are (5) 15" wheel covers which were used on T-Birds and other full sized 1955-1957 cars. Originally, I purchased them for my truck, since the spare wheel is mounted in the bed, but then found some aluminum wheels. Perhaps with the larger crowd, this year, someone will be interested. They look like this: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/zmUAAOSwtvtVVWlK/s-l1600.jpg
  18. Gary, what is the fun in simply changing tires when you can better spend your spare time swapping out transmissions?
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