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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. But let me say it slightly differently. Here's an example of different levels: In this example you could subscribe to the top level, which I call the main page, and you'd get a notification for every post made. Or you could subscribe to any one of the next levels down, like the Projects Folder and get an email when anyone posts there. Or, you could subscribe just to Shaun/Salan's thread about his "1980 something" truck. Basically any level that has an "Options" dropdown on it can be subscribed to. But if you've already subscribed to the level above that then there's no need to subscribe. As an example, if you've subscribed to the Projects folder you don't need to subscribe to any of the threads in it. You are covered. Does that help? I'm just posting to assign this to me for testing purposes. I think I changed the text going out in the email from "This topic is assigned to you at priority" to "You have been tagged to come see this post at priority:". We can modify this easily, once I figure out what does it....
  2. You sure are getting poor quality pipes! But at least you got one that looks like it'll fit. Hope you can get it cleaned up.
  3. George - There is a writeup on that in Bullnose Forum/Forum FAQ's. But the main bit on subscribing says: But let me say it slightly differently. Here's an example of different levels: In this example you could subscribe to the top level, which I call the main page, and you'd get a notification for every post made. Or you could subscribe to any one of the next levels down, like the Projects Folder and get an email when anyone posts there. Or, you could subscribe just to Shaun/Salan's thread about his "1980 something" truck. Basically any level that has an "Options" dropdown on it can be subscribed to. But if you've already subscribed to the level above that then there's no need to subscribe. As an example, if you've subscribed to the Projects folder you don't need to subscribe to any of the threads in it. You are covered. Does that help?
  4. I think I can set it up so that when you post you can tag someone(s) and they'll get an email. But I don't think I'll be able to show that has happened as part of a post. And there's no way I'm aware of to tag someone in another person's post. (You can't do that in Facebook either as tagging is effectively posting.) So I think the key will be to say in your post something like "That's a question that I think Jonathan can answer so I'm tagging him." And then below the post use the dropdown and tag the person so when you hit Post s/he gets an email.
  5. Dane - That's ok. Thanks for responding. Bill & George - I agree that it might be helpful to call someone's attention to a particular thread or post. Jonathan - I'll answer your questions/comments, but please then read on down to mine. It is easy and takes up almost no real estate. Just because someone is "assigned" doesn't mean no one else can respond. You can assign to more than one person by assigning in the first post, editing the post and assigning to another, etc. Yes, if we leave the "assigned to" tag at the top it'll look like the last person is "it", but... It hasn't been decided who can use it. But it has to be an assigned group, and right now we have Admins & Members. Admins aren't enough, so Members seems the way to go. And that would mean that anyone that replied could assign someone. And I fully agree that keeping the discussion in the forum is FAR better than emailing since no one is going to find it in an email by searching. And now for what I think is a much better approach! We don't really need to "assign" people. Assigning means that the various "Assigned" columns or rows will show that person's name until someone un-assigns it. And until that time each poster will see that the "assigned" dropdown has Suzie's name pre-loaded in it. All we really want to do is to cause them to get an email that suggests that they come see this post. No records are kept, no "assigned" column, etc. Basically it would be like tagging someone in Facebook. So, maybe we should call it "tagging"? So I'm looking through the macros that drive this place to see if I can figure out how to do that. What I'd like to find is where someone currently "assigns" someone and let it send the email but not set the flag that it has been assigned. If I can do that then I think I can set up tagging. Y'all: Is that better? Please give me your comments on that approach vs the current one.
  6. Welcome! Where's home? We have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and could add you if we had a city or zip. Who knows, you might be a neighbor!
  7. LOL! So the average Bullnose sells for $550?????? That's hard to believe. I think I paid $600 for Rusty several years ago, and that was below average even then.
  8. When we moved to the UK for a couple of years we left our van with my parents and Dad was to drive it at least monthly. But if he did it wasn't enough as we had fits with it when we got back. Everything that could go wrong did, all at once. So I'm expecting that whomever buys that truck will have similar problems. Not that they shouldn't buy it, but they should expect to have a lot of problems.
  9. WOW!!! Nice truck, but as Shaun said, there's gonna be a ton of problems with it for having sat that long.
  10. Thanks! I've watched some parts of them and skipped through when I saw how they were doing it to get to the end. But there are apparently several different approaches. Good to know.
  11. Good progress! And, as Jim says, progress is good! And the truck is looking good as well. But how does one faux patina a body panel to match the rest? I'm curious.
  12. You got the pic loaded. As for the hoses, I ordered them from Erik at Sky.
  13. Thanks for responding, John. Let's take your two comments separately: Need: Only Scott and I've seemingly been interested, so there doesn't appear to be much "need". Work to maintain: Actually, I don't think there would be much work. I turn it off or on with the tick of a box and then determine what group can use it. Right now that's set to Admins, but we could set it to Members so everyone could use it. In either case, after that there's nothing more for me to do. The forum software does the rest. Trust me, I'm not pushing for it. But I just wanted to make sure everyone knows the situation.
  14. Man, that thing has had a TON of work done on it, and money put into it. It isn't my cup of tea, but I'll bet they aren't asking 1/3 of what it cost to do.
  15. Ok, apparently there is no interest in this function. I'll give it another 24 hours and then turn it off if we aren't going to use it.
  16. As some of you know, I'm having fits with the speed control on Big Blue. I'm almost to the point that I have nothing else to try. So I'm thinking about using an Arduino microprocessor to replace the speed control module (amplifier). And this thread is to document some of my thinking. The Arduino would plug in exactly where the current speed control plugs in and be a plug & play replacement. That would allow going back, if needed. But, there would also be another connector that would bring in other functions, like allowing the Arduino to run the fuel gauge by monitoring the fuel tank switch and then using the right mapping table for the tank in use. I have a Word document that I'm working on in the background and I've thought about embedding it here, but let me try to summarize. First, these are the inputs to the speed control: Power Ground Horn Pad Output Vehicle Speed Sensor + & - Servo Position BOO: Brake on/off And here are the outputs: Servo Potentiometer Power & Ground Servo Power Vent Valve Vacuum Valve And the way I see it working is that there will be two interrupts: VSS: Each pulse of the VSS will cause an interrupt, and the routine will determine the time from the last interrupt, which gives speed, and the delta in time from previous interrupts which gives acceleration/deceleration. And those parameters will be saved. Switches: Pushing on any of the horn pad switches will cause an interrupt, and the routine will then figure out which switch was pushed and then cause the right flag to be set and the proper parameters to be saved. For instance, if Set is pushed the routine will grab the current speed and make it the set point for the controller. And the background routine will monitor the flags and cause the right things to happen. For instance, if the "ON" flag is set the controller routine will be called, but not if the flag is not set. Speaking of the controller routine, that will be a PID routine from the Arduino library. You can read up on proportional/integral/derivative controllers, but they are very standard in control systems and are a perfect fit for a speed control. But having fully tested PID code for an Arduino available makes this project much easier. In reality the hardest part will be tuning the three parameters (Kp, Ki, & Kd) which tune the PID controller. And speaking of that, the Arduino will have a USB connector which will allow me to tune those parameters on the fly via this tablet. (And it will let me tailor the fuel level tables on the fly as well, but that's another subject.) Anyway, that's probably enough for now. If someone is interested in the flow charts I have to this point I can share the Word document, but it is both rough and ever-changing.
  17. Jim put me onto this stuff to shield lines with. I have some of it right next to a header and it is doing fine. https://www.delcity.net/store/T6-ThermaShield-Wrap/p_818140.h_807506
  18. Looking good. I like that big hub sticking out in back. But I wish mine were as black as yours.
  19. Welcome! Glad you joined. I like the truck, or should I say "project"? That's quite the list of things fixed and things to fix. Reminds me of my truck(s). Where's home? I ask because we have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and we could add you if we had a city or zip.
  20. Got the new speedo cable, VSS, and wiring in, but it was a battle. Turns out that the 92" cable is JUST long enough, and you'd better run it correctly or it won't reach. I found several ways not to run it, but I think I found one way that will work. Anyway, it is in as is the harness I made to connect the VSS to the original harness. (Another change between '85 and '86.) And, I tried to lube the input bearing to Big Blue's speedometer. I placed it face-down on the work table and squirted some JB Chain Lube around the brass input shaft. Then I used my drill and a short piece of speedo cable to turn it first one way and then the other, several time. And then each time I walked past it again I'd pick up the drill and spin it some more. The hope was that some of the heavy lube would get by the seal and help that bearing stabilize a bit. But I didn't want anything very thin as it might get past the bearing and into the coupling. I hope to find out tomorrow if it helped.
  21. I think that may be a good starting point. But, that just brings the springing down to the other spring option back then. If I want to go softer I could and then put air bags under it. However, this will let me see what I think. Thanks again.
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