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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. I apologize if this causes any of you extra email, but I need a place to capture what I'm learning about the forum, and what better place than on the forum. null_to_false: I modified this macro and effectively made it so "null" equals "true", as shown below. And that makes the "Alert me by email" tick box show up as ticked on all replies. But not on the initial post of a thread. Note that this macro is used in a whole bunch of places, so this can't be a good approach, even if we don't care about the initial post in a thread - but we do. So, if we really want to go this way I think I will have to write a new macro called "null_to_true" and have the appropriate routines call it instead of null-to-false. And in this case the null_to_false macro is called by the save_alert_field macro. So maybe some should be done there? At least to call a new null_to_true macro. Note that having ticked the box once for me causes the box to be ticked the next time I replied. But un-ticking it causes it to come up unticked the next time when null_to_false is in its original state.
  2. The alignment specs are on the page at Documentation/Suspension & Steering/Alignment.
  3. I may actually have a 4180 that would work. If I remember correctly it came from an '85 351HO, which should be the same engine Steve has. But personally, I'd rather have the Eddy. As you point out, Jim, the 4180 isn't adjustable. It is a serious emissions carb. The Eddy is adjustable and if Steve has someone to help him I think it can be tuned to pass the test.
  4. Man, you are going to have a huge Bloomin' Onion when this is over! I like your plans. But does the "steering rod kit" replace the tie rods? On the springs, you are out of my league. But some of the others will surely know. As for the zero degree question, the only way I know is to take it to an alignment shop.
  5. Yes, you got the email because you were tagged. Not because you ticked the box, or not. Thanks.
  6. Steve - You are now on the map. And, by the way, the model number of an Edelbrock is usually on the left/passenger's side corner of the base.
  7. Thanks, you as well. And, the weekend is almost here for you. Hope you do something fun.
  8. I agree with Jim, replacing the pan gasket in the vehicle is REALLY difficult. I've done it and vowed to never ever do it again. But it was best said by a guy on FTE, who said something like "If I ever decide to replace the pan gasket in the truck again I'll just pour gas on the truck and light it first." My sentiments exactly. What emissions testing do you have in Norway? What tests will the truck have to pass?
  9. Steve - Did you tick the box to get alerts? Did you "subscribe"? Or were they "assignments"?
  10. Ok, I promised more on the D1 Mini. First, here's a pic of the one he uses to open the garage door. He says "Siri, open the shop door" and Siri send a signal from his iPhone to the Blynk server to tell the Mini to open the door. That comes back down the internet, hits his wifi, and the Mini picks it up and closes the relay contact. Yes, they are small - 1.01" wide and 1.35" long. And cheap - from $7 to $11 gets you one with 4 meg to 16 meg. Or, how about two of them plus two relay shields for $13? Or, maybe a 4-channel MOSFET shield for $6 that can drive up to 5 amps on each channel? Let's see, one for the Vent valve, one for the Vacuum valve, one for the fuel gauge, and one spare? So, I'm thinking that one of these with a power shield (board) on the bottom and a MOSFET shield on the top will fit easily in the case of speed control amplifier. Take the old components off the speed control's board and use the board's edge connector for connection to the truck's harness. Plug and play. Add a connector to get the fuel tank switch's output, the senders, and the lead to the gauge and you can have a Meter Match equiv that has a table for each tank, and you can program it will driving. Fill the tank and cause the gauge to read Full. Calculate the usage at several mile points based on your normal MPG and when you hit that mile point make the gauge read where it probably should.
  11. /\ /\ What they said! Floor does look good, though. But don't loose that little plastic piece or you'll need another when you put your corner trim back in.
  12. Steve - Your namesake was right in all he typed. So first, did you read the guidelines? We ask people to go to the New Members Start Here folder as the guidelines are front and center there and we don't want people to miss them. Second, do you want to be put on the map? It is at Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu. All we need is a city or a zip And, you've updated your signature so you are ahead of me there. On the carb, in '85 a 351W could have come two ways: 2bbl w/a feedback carb and the EEC ignition system with a computer under the dash 4bbl and DS-II system and no computer Do you know which you had? You should be able to tell from the VIN, which shows on the Certification Label on the driver's door jamb. The 8th digit gives the engine code, with a G indicating a 351W 2bbl and an H representing a 351W 4bbl. Welcome!!!
  13. Yes, it did assign to me as it apparently assumes that the person to which you are responding is the assignee. I unassigned it. But, I'm hoping to figure out how to make this a one-time thing. Tag someone, they get the email, and that's it. No need for priorities, now next person gets tagged, nada.
  14. It took 13 minutes. That's quick! Cool!!!!
  15. So, did you use the Assign function?????
  16. And I didn't an email on the test user account. So just posting doesn't subscribe you to that thread. I don't like that, at all.
  17. Thanks, Scott. I hope we (I?) can tune it to be exactly what we want. But I'd like everyone's input regarding what they see.
  18. Yes, things have come a LONG ways since the 80's. And there's more to come - wait for a later post. On the valves, the Vent valve is held closed to keep the vacuum in the servo and opened to release vacuum/slow down. The Vacuum valve is opened to add vacuum to the servo and, therefore, accelerate. As for PWM, I'll have to put the 'scope on the control lines to see what the signals look like. But I assume that they just are popped as needed. Now for the news. My nephew called to discuss GMRS radios as he is buying some. In the course of the conversation I told him about the possibility of building a speed control and he told me that he's discontinued using Arduinos. Instead he's using D1 Minis, which are "the size of a postage stamp" and have WIFI built in. He puts a power supply board (shield) under it and a MOSFET shield above it and away he goes. You can load the sketches over WIFI, change the parameters, watch what it is doing, etc. He has one set up to plug into a cigarette lighter and monitor voltage or other parameters, and it reports it to him via a Blynk server so he can pull its output up any time he wants on his phone. He has others set up to open his garage doors and he sends the commands via Siri and the Blynk server. So he thinks the speed control and fuel gauge applications are perfect for one of these. He is an ME so understands PID controllers better than I, but I explained my plans and he concurs. More later.....
  19. As an experiment I've turn workgroups on so that everyone can use them. Let's see how it goes and we may want to change that. Anyway, here's how it works: You are in a thread and see a post that you think Joe Blow should see. You look right above the Post Message button and you see a dropdown that will either say Unassigned or Assigned. If Unassigned you want to make it Assigned. If already Assigned then go to the next step. Once you've made it Assigned you'll see another dropdown that will either show the current assignee or the member at the top of the member's list, which is currently '84-460-Project. Click that dropdown and use the slider on the right to scroll down and select the member you want to tag. Next to that dropdown is an "at priority" dropdown. I suggest we leave it at "3. Normal", but you can do whatever you want as it really won't matter. After adding some words in the "Reply" field click Post Message. Joe Blow will get an email just as if he is subscribed to that thread, but at the bottom it'll say something about him having been assigned or tagged, and a link that will take him to your post. Now for a few other things. At the moment the Assignee and the Priority show at the top of the thread. That's just FYI and I'll probably take that away. And, if someone has already been assigned/tagged, his/her screen name will show in the middle dropdown. If you change that to someone else and hit Post Message then that someone will now be the assignee and will get the email. I hope to be tweaking this feature to make it more tag-like where tagging someone just generates the email but nothing else. And, I'll be playing with the other aspects to clean it up. But give it a try and let me know what you think.
  20. Yes, the speed control is part of the PCM, and the PCM certainly has the ability to shift gears on an automatic tranny. Blue does that, Janey's GLK does, etc. But there's also been a huge change, progression really, in the "smarts" of the speed control. The Bullnose units appear to do the "proportional" bit of a PID controller, only. There's no integral nor derivative, or at least if there are those components then they are poorly implemented. But Blue's control is smooth. Somehow in the last 30 years between those two systems things progressed nicely.
  21. David - I had a similar process on my bicycle's chain, but it was just for cleaning. I put it in a Folger's coffee can and added gas, and swirled it around. Poured it out on the ground in the alley, where all our oil and gas went to keep the dust down, and hit it again. Once it was clean I hung it up to dry and then lubed it with motor oil from a Golden Rod oiler like this one. (I can't believe they still make them!) But your process would do a better job of getting the lube to stay.
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