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Bullnose Forum

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Welcome! Glad you joined. You probably missed the email I sent you asking you to go to the New Members Start Here folder, read the guidelines, and then start a new thread to introduce yourself. Don't worry, half the people miss that. But the key here is that you've had a chance to read the guidelines as we hold people to them. Have you? And, where's home? I ask because we have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and we can add you if we have a city/state or zip. Also, that's a nice looking truck. When you start asking questions it would help us if you had more detail about it in your signature, like what the engine is. But, you've made a good start by telling us what the truck is.
  2. Bob - Yes, around 4 I was still battling with things. Nabble turned https on w/o telling me, which caused all sorts of problems. When I realized what they'd done and fixed it (embed code and Weebly) things started working - for me. But now we need to know if it works for everyone. Larry - You shouldn't be able to get directly in to the forum as it is redirected to the embedded version. Are you still able to get in directly? And you can get in to the embedded version on an old version of Chrome but not a new one?
  3. You'se guys are making up my mind. Two weeks from this morning I'm leaving to pick up my brother and we are headed to Pueblo that night, and then on to Ouray the next day. I've been debating what time to leave that morning, but this discussion has helped me realize that I'd better wait until there is plenty of light as I start out driving through an area with a high population of deer. Once we leave my home town of Ark City, KS we'll be out onto the plains with less chance of finding deer. But that first 50 miles or so will have a high chance of finding them, and I want to see them well in advance.
  4. So, how are you getting in? Firefox? I'm on Win 10 Pro 64 version 21H1, and my Chrome is Version 92.0.4515.159 (Official Build) (64-bit). And that combo is working fine. So, what versions are you on?
  5. YES! We called that vehicle Lurch when we were in Europe.
  6. Larry - What do you mean about "no change"? Are you not able to log in via Chrome? If not, which OS?
  7. Well, it has been a trying day. But we may have made progress. Not only has our forum been moved, but they turned security (https) on, which caused a number of problems. But once I figured that out and made some changes on Weebly, I think everything is now working. And on top of that the top of your browser should no longer say "Not secure!" So, you tell me. Are you now able to log in with any browser you try? Are you having any problems?
  8. At that meet, Bill [aka NumberDummy] told me that the Aztec was possibly the ugliest vehicle ever built and he credited it with the demise of Pontiac! Larry - I may have the braces, but I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to. I've parted out several trucks so have parts, but just need to make sure I keep a set for Dad's truck. So, can you show me pics of what you need? David - Yep, I remember that well.
  9. Sure! I can do that tomorrow. And if I don't, rattle my cage.
  10. Justin - I'm not 100% sure I followed everything in the video, but I think I caught enough for us to start wading through this. First, you said that if you put 12v to the Pk/Bk wire that the pump will run. That tells us that the right half of the circuitry in the schematic below is working. However, you don't hear the pump run when you are cranking the engine? That should put power to the Pk/Bk wire just the same as when you put the jumper on it. So if you are sure that the pump doesn't run then let's discuss why that can be. But if you aren't sure then I'd suggest that you pull the cable going down to the starter, which should be the big one on the rear lug of the starter relay, and then turn the key to Start. That should send power to the fuel pump w/o spinning the starter so you can be sure the pump is coming on. And if the pump isn't coming on then that says your starter relay is either bad or wired incorrectly.
  11. Well, I've done some looking and I don't have a fender. Nor do I have a fender liner I can part with. But, I do have these items which you are welcome to, Larry. Hood: It was used at church camp and got spray painted and then messages were added. But I believe it is dent free and under the spray paint is light surface rust where the factory paint had gone away. EDIT: Oops, in the pic I spotted a bend in the edge, as shown in the circle. Condenser: It is out of Dad's truck, so is an '81. And from our page at Documentation/HVAC/HVAC Systems it looks like all the Bullnose trucks with gas engines used the same one. As for a radiator support, I have the one that I took off of Big Blue. But there are four issues with it. First, it is from an '85 and the radiators mount differently on the '85 and later supports. However, if you go with a later radiator then it'll bolt in. Or, you may be able to mod that later support to take the earlier radiator. I know it can be done the other way 'round, as shown on the 85+ Radiator In An Earlier Support tab on our page at Documentation/Cooling Systems/Radiator Supports. And there's a chunk out of that support, although you might be able to graft that piece in from your support. Plus there's rust in the lower corners, as shown in the pics. Oh yes, I have a radiator as well, but it is from Dad's truck so is for a V8 and the hose connections are swapped on the 300 six.
  12. Sometime this morning Nabble moved our forum - as anticipated. But, that has had some unexpected results. First, I cannot log into the embedded forum with Chrome or Safari. Only Firefox. So I've had to take the redirect out so the email notifications we get don't take us to the embedded forum. And I'm sure you are asking "What do you mean by the embedded forum?" Here's a brief explanation: Embedded: The simple way to explain it is if you have a bullnose icon on the browser's tab, that is the embedded forum. And on the embedded forum view you'll also have the menu up above to get to the rest of the website, meaning Bullnose Forum, Documentation, About, etc. And this is the version of the forum I cannot log into via Chrome or Safari. But I can using Firefox. Direct In: This is when you go directly to the Nabble server w/o going through the website. And in this case you'll have a big N on the tab of the browser. This is the way in that isn't redirected to the website, so you won't have the menu above allowing you to get to the rest of the website. And this works with all browsers I've tried. The email notifications you get now should take you directly into the forum so everyone should be able to log in. And we'll have to run in this mode until Nabble fixes the problem. Also, I think some posts got lost in the move. For instance David/1986F150Six sent me an email regarding a post he made and I cannot find it. So check out your posts from last evening until this morning around 5 AM CDT to make sure they "took". If not, please post again.
  13. Looking back a bit I hadn't really commented on this and I thought I should. Are the east sides of Cinnamon and Engineer Passes too easy and therefore boring? That depends on your perspective. I'm not the world's greatest rockcrawler, and my Bronco isn't the best off-road rig in the world. Not even close on either. But I've been doing this for quite a while and I'm pretty good at it. And my Bronco is a pretty capable vehicle. Lesley has been doing this with me too. So for us it was easy. But then again, on our last trip to Ouray we met a couple people in a side-by-side that had just come over Cinnamon Pass and said they had been pretty freaked out by it. So what was easy in our sight was kind of over-the-top (pun intended) for others. Compared to most trails it is pretty easy. But there are some narrow shelf sections and tight switchbacks, so I can see how people not accustomed to it could be scared. Is it boring? Lesley thought so, but again, a lot of people drive the Alpine Loop. It remains a popular trail, so others must not find it too boring. What's the truth? It's definitely a nice, scenic trail. But there are a lot of nice scenic trails in the Ouray area. I'm not saying it's boring, or not worth doing. But from my perspective there are other trails that are more worth doing, either because they are more challenging or because the scenery is more varied. And this is all based on driving part-way down, and then back up, the east side of Cinnamon Pass. I don't have any reason to believe it got to be more difficult, or more special scenery if I had gone farther, but I don't know that it didn't. And I haven't been on the east side of Engineer Pass, so I'm extrapolating quite a bit to lump it in with the east side of Cinnamon. So bottom line, I don't recommend the east side of those two passes, but that's just me. There are others who would tell you something completely different, and they're not wrong either. This is something else I meant to comment on. I did touch on Mineral Point above. I do think it's a worthwhile short detour if you are near it. Sherman Road is another thing entirely. For starters, it's quite a ways down the east side of Cinnamon Pass. If you aren't doing the Alpine Loop it probably adds at least 4 hours to your trip. Even if you are doing the Alpine Loop it still probably adds 1 - 2 hours. And I don't know if it's worth doing. It starts below tree-line and we turned around before we got above treeline. It wasn't a particularly interesting or scenic trail on the section we were on. It might have got a lot better had we kept going, but Lesley in particular was ready to be back on the west side of Cinnamon Pass so we turned around. It also might have some great camping spots if you were doing a trip that way, but we weren't and it sounds like you aren't, at least this time, either. So no, I definitely wouldn't make Sherman Road a goal on this trip if I were you. Again, not saying it's a bad trail, just probably not worth it for you on this trip. Bob - Thanks for the very detailed replies. I want to think through what you said, change my maps, and see what you think. But for the most part I understand what you are saying. Perhaps we want to save Poughkeepsie Gulch for Day 3 or Day 4 and take Animas Cutoff and California Gulch as you suggested for Day 2. (Or, maybe Day 1 as I want to talk to my bro about how easy Last Dollar is.) Anyway, thanks! Let me get some other things done and I'll incorporate your suggestions onto maps and be back to see if I've done that right. And, as I think about it, I may change the color codes on things. Heretofore they've been arbitrary, but if I made them green for easy, blue for moderate, yellow for more difficult, and red for hard I could then show them on an overall map of the area to help my brother and I decide what to do on any given day. And you could tell me if I've gotten them right.
  14. I do believe that includes the one on the bottom since the info Cory posted shows 3/1. But it is still possible that someone changed them. Frequently a new spring pack will have the same # of springs but the individual spring leaves will be thicker or have more arch. So check those other dimensions - although for the arch you have to take the weight off of the springs.
  15. Ok, what I've found is that while it looks like we did get all of the posts, some of the email notifications of posts take you to the wrong place. I'm not sure how to explain this clearly as it isn't very clear to me. But it looks like any email notification prior to the move, which happened just prior to 4:45 AM this morning, will take you to the wrong place. The posts are still there, but you aren't in the place where they are. So go here (http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/) and drill down on the thread in question and you should find the post. For example, SCFlareside posted this and I was given this link to access it: But when you follow that link you are taken to the old instance of the forum and that post does not exist. However, if you go to the new instance of the forum and go to his thread the post is there. I know, it is But I think we are intact, just confused.
  16. The steering components didn't change due to tire size. You can see the part #'s at our page on Documentation/Suspension & Steering/Steering/Tie Rods & Drag Links. And while there were several different parts that changed over time, in many cases the same part was used for F100, F150, F250, and F350's. So I think the components are easily capable of handling a bit larger tire.
  17. The forum has now been moved to the other Nabble server. (No, not the AWS servers, yet.) I'm going to be doing some checking to ensure we haven't lost anything. And, I've turned the redirect back on so the emails should bring you back to the embedded forum.
  18. That's one of the fancy bumpers. Love it!
  19. Welcome, Justin! Glad you joined. What part of PA? I ask for two reasons. One, I used to live in Kennett Square. Two, we have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and we can add you if we had a city or zip. On the truck, I also have an '85 F250 w/a 460 and have done a bit of work on it. So I'll bet we can get you going. But you should start a new thread in the main section as more people will see it there than here.
  20. Bummer! No, I don't have any clues. I just found that in a search and assumed they were still around. Sorry. Let's see if David/1986F150Six can find something. I'll tag him. David - We are looking for F0AZ 5421812-A, which is a right-hand 1980/81 door latch, meaning the one with the slide lock option. Can you help?
  21. Larry - I'll look tomorrow, but I might have some of these pieces such as the driver's fender and hood. I do have the radiator support that came on Big Blue that cut a hole in. You might be able to use it the way it is or patch it if you wanted. Anyway, I'll look tomorrow and see what I can find.
  22. Bob - I'm making progress. But it isn't as easy as I'd hoped. The main issue I've having is with the terminology, meaning what various people call what trails. For instance, you say the trail from 550 to Poughkeepsie Gulch is Engineer Mountain Road. But Gaia calls it CR18. And Alltrails calls it Mineral Creek OHV Trail. But by printing out various things and laying them beside your maps I'm starting to get my head around it. And there's a learning curve to Gaia. Fortunately I found the user's manual and got most of my questions answered, so things are starting to come together. So, let's try this. Here's what I think you did on your Day 1 where you took in Engineer Mountain Road - Mineral Point - Animas Cutoff - Cinnamon Pass - Sherman Road - Cinnamon Pass - California Gulch - Hurricane Pass - Corkscrew Pass - Corkscrew Gulch. Except I left out Mineral Point and Sherman Road, although I can put them in pretty easily. But is this correct? That's 38 miles round trip from our hotel in Ouray, and we could take all sorts of side trips from that basic route. Or, we could change Cinnamon Pass for Engineer Pass. From what you said earlier that might be better?
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