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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. I hope it goes together perfectly. And that you are getting started before the heat sets in.
  2. Better you than I. To me an auto tranny is like a clock - way too many parts to get back together in the proper order. Perhaps my comfort with building engines is because I started on model airplane and lawnmower engines with a single cylinder. Then graduated to auto engines that just add a distributor and a water pump. So it was gradual. Anyway, good luck to you! I'm sure you'll do fine.
  3. That is interesting. But "semantic entropy" is one of those "I've got it, I've got it - I ain't got it" things. I think I understand it but may or probably don't. But this statement helps: "To use an example from the researchers' paper, "Paris," "It's in Paris," and "France's capital, Paris" are all valid answers to "Where's the Eiffel Tower?" So, statistical uncertainty, termed entropy in this context, can arise either when the LLM isn't certain about how to phrase the right answer or when it can't identify the right answer." Then adding "sematic" to "entropy" seems to mean the uncertainty with exactly how to phrase something. In other words, I knows the right answer but isn't exactly sure how to phrase it. Anyway, if they can come up with a way to prevent confabulation the LLMs will be useful.
  4. Welcome! I was just looking for a good home and I found it. You even have the puller ready.
  5. Bummer! Hope you get that stuff fixed. But the key chain looks good.
  6. Nathan - Welcome to the forum! Glad you joined. But you may have missed the email I sent you asking you to go to the New Members Start Here folder, read the guidelines, and then post an intro there. We do that 'cause we will hold you to the guidelines so you need to have seen them. Don't worry, our joining process is broken, which is part of the reason we are moving to a new platform. So many miss that step. But we do ask that you take that step, please.
  7. Yes, that's what I was asking about - the tabs on the Library page. Thanks.
  8. Thank you Grumpin! I am for the moment all within spec on pressures. What a relief. Started up the Yellow Rose today…..cold air blows, and it is a beautiful thing!!!!! Excellent!!!
  9. Thanks, Bill. And thoughts on tabs vs individual pages?
  10. Thanks, Will. All of y'all - I now have re-created the pdf/Excel/Word table for advertisements and brochures on the Weebly page called Adverts & Brochures under Library, meaning using the dropdown. Please look it over and let me know what you thing, but don't get hung up that some of the pages don't open. There's an issue with Microsoft at the moment that I'm working in the background, but the real question is what you think of the Adverts & Brochures page. If that is a better approach than using a pdf, or Excel, or Word table then I'll continue on down that road, but need to know soonest as that is a painful, rocky road and I don't want to go there if it isn't what we want. Assuming it is, then we need to decide on whether or not to use separate pages or tabs: Separate Pages: This means that on a Windows device you'll hover over the Library link and you'll then see links to the separate pages. Or on an iPhone, and presumably Android, you'll single click on Library and see the links to the separate pages. Tabs: This means that you just go to the page called Library and on that page you are presented with multiple tabs. But this isn't a very good solution for mobile devices as you have to scroll to see all of the tabs and it isn't intuitively obvious to the casual observer that there are more tabs. And we are limited to the practical # of tabs, with a max of 5. So if we need more than that we are back to individual pages. I'm voting for separate pages as it is much more flexible to create. If we come up with documents we can't put in the existing categories we will create a new one. But that's not easy with tabs. However, I'd like to hear from y'all.
  11. Thanks, Will. But I'm having problems with both Google and Microsoft so I'm exploring a different way of doing this - creating a table on the Weebly page and not using either Google or Microsoft. Please use the menu to see the drop-down below Library and go to Advert's & Brochures or click on this link to go there directly: https://www.garysgaragemahal.com/adverts--brochures.html. Does that load better? How does it look? It does for me but doesn't look as good in portrait on my phone due to wrapping of the text. But it is better in landscape, although not perfect. However, the Weebly app is a PAIN to use. It is really, really difficult and tedious, so I'm loathe to do all that work until y'all look it over and say "Yes!!!! That's IT!!!!" Or not. As for sharing, one of the reasons I want to get the list of things I have on the site is so y'all don't go buying or scanning things for me. And I don't put complete manuals on that are being produced by someone licensed by Ford. That includes the shop manuals as you can buy them in CD format under a Ford license. But smaller or one-off things like brochures or training manuals aren't licensed for reproduction by Ford and are legitimate to put on. So if you want to scan some of them and send to me I can use them. But please scan in 600 dpi as I run my optical character recognition program on things like manuals so people can search them for what they are looking for.
  12. Microsoft is NOT cooperating. So I tried Google Drive, and it's no fun either. So I think I'm going to create the pages using Weebly. I've done some playing with it on this page: https://www.garysgaragemahal.com/ford-training-manuals.html. Obviously the 2nd attempt is a bit slicker, and it should load immediately. I'll work on it a bit in the morning and we'll see what we think.
  13. Ok, here's the status - all messed up! I've added pages below Library, but you can still click on Library. On there you'll see tabs for the 5 different types of literature. Or you can hover over Library, on some devices, and then click on one of the 5 links with a page for each of the types of literature. BUT, Microsoft is not playing nicely at the moment and while I can see all of the stuff on the tabs save for Training Manuals, with Safari my iPhone, I can only see Other Annual and Other Pubs on the tabs with Chrome on Windows. And other browsers give similar results. But none show the Training Manuals. Gotta go to a meeting at church right now, but maybe in the morning I can sort this out.
  14. Ok, whatever you do at the moment do NOT go look. I've done something W.R.O.N.G.
  15. Thanks, Paul. If I break it up by either tabs or pages the files should be small enough to load faster.
  16. Thanks, Jeff. They work that way for me as well. But I want to hear from others as well. On a slightly different subject, we have so much documentation that I'm thinking we need to have several tabs so people don't have to scroll to find things. Like maybe: Advertisements & Brochures Annual Service Literature: Service highlights on each year, Engine Emissions Diagnosis, etc Other Ford Annual Publications: Includes owners manuals, dealer fact books, accessories catalogs, etc Ford Training Manuals: Not specific to a year, like Basic Gasoline Engines, The Effect Of Engine Design On Emissions & Performance, Overhauling Diesel Engines, etc. Or I could put pages w/in the library with those tabs on each page. Thoughts, y'all?
  17. We made it! As of now we have $2050.30 in the Migration fund and $180 in the maintenance fund. The latter is enough for three months of the $55/mo Invision fees but we will need to get more to cover the rest of the year as well as the annual Weebly and GoDaddy fees, so please don't quit with the generosity. I'll be getting with Invision to kick off the migration effor ASAP. No idea how long that will take, but I'll let you know what I hear.
  18. We made it! As of now we have $2050.30 in the Migration fund and $180 in the maintenance fund. The latter is enough for three months of the $55/mo Invision fees but we will need to get more to cover the rest of the year as well as the annual Weebly and GoDaddy fees, so please don't quit with the generosity. I'll be getting with Invision to kick off the migration effor ASAP. No idea how long that will take, but I'll let you know what I hear.
  19. Folks - I'm struggling to manage the pdf version of the table on the library page. But managing the Word version works pretty well. So I'd like you to take a gander at the Library page and tell me what you think. There are two versions of the table on the page: First: This is the pdf version Second: This is the Word version I really need to do a lot of work to the table for several reasons. First, Paul/Rockhauler has sent me two new manuals and I need to be able to add them. But I also have over 50 other Ford publications that I need to add to the table. So I need to be able to easily manage it and I'm not finding the pdf version to be easy. Please let me know what you think of how the two work, load, etc. (But don't worry about any differences in the two, I'm only interested in how they function.)
  20. Went to Diesel Parts (they do custom A/C lines, hydraulics, etc…..) They said the line they created was not crimped properly. So they recrimped the line and gave me new o rings—no charge. They thought it was leaking from the top, and squirreling around the fitting and dripping on the metal line. Anyway, filled with 2 cans yesterday until the compressor remained ON. I stopped there. Pressure was 35 on low and 200 on high, steady. I have no sticker so I am guesstimating here. The 1979 truck with same setup at the pic-pull said 2.75 on it’s sticker. So I am thinking with the 80% that is correct? 80% of 2.75 is 2.2. If I have that calc correct then I am in the field of range. The proof of this is I went out this late morning and turned on truck and A/C. The compressor kicked right on and engaged and never cycled off like it has in the past. Cold air blew right away and consistently. I would say this is fixed…I hope. Time will tell! Have to say, I am quite a believer in the dye method over the electronic sniffer. Mine was blowing false positives all over. I've always filled to the correct pressures and not worry about how many cans or weight. But if you have cold air, then you are doing well. Hope it doesn't leak this time.
  21. That is amazing that the rod was bent that much and not only was there no damage to anything else but it ran - for many thousands of miles!
  22. Some of that may just be from running down from above. But it does look bad. What did the A/C shop say?
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