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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. That's going to take some work to get in shape. But, we will be with you. 👍
  2. Fyi, I moved the conversation about the navigation menu to the Observed Problems thread.
  3. I found that I can change the font of the nav menu, so I dropped it from 15 to 10 on both main and the sub-menus. Let's see if that helps. Meanwhile I will continue to investigate.
  4. Chris - What I see is shown below on my laptop, and when you move your mouse to the red part you can scroll down to get the rest of the menu. And my iPad when in landscape does about the same. However, when in portrait mode it has the 3-line menu in the upper left. The whole menu thing is really messing Jim up as it overlays the text input box. So I've liaised with my Nabble guru across the pond and he suggested that I give everybody the 3-line menu, even when using a desktop or laptop. I think that would solve the problem, so am researching it.
  5. And for a radiator support? Don't worry in my case if not.
  6. Has gauges and factory A/C. Apparently a Custom as it has the black weave instrument and radio bezels. Good bones! Don't know if you've found it, but you can decode the certification label on the driver's door post by going to Specification/Certification Label in the navigation menu. That's interactive and will let you determine the transmission, springs, axle ratio, paint color, etc.
  7. Cool project! Glad you are saving part of your heritage.
  8. The separate pic appears to be a compound eccentric. I can post a pic of a stock eccentric in a bit if you want as they are laying on the work table - and need to be put away before company gets here. Yes, once person's perception can be quite different than another's. People that are familiar with a vehicle will often overlook many ills that are glaringly apparent to someone that sees the vehicle the first time. And I do remember the scary video!
  9. The first hit in the catalog that I have for a 1984 F-series w/a 302, which is what my memory says we are dealing with, is as shown below. The actual part number starts with E4TE, but the number on the part would be E4TE. So, David, can you find a number like that on the carb body itself? Not on a bolt-on part as that number goes for that part. If not, can you find the calibration number, which will probably be on a sticker on the valve cover? And, if both of those fail then tell us everything about the truck, meaning year, engine, transmission, 2 or 4wd, and if it was a CA truck or high altitude. (And if that were in your signature we wouldn't have to ask again. )
  10. I agree 10000%. Thought of that many times. So, I need to make a list......
  11. Jim - I agree with you about all the "stuff" that comes along with replying via email. Yuk! I'll see if it can be turned off. Yes, the overlay problem should be here, but I'm not worried as I saw it anyway. And, I've emailed with my mentor on that, and he sees the same problem so has reconfigured his navigation menu so it is only the three lines, regardless of screen. Says lots of people are doing that on web sites. I wonder if that would help? But, he also mentioned different browsers. Said that he hasn't tried, but that he's heard that different browsers handle it better on the Android. And I saw the same thing - was going to reply to your first post and the email went away and was replaced by Free Tires.
  12. I understand. I've been there many times. In fact, I am there right now with Dad's as I wanted to take it to the show in Kansas on a trailer, but won't trailer it that far w/o suspension. On the eccentric, I think the thing pointed to below is it:
  13. David - I think the E3TA-AA is the number for the choke pull-off, not for the carb. It looks like it is stamped on the pull-off. As for what kit, I would think you can find a kit that matches your application, meaning what year the truck is, what engine, etc. But, I don't know that info. If I did, like if you had it in your signature, I might be able to find your carb's number in the catalog. However, if you could find the calibration number, which is usually on the valve cover, it would be easy. The calibration # looks like 4-51D-R0D.
  14. Congrats! One layer of onions peeled. Time for celebration and a small serving of onion rings. And then on to the next layer. 🙈
  15. As one of my friends says, "Progress is good!" 😉
  16. Ouch! Doesn't sound like fun. Did you find a place to stay?
  17. Well written! Looks like you are also qualified to teach the "What To Look For When Truck Buying" class. And probably the "Set A Goal & Keep To It" class. 😉 Anyway, I'm looking for the next installment. Where are you with it today, and where will you be with it one week from today - in all aspects of that question.
  18. Meaning, along with You, Bill/Numberdummy, Chris/ctubutis, and David/1986F150Six. Plus the Tim Meyer, who is bringing my engine, and a host of locals like Bruno2, Jstitts, Cashman, and on and on?
  19. The Fonz is here! Welcome, Rick. Glad you found us. And I'm not surprised that your truck is winning trophies. How 'bout driving it to Skiatook in just over a week? I can almost guarantee you'll win a trophy, although mine aren't nearly of the same quality as the ones you've won. You can see the flyer for the show here.
  20. Ok, thanks. Yes, I'm anxious to get that microfiche scanned. I think there's a gold mine in there, information we aren't going to get elsewhere. Ever. As for why this site, we will just have to win him over. 😉
  21. That's weird! I see mine while logged in.
  22. Jim - Good input. Given that the timing may not be locked. So, once he gets it running he can determine that with a timing light. Thanks! And I take back what I said about the only option to getting the truck running right is to go DS-II. Let's wait on that until you get the truck running.
  23. Didn't actually do it "to" my truck today, but I got this in from an FTE'er. The only one I can find in the catalog is as shown below. The only mention of it I can find in the literature is in the 1985 Accessories catalog on Page 6, as shown at the bottom, and it is for the van. It doesn't look quite right as the top bar on the van one appears to be round, and this one is rectangular with FORD on it. This one is supposed to be for an F-series, but doesn't have ID # on it. Does anyone know? Chris - Could you ask Bill if he knows?
  24. Thanks, guys. I finished the Pony part of the page, made that page visible in the nav, deleted the other pages, and set up a 301 redirect for them to the new page.
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