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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Chris - Thanks. This came up because the new header that appears covers the original header-based Google search box, so I had to move it to the footer. And that got me to thinking about the two search functions, and things snowballed from there. πŸ™ˆ But, I'm not sure I understand the issue. Are you saying the "??" are a problem? If not, what are we trying to fix? Also, it isn't Wordpress, but Weebly. As for my English friend, he is a Nabble guru, not a Weebly guru. But, there is a Weebly support forum to which I could turn if I understood the problem we are trying to solve.
  2. I need to clarify something for y'all. There are actually two different search functions you will encounter, and they produce significantly different results. But first I need to explain some terminology: Forum: This is actually just the first page of the whole website Website: The whole of Garysgaragemahal I have trouble with that concept and suspect you might as well, but the difference is important with the discussion of the search functions, which are good tools to have. So, here's a graphic to explain. This is the top level of the new navigation menu, and everything in there is part of the "website", as shown in red. But, only the first page, as shown in yellow, is the "forum". Now, if I've not succeeded in losing you yet, let me try again. Using those two dafynitions here are the search functions: 1. Forum Search: This search just searches the text in the forum itself, meaning the posts themselves. And it is accessed by the search line towards the top right of the forum pages, like: 2. Website Search: This is at the very bottom of each page on the whole of the website, not just the forum. It is called Google CUSTOM SEARCH and looks like the one below. This one does not search the "forum" but searches the rest of the site. Just type in what you are looking for and either hit Enter or click on the magnifying glass on the right end. Let's assume you type in "hose" and hit Enter. You'll get a page like the one below. Note the highlighted line - everything above that is what Google wants you to go look at off-site. But below the line are the results on the site, meaning Radiator Hoses and Air Cleaner Heat Tube.
  3. Eye problems must be going around. I lost vision in my right eye for 2 - 3 minutes a week ago tonight, and then it came back. That was/is quite concerning - and I have two good eyes. So I can't imagine what it is like to have a problem with your one good eye. Hope you get that sorted quickly. By the way, is the new layout on the nav menu any better? What about the impact on the text box?
  4. There is something strange about seeing or not seeing your own signature. Sometimes I don't see mine. But yours appears to be showing all the time, at least for me. Yes, I do have a few things going, and what you are seeing here isn't all of them. But things will work out!
  5. Welcome, Kevin! And thanks for the compliments, both here and via email. This site is not static and it isn't unusual for me to add two or three pages a week. So if you need something please ask and I'll see what I can do. I have a fair amount of documentation and Chris (and Bill/NumberDummy who isn't, yet, a member here) have shipped me quite a bit more. Plus, Bill/1985lebaront2 has already helped significantly with the 1986 Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual and, as he said, may have what you need. My intent with the site is to provide documentation to answer questions, but to do so once for all. It isn't quite two years old and is now up to 380 pages. However, as you found, some of those aren't fleshed out, so I need to do so. Bill - If you have vacuum routing diagrams and could scan them, maybe while Irma's rains lash you in a few days, I'd appreciate it.
  6. So far so good. If we like this "step in the right direction" I can explore some others themes that help with the other things. I agree that the Garagemahal links got in the way if you got too close, and this does seem to fix that. Anyway, keep those cards and letters coming in! πŸ‘Œ
  7. Folks - Given the problems some were having with the navigation menu I've changed the layout of the site and have gone with the mobile-style menu for everyone. I hope you like it, or at least don't hate it, but I think it will be more functional. Also, there may be a few pages that have a cup of coffee or some other header on them. I'm cleaning them up, but if you find one please tell me.
  8. No, sir, all screenshots were made within a few minutes of each other. Just showing you what I see and how I can't use the mouse to make anything better, to try and reveal the hidden contents of the red box. If this isn't clear, it will need to wait until I get there, too much typing involved to try and explain on a frickin laptop. See how this works.
  9. I'm guessing that someone swapped the valve covers. The sticker is usually on the front end of the passenger's side one, so is it on the back end of the driver's side? If you can find the calibration # I can tell you a lot about the carb.
  10. Grumpin - Your sig is showing, at least to me. See below. Chris - I'm not sure what you are telling me. But I think you are saying that the menu is much further down in one shot that the other. Is there a chance the first shot was with the old 15-point font in the nav and the second is the smaller 10-point?
  11. I can't explain it. But, maybe when I move a set of posts I need to change the title?
  12. Christian - Welcome!!! We are glad you are here, and can't wait to follow your build. πŸ‘
  13. Jim - I moved these comments from the other thread. But it didn't change the title, which may be where the title comes from for the email. So I changed the title on this one. Chris - Yes, I'm thinking about changing to the hamburger menu for all users. What do y'all think?
  14. That's going to take some work to get in shape. But, we will be with you. πŸ‘
  15. Fyi, I moved the conversation about the navigation menu to the Observed Problems thread.
  16. I found that I can change the font of the nav menu, so I dropped it from 15 to 10 on both main and the sub-menus. Let's see if that helps. Meanwhile I will continue to investigate.
  17. Chris - What I see is shown below on my laptop, and when you move your mouse to the red part you can scroll down to get the rest of the menu. And my iPad when in landscape does about the same. However, when in portrait mode it has the 3-line menu in the upper left. The whole menu thing is really messing Jim up as it overlays the text input box. So I've liaised with my Nabble guru across the pond and he suggested that I give everybody the 3-line menu, even when using a desktop or laptop. I think that would solve the problem, so am researching it.
  18. And for a radiator support? Don't worry in my case if not.
  19. Has gauges and factory A/C. Apparently a Custom as it has the black weave instrument and radio bezels. Good bones! Don't know if you've found it, but you can decode the certification label on the driver's door post by going to Specification/Certification Label in the navigation menu. That's interactive and will let you determine the transmission, springs, axle ratio, paint color, etc.
  20. Cool project! Glad you are saving part of your heritage.
  21. The separate pic appears to be a compound eccentric. I can post a pic of a stock eccentric in a bit if you want as they are laying on the work table - and need to be put away before company gets here. Yes, once person's perception can be quite different than another's. People that are familiar with a vehicle will often overlook many ills that are glaringly apparent to someone that sees the vehicle the first time. And I do remember the scary video!
  22. The first hit in the catalog that I have for a 1984 F-series w/a 302, which is what my memory says we are dealing with, is as shown below. The actual part number starts with E4TE, but the number on the part would be E4TE. So, David, can you find a number like that on the carb body itself? Not on a bolt-on part as that number goes for that part. If not, can you find the calibration number, which will probably be on a sticker on the valve cover? And, if both of those fail then tell us everything about the truck, meaning year, engine, transmission, 2 or 4wd, and if it was a CA truck or high altitude. (And if that were in your signature we wouldn't have to ask again. )
  23. I agree 10000%. Thought of that many times. So, I need to make a list......
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