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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. WOW! That is a beauty! And, $9850 isn't a bad price for what you appear to be getting.
  2. I think #1 may be C327 shown best in the illustration on Page 69 here: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/headlamps.html. And electrically you can see it in the upper left corner on Page 53 here: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/carburetor-circuits.html. For #2, see Figure 1 on Page 134 here: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/trailer-option1.html. Can you tell which connector it is? As for #3, do you have the engine to firewall ground that is usually from the valve cover rear bolt to the wiper motor's screw?
  3. There's a book dedicated to Bullnose trucks? Or did I misunderstand?
  4. I was recently asked what part numbers there are for the original hose clamps. We didn't have those listed, but do now: Cooling System/Hose Clamps.
  5. Good point, Cory. I hadn't looked at the brackets for the bar. In fact, I didn't have them on the page. But, I do now, and the brackets certainly have different part numbers. Cash - Try it and see. May not work, but the 9" was used for a number of years so you should be able to find the right brackets. Or, maybe adapt what you have?
  6. Cool! Wonder how far he'll drive to buy coffee?
  7. Bill - You raise a good point. Perhaps the block changed along there somewhere. So, I took a look, and lo and behold there was and, at first blush, there were four. But, the 1980/83 one has a prefix of E7, so it is a replacement. And, that E7 is actually shown in three places. But, using the breakdown on the left it looks like there were four: 1980 - 83; 1984 - 85; 1985 - 86 ex EFI; and 1987 on inc EFI. Right? If so, we need to figure out what, if any, difference there was in deck height. Anyone know where to get that info?
  8. Well, score one for the microfiche tower! (You had to have been at the GTG last year, meaning in 2017, when Chris/ctubutis and Bill/Numberdummy brought me not one, but two microfiche viewers and a 1990 version of the Master Parts Catalog. It resides on top of the powder coating/paint booth, and is reached via an 8' ladder - hence "the microfiche tower".) The 1990 version of the MPC shows pistons and heads that the 1994 version, which the rest of the world is working with, doesn't show. (But, we knew they had to be there!) I don't know that we've found all of them yet, as I still can't explain how they got the compression bump for the Fuel Saver Package. Nor have I gotten my head around what I've found. But, it is on the page at Engines/300 Six on the Compression Thoughts tab. So, please take a look at let me know what y'all think.
  9. Cash - First, WELCOME!! Second, it seems like you are almost "there" on the front. Just get the mount. As for the rear, the page on Suspension & Steering/Sway Bar shows that they used the same sway bar on both 8.8 and 9" diff's. However, for 1987 and later they used a different sway bar than they did for the Bullnose trucks. But, I'd see how close it comes and see if you can make it work.
  10. Motocraft it is. Now this part I didn't remember. I was able to get the part number previously but didn't crass reference it with the parts list. Now I've got that and know what to get for new bolts. Thank You Gary!!! Hopefully the weather cooperates this weekend and plans aren't made to keep me busy the whole time. Then I can get the other head off and get them checked out. Time will tell. I hope that the weather and family plans do cooperate. As for cross-referencing, you didn't really have a way to do that before. I put the parts lists on, as pdf's, partially as a result of your question. Seemed the best way to answer the question.
  11. Does the 1345 really have a fixed yoke? From what I found when looking at this when trying to find parts for the 1356, there were all kinds of combinations on them. Not so the 1345? As for the drive gear, I'll check it out. Thanks.
  12. I'll see if I can add the factory shop manuals instructions to the website today or tomorrow. Beyond that, I dunno as I've not played with an AOD. Perhaps others have?
  13. Does it matter to you which one gets the fixed rear yoke? I have heard it claimed that the 1356 is slightly smoother at shifting on the fly. What shape is your 1345 speedometer drive gear in? I don't know if it does matter which one gets the fixed rear yoke, but I will check that out - although not today as it is raining steadily. However, now that you mention it, I went to great lengths to get the right front output yoke on the 1356 as it came from whatever 90's F350 the ZF came from and had the yoke for the double-cardan shaft. So, I need to scope out the outputs for both t-cases to see if swapping is even possible. The 1356 shifts smoother on the fly? I seriously doubt Dad's truck will ever be in 4wd, so.... As for the drive gear on the 1345 on BB, I dunno. It works, but I've never looked. Why? What do you have in mind?
  14. You are now, quite literally, "on the map". And, I see that you are close. Please plan on coming to Skiatook, just north of Tulsa, on Sept 14th, 2019. That'll be, I think, the 3rd annual Garagemahal Ford Truck Show & Swap Meet. Last year we had a bunch of the folks on here come to the event, inc some from Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Plus CO, AL, AR, MO, and KS. And, there were guys from AZ and TX that had every intention of being here and just couldn't due to "life". So, come join the growing crowd!
  15. Yes, the MPC is certainly lacking data. I don't see any way, given the information there, that the compression ratios shown could have been achieved. I'm not saying it wasn't, but that we just don't have enough info to know how it was done. I wonder if a trip to the microfiche tower is needed?
  16. That's interesting. I didn't even know that there was a transfer case with PTO capabilities. My transmission(s) have the same plate that is shown, so I don't know that I'd need it on the t-case. And, I'm not really sure what I'd use a PTO for. I've heard that a winch can be run off one, but don't know how that works. Does a shaft go from the tranny to the winch in the front or back? Is the winch run by hydraulics? Is the winch in the center and the winch lines run to the front or rear?
  17. I forgot to mention that we have a member's map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map) which shows the approximate location of many of our members. I can easily add you if you'd like.
  18. Kyle - I forgot to mention that we have a member's map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map) which shows the approximate location of many of our members. I can easily add you if you'd like. Also, set your calendar for Sept 14th, 2019. That's probably the date for the 2019 Garagemahal Truck Show here in Skiatook, OK. You, in NW MO, aren't all that far away, but several others on here travel far farther to get here for it than that.
  19. Yes, welcome! Glad you found us. And, glad the site is helping. That is good to see. Nice truck. And I like your approach - look until you find the right one, but ship it home. Just too many things that can go wrong on a long trip. I'll look forward to getting to know the truck with your, assumed, progress thread.
  20. So, what I could do is to put the 1356 in BB and have the 1345 rebuilt and that mod done for Dad's truck. Or, and probably better since I want to put Dad's engine/tranny/t-case together before I start on BB, just have BB's 1345 rebuilt while he's down getting the engine EFI'd, etc.
  21. Dad's 1356 has had that added. But Big Blue is running a 1345. Hmmm, I wonder ......
  22. Kyle - Do you know anything about that carb? Did you buy one? I ask because it is hard to believe it could cover all the years and applications properly. Supposedly it works on a 240 to a 300 w/o rejetting? One reviewer said it worked well on his 240, but another said it had a "funny spot" when accelerating, which would probably indicate it is lean then. And that would be expected if it was right for a 240 and used on a 300. But, I'm intrigued by the statement at the bottom:
  23. Wow, that is PRETTY! And, not a bad price. But, what's this about the North Pole? And, welcome! I know you from somewhere. FTE?
  24. Kyle - Welcome! You've come to the right place, for sure. And, as said on FB, your story warms my heart. Y'all, when he said his "papa's" truck I think he means his grandfather's. And, as I told him on FB, being a grandfather myself that really warms my heart. I'd really appreciate my grandson doing that for me.
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