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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Welcome. Have you figured out why the relay was buzzing?
  2. Gary, yes fully searchable .PDF same as the 1984 ones I already have (purchased from the same seller). https://www.faxonautoliterature.com/1985-Ford-Truck-CD-Repair-Shop-Manual-F150-350-Pickup-Bronco-Van-P33615.aspx That's great!
  3. My interpretation of what that says is: the top of the optional step bumper should be adjusted so it's 2.68" above the frame datum line, and the step surface is 5.04" below the top of the bumper. The one labelled "623 - FRAME DATUM LINE" in all those drawings. I produced a high-res scalable drawing of an early Bronco frame, but I arbitrarily set my own datum line. https://supermotors.net/getfile/876772/thumbnail/ebframexdims.jpg I want to do the same for '80-96 frames: https://supermotors.net/getfile/895898/thumbnail/frameb8081.jpg But I'd rather use Ford's datum line. I have a couple of sets of dimensions: https://supermotors.net/getfile/910165/thumbnail/frame90bronco.jpg https://supermotors.net/getfile/428456/thumbnail/1992-bronco-frame.jpg But the first one has no side view, and the 2nd is drawn horribly (in addition to being a low-res xerox that I upscaled digitally). So I expect to start from scratch. I'm considering buying a '94 BBLB, but if it doesn't contain a precise location for the frame datum line, it would be wasted money. And if yours doesn't have it, I doubt the later one would. The answer is that I don't know what the 623 datum line is or, better said, how it is defined. I've looked through the whole book and I don't see it explained. So I just don't know. Sorry. Having said that, I think you right about things like the bumper height. It does look like they are referenced from the datum line and not the other way 'round.
  4. Perhaps. I don't know who manufactured the cabs for Ford. I assumed they did, but don't know.
  5. Vic - I agree with you about the size and the larger-than-necessary menu. But I'm not sure I understand when you asked if I could "move the social media banner to the bottom of the/each page so it’s out of the way" since it is at the bottom of your page. Perhaps it is because it isn't "out of the way"? However, I think the issue you are raising is that it is a floating menu that isn't actually part of the page. And, I think I agree with you. It is too large and too invasive. I believe there's an easy way for me to put it in the header or footer of every page on the site, much like it is at the top of any of our forum pages. Would that be better? As I've started looking at the Sumo reports I'm seeing that the web page reports are just repackaged from elsewhere, like Google Analytics, so I really don't need them. However, it does have reports on social media usage/links/likes that might help me. But, I may be able to get that elsewhere. So, let's let this run for a day or two while I poke around and find out how to put menus on that are less discrete and out of the way. Thanks for the feedback. I hope others will provide input as well.
  6. My interpretation of what that says is: the top of the optional step bumper should be adjusted so it's 2.68" above the frame datum line, and the step surface is 5.04" below the top of the bumper. The one labelled "623 - FRAME DATUM LINE" in all those drawings. I produced a high-res scalable drawing of an early Bronco frame, but I arbitrarily set my own datum line. https://supermotors.net/getfile/876772/thumbnail/ebframexdims.jpg I want to do the same for '80-96 frames: https://supermotors.net/getfile/895898/thumbnail/frameb8081.jpg But I'd rather use Ford's datum line. I have a couple of sets of dimensions: https://supermotors.net/getfile/910165/thumbnail/frame90bronco.jpg https://supermotors.net/getfile/428456/thumbnail/1992-bronco-frame.jpg But the first one has no side view, and the 2nd is drawn horribly (in addition to being a low-res xerox that I upscaled digitally). So I expect to start from scratch. I'm considering buying a '94 BBLB, but if it doesn't contain a precise location for the frame datum line, it would be wasted money. And if yours doesn't have it, I doubt the later one would. I'll look through the book itself in a bit to see if earlier than B36 there's a definition of where the datum line is. But have you looked through the 52 matches in the linked doc to see if one of those answers your question?
  7. They put grease in the sockets, and maybe it is hard now and looks used. Anyway, that is a 1980 only harness: APPLICATION PART NUMBER ENGINEERING # 80 F100/350(99) 100/350(99)-- - w/rear w/rear bumper * EOTZ 13A409-D EOTB 13A409-DC,DD,DE
  8. It is the correct one for 1980 on: 80/ F-U100/350 EOTZ 13A709-A #E0TB 14334-AA,AB-dome lamp
  9. Occasionally, I send messages to sellers about the correct applications. Probably half of them respond appreciatively, and adjust their listings. I sent a message about that one, but no response yet, and I haven't checked if he changed it. No, it hasn't been changed. Still says Ranger/Bronco, and it is for neither of those.
  10. Expensive...don't forget that gas for that 460 would be $4 bucks a gallon up here...or about $3.10 USD. What is gas in Oklahoma these days Gary? Don't tell me, a $1.85?.. No, it isn't $1.85. It is a $1.89 USD.
  11. 80/84 F100/350 EOTZ 9275-A Use with aft axle steel fuel tank—incl. (1) COAF 9276-A gasket
  12. Hmmmm, I just realized that there is a facebook/twitter/pinterest popup that comes up on most, if not all, images on the site now. Not sure I like that, but you tell me your thoughts, please. The effort with this is to get more people aware of the site. But, we need to be happy with what it foists off on us, the regular users.
  13. I agree that you can probably replace the core plug by peeling back the inner fender and use and extension and socket to drive it. That worked for me on a 351W, but of course that puts the plug at an angle and yours will be level, so it may not be as easy. Good luck! Anyway, you are still making progress. Two steps forward and one back is the correct "reformation dance step".
  14. Wow! You sure got a lot done in a little time. And that doesn't look to have been any dirtier than many around here. Those bed hoard mud, and it come showering down as you unbolt things. But you are off to a good start with what you've sold, so should have a good low-budget project. Well done. I'm curious if the FSM is already OCR'd, meaning that you can search for and find things?
  15. I bought a new book today on websites, and it strongly encouraged installing Sumome as a social media sharing tool as well as a way to track usage, views, etc. So, I did and you'll now see a new menu on the left. Supposedly that is going to allow people to share individual pages that they find which they think their friends will want to see. We shall see. Anyway, I wanted you to know where the menu came from.
  16. Vic - PHP is new to me. I will read up on it. But I don't really have HTML. From what I understand OneDrive does create HTML to display the document, but it isn't HTML that I can edit. Anyway, I'll read up on it. Thanks.
  17. I'm still not saying you should or you have to, but I've used MSWord & similar cheapo word processors to replace frequent OCR errors. I assume whatever you're using has a similar "replace" function that would allow you to find all instances of "AOT" or "A0T" (match case checked) and rapidly replace them all with "AOD". But I understand if there are higher priorities. It's something to consider on future OCR jobs, though. I didn't explain well. Yes, I can replace all "AOT's" with "AOD's". But you will never see the change. The change will be on the unseen layer that is what is available for searching. But I can't change the layer that you see as it is just a picture of text.
  18. Yes, it is easy to print what you want from Word Online. And, using a Word doc instead of the HTML code is FAR easier for me. We may have currently have ~100 pages with embedded pdf's, but if I do the full set of TSB's there will be over 1000 TSB pages alone. And each of those pages, plus all the other pages of embedded pdf's, ought to have that explanation. So, if later we decide that there's an error in the explanation and we've used HTML I'd have to visit each and every page with the code and paste in new code. But, if I use an embedded doc then I just edit the doc and voilà, each and every page will change. So, it'll be the Word doc approach. Now we just have to get the words right. And I'll take all the input I can get on that. So if there's something that you question on how to use it please ask.
  19. Yes, the world knows them as AOD's, but Ford called them both AOD's and AOT's. As for editing what I upload, I wish that I could. Unfortunately it isn't easy. Here's the long version: From what I understand, which is minimal, PDF's are made up of layers. When we scan a document in w/o OCRing it there's just the picture of the letters on one layer. When we OCR that file we are given two options: Regognize the pictures of letters as letters that are then put on a layer below the picture of the letters. Those letters aren't visible to humans, although they can be searched by a computer. And if there's an error in translation it doesn't impact what the user sees, although s/he may not be able to find what they are looking for in a search. Convert all of the pictures of letters into editable text that replaces the pictures. And, when errors in translation occur the whole look and feel of the document changes. I've run several OCR programs, including Adobe Acrobat, on various files in both modes, and there are almost always errors. And the lower the dpi of the initial scan the more errors there are. On the master parts catalog, which is where the "AOT's" are, there are ~5000 pages, all of which are at a fairly low resolution, and the # of errors my OCR program flagged as suspect was staggering. And, when I tried the OCR engine in "conversion" mode the pages looked radically different - so much so that correcting them would have been next to impossible. Given that, I chose to OCR the MPC in "recognition" mode and then wade through the things the OCR engine flagged as questionable one at a time. And there were 10's of questionable items per page, so even that was a daunting task. And I know there are errors in it. For instance, yesterday when looking for something I saw the search go right on by an instance of what I was looking for. Sure enough, it had mistaken a "0" for an "O". Fortunately the "picture" of the characters was still there so I could see what had happened and was able to correct the text layer. I say all of that to say that I can't correct the MPC.
  20. Glad it was what you needed. And, it is great to see all the new people. We are up to 322 members.
  21. I’m out and about, so a quick response now and another later. On the fuel gauge, pull the wire at the sender, ground it, and turn the key on. The gauge should slowly peg. If it does then you have a sender problem.
  22. Thanks. But it occurred to me that we might make changes to the footer as we go, and if I embed code on each page I'll have to revisit each page to tweak it. But, if I create a Word doc and embed it then I can tweak it in the background and it'll show up automagically on each page. I have, so see what you think. It would be one or the other.
  23. Actually, I don't think you can when using email. Very few people respond via email, and one of the reasons is all the baggage of previous messages that brings with it. So most of us respond by logging onto the forum itself via a browser. Once on there click on your name in the upper right and go to Account Settings. And then on the left click on Edit Your Signature.
  24. Vinny - Do you have good sources for the various colors? We need to put together a list for them as many of us would like to use the correct wire colors. So, if you have good sources then could you put together a list of what you know? And I can put it in Resources or somesuch.
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