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Everything posted by ckuske

  1. Does anybody know if this looks legit? I'm starting to research replacement sliding rear windows. I remember seeing some comments about aftermarket windows not fitting well. Is there one that stands out as better than any other? NOS seems hard to come by. I know Rembrant (Cory) bought a window, but his thread doesn't note how happy he was with it. Also, does this chrome look similar to what goes in the groove? I haven't pulled my window out yet, so I don't have anything to compare it to. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the tips! Any suggestions on a particular 12v pump? I've read a little bit on other forums that some pumps will pass fuel through to the mechanical pump easily, while others do not if they're not engaged.
  3. I'm hoping there's a trick I'm missing. Since I'm busy and have the interior apart to boot, I start the truck up maybe once a month. That means there's lots of cranking to be done to get fuel drawn back into the engine and I hate to wear out the starter. I know to pump the gas a few times to engage the choke etc, but is there a 'hack' to getting fuel out of the tank back into the carb etc? Just pump away on the gas pedal? It's hard to know when it has fuel vs you just flooded it. This is on a 302 with 2 barrel 2150 carb (I believe). Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the feedback! Your truck looks great, I'm leaning towards argent. Good tip about the surround as well.
  5. While we're on "Things not in the Marti report", I have one other question... I've done lots of scouring on Google Images. The original rear bumper was chrome, and had a "step" (?) in the middle for a ball hitch. BUT, the top was smooth except for a strip of anti-skid tape that ran from one end of the bumper to the other. No diamond pattern, the top was smooth chrome in conjunction with this black anti-skid tape. The truck came that way, I doubt my dad would have had it added/done it himself It COULD have been a dealer add-on... ever seen such a beast?
  6. Thanks, Gary. That's kinda what I had been leaning towards as being what I remember. I do have a Marti report on it, and it's not on there. But, I'll attach it here anyway.
  7. I've tried to look through the documentation, but I'm trying to get a replacement grille. The previous owner threw the stock one out, and put a terrible billet grille on. I can't remember (it's been about 20 years) what the truck had on it originally (long story, but I found/bought this truck back). I have an 84 XL. Is there any way to know after the fact if the truck had Argent/Black (E3TZ-8200-F), or Chrome (E3TZ-8200-G) originally? Thanks for any hints.
  8. If the Wordpress stuff works like everything else on Dreamhost, it's not a Dreamhost problem where they're locking you into some odd data structures or formatting. It's more likely that they either don't have the tools, or just plain don't want to mess with converting proprietary systems over.
  9. Take a look here: https://www.dreamhost.com/wordpress/managed-wp-hosting/
  10. Hi Gary - Thanks! Wordpress is pretty much the gold standard. It helps that there's a big plugin/theme ecosystem, you can customize it as much as you can handle, and it's widely supported. Now I've never hosted a site that gets accessed more than a few times a month (for family stuff, email, etc) but I use Dreamhost. It's reasonably priced, and if you delegate the domain to them (they become the Authoritative DNS for your domain - and it's not as scary as it sounds), they have a "One Click" Wordpress install that picks sane defaults for configuration options. They also have the ability to scale up your site to a dedicated machine easily if that's ever needed. As I mentioned before, you are welcome to try the site under my account for a bit. We could even use the real domain then probably have it transferred from one account to another (I'd have to double check with their support folks though to make sure its possible) Or, I'd be happy to get a test domain. $10 for a domain is well worth all the help I've gotten from you guys already.
  11. Hi Gary, I'm back and looking into it. So far though, I'm not sure we are do what you are looking for (Have PDF be indexed, but have search engines only offer the page the PDF is embedded in) What we COULD do however (with WordPress, probably not Weebly) is setup a HTTP redirect rule so that only signed in members could view the PDFs. But of course, that's still not great as now Google can't index the PDFs! We are basically in a catch-22.
  12. PM me your email address and I can try and send you something. How do you link to the PDFs in Weebly today? Just “insert link”? Or something similar? I’m going to be with the family on a mini vacation starting tomorrow, so you might not hear from me till Tuesday.
  13. Ok, let me work through this: You said "if they give you the ability to upload arbitrary HTML and PDF files".... Weebly does allow HTML via an "embed" widget. As for pdf's, there are three approaches: 1. Embed using an iframe 2. Use the Scribd widget 3. Use another widget like the one from Powr I know that Google hasn't crawled any of the docs embedded using an iframe or Scribd I don't understand "root of your website". Do you mean at the level of Bullnose Forum, Documentation, and About? If we can make a page and put an embed tag in the "Embed HTML" Weebly feature, we can give it a shot. As long as you can also put a PDF on this domain. Maybe I'll try to make a free site on Weebly to check it out. I was mentioning the "root" as in not putting the test page under a folder/subdirectory... it doesn't really matter that much, it just may get found a little sooner by indexing bots.
  14. Not sure what you mean by that. Please explain. But I do have Google tracking things on the site with Analytics and Console. And Weebly does block some in the robots file. They explained why to me once upon a time, but I've forgotten. Made sense then though. I'm not familar with how you get content into Weebly, but if they give you the ability to upload arbitrary HTML and PDF files into the root of your website, we could make a page like "pdftest.html" where the PDF and the HTML are in the same directory on your domain, and then we can wait and see if Google picks it up. Of course, we'd want to put some keywords in the tag of the HTML, as well as the page itself. Hopefully we prove that Google picks it up, and the content in the PDF as well. If that's the case, it will carry over and work on Wordpress as well. Now, I understand what you mean regarding not wanting links in Google with direct access to the PDFs without going to the page. I'm not sure if that's possible, but I can noodle on it.
  15. If we can make/upload our own HTML file to the site, we should be able see by uploading a PDF file and embedding the PDF file in that HTML file. You can then use the Google tools (https://www.google.com/webmasters/#?modal_active=none) to ask it to crawl the website and we can see if it works. It takes a few days though. Also, I noticed the robots.txt (http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/robots.txt) on the site has some pages blocked. It seems Weebly adds some entries automatically. The link you sent above noted this as well.
  16. Hi Gary, It's difficult to prove, but I have a theory is that it has to do with the pages being externally hosted. If we pulled them in to be hosted on the same domain, they would be indexed. As far as I can tell, there's no issues with Google indexing content. It should work. That being said, it's probably down to the PDFs being externally hosted. The three mainstream ways to embed PDFs in a page seem to be: Google Docs also has a way to embed PDFs, even if the content isn't on Google Drive. (Kinda like you are doing with Live) If it were me doing it, I'd probably try , then . And, I'd pull the content all onto the site so you have less external dependencies and robots like Google etc associate the content with your site. -Chris
  17. Oops, sorry I let the cat out of the bag. Hopefully it isn't an issue. I haven't seen anything except for companies offering to migrate your data for a fee. Probably not worth it, and we should focus on one issue at a time haha.
  18. No worries! I figured so, I know the truck show was this week. I wish my truck was ready for a drive like that (coming from CA)! I hope it went well. Your plan sounds good. There are couple ways to manage it if you wanted to keep the current domain name. We could just update the DNS record for the site to go a new IP for a "all at once" migration or like you said, just redirect this site to a new one. Either way is just fine. It probably makes more sense for this one to stay up and running until we are out of the woods. Are you going to keep the Nabble forum? bullnosebible.com and thebullnosebible.com are both available, FYI
  19. Just so happens WordPress has a list of suggestions: https://wordpress.org/hosting/
  20. No problem.. You're right, there's lots of hosting companies out there... As I mentioned above, I have a Dreamhost account where I can easily turn on WordPress, perhaps we could even try to import the site onto a test instance, and see how it goes as a private beta. If it works out ok, then we can figure out how to make the site live for general access with your own account, depending on the content size/price. We can discuss those details privately, but I may be able to just host it for you as-is. If that doesn't work for some reason, new accounts are pretty cheap (less than $20 per month). In that case, we could even set up a Patreon account or something for people to chip in on hosting prices. Just some food for thought.
  21. WordPress is extensible, which means you can go as far down the Rabbit Hole as you'd like to go, there's also lots of plugins you can add to extend functionality without having to write customizations yourself. It's based on PHP if I recall correctly. For mainly static content like this site is now, it should be pretty straightforward.
  22. I'm in tech (but am not a Wordpress expert at all), and the first thing in my mind was WordPress as well. There are lots of hosting companies that provide easy installs of Wordpress on their hosted systems. I have used it before on Dreamhost and it's pretty easy to get going.
  23. Good idea! Just updated my signature
  24. You're making it harder than it has to be... You're replacing ALL the tape on the truck,right? Think about it: NO ONE knows what the colors should be. So who could tell you yours are wrong? Pick the colors you like, and get back to driving the truck. The top & bottom colors of the tape should match the paint; the stripe colors only need to compliment that color IN YOUR OPINION. You only have to get the original colors if you're keeping some original tape. ...in which case you HAVE the original colors to match them. Hi Steve, Yep, you're right. It's my un-diagnosed OCD shining through here. The only person that will know is me... haha. Thanks for the perspective, I'll give it a bit of a look and then move on to more important things. Thanks, Chris
  25. Agreed! I've resigned myself to the fact that I have to have something custom made. Just what the darn colors are is the trick! For instance, do we think the color names in the list match interior colors perhaps? I just want whatever I have custom printed to be the same color as the original, or as close as I can get. There just doesn't seem to a source for how to get these colors made... (what the CYMK, RGB, or Pantone color is, for instance)
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