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Big Blue's Seat Platform

Gary Lewis

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Working on a truck seat vs helping your neighbors in the middle of the night as their house burns down. In what world are those about the same and described as "a minor change in plans"???

Glad to hear they got out OK. And wishing them the best as they try to recover from a terrible situation!

I am sorry to hear of their total loss but I am glad that the living beings were all safe as that is most important.

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The neighbors across the street awakened us at 1 AM as their house was on fire. Had been hit by lightning and it burned to the ground.

Boy, what a tragedy. Happy to see everyone is safe. Hoping they had good insurance.

They are lucky to have you as their front neighbor, they are in good hands.

Thanks, guys. Things are progressing for them. The neighbors, the Tulsa Police Department, where he works, friends, etc have rallied around them. They’ve brought more food than we can put in the fridge, money and gift cards, and hugs and hugs, and hugs. It has been amazing, and our house is grand central station.

But they are going to a sporting event tomorrow for their son, so I might sneak out to the shop for a bit. We shall see.

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Thanks, guys. Things are progressing for them. The neighbors, the Tulsa Police Department, where he works, friends, etc have rallied around them. They’ve brought more food than we can put in the fridge, money and gift cards, and hugs and hugs, and hugs. It has been amazing, and our house is grand central station.

But they are going to a sporting event tomorrow for their son, so I might sneak out to the shop for a bit. We shall see.

Well, I did get out to the shop - to get cleaning supplies. They had a relatively new fridge against the north wall of the garage, which was about where the fire was stopped. The fridge was essentially unscathed and still had ice in the freezer. So we got it out and over to my shop and plugged it in. It works!

We used the cleaning supplies on it and the inside looks perfect. But the white outside is tan except where the magnets were, and there it is still white. But it works!

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So we got it out and over to my shop and plugged it in. It works!



Maybe same fridge brand as Indy's one, when they nuke the fridge?


Lol! You have that GIF thing down pat. :nabble_smiley_good:

Yes, it might be the same one if Indy had an LG. This thing truly is amazing.

Drove the truck with the new seat platform yesterday for the first time. It was only about 1 1/2 miles to their storage unit and back, but it gave me a bit of an idea for how the seats feel. And there were two impressions - the seat is lower and there’s more room in the cab.

The lower bit is true, but only by 1/2” from my measurements, so I’m surprised that I can even tell that it is lower. But there’s a feeling that you can’t see over the hood as well, and when you open the door to get out it isn’t as far to the ground.

And I think the “more room” feeling is because I was able to get the seat back a bit farther since the top of the back no longer hits the rear window. It is amazing what tilting it 6 degrees will do.

We hope to take it on a trip next week and can better assess during that what we think of the position. But I’m thinking that I may ask Janey to take a short trip in the interim and see if she agrees with me that they could be a bit higher. If so I’ll put the adjustable tracks on the seats and reposition the passengers seat to get it away from the window. Then we’ll have 4” of adjustability on each seat and 6” on the base.

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It is amazing what tilting it 6 degrees will do.

I used to drive with the back very vertical.

Having some backache problems, a chiropractor suggested me to angle the seat back a little bit, just couple of degrees. This made a huge difference!

I have to admit I was at first skeptical, but I was surprised to see that my back troubles disappeared!

The doc was right.


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You have that GIF thing down pat.

Gary, I found that pasting a GIF, we must not resize it.

If resized, the software freezes the gif to its first image.

Good to know on the GIF, Jeff. Thanks.

And on the seat back angle, I don't know how to measure it because there are so many curves. So I took the two shots below. The back really does angle back, but there's a lumbar cushion at the bottom and then it angles pretty good.

Today the neighbors left for an interim location before they can get into a long-term house. So tomorrow I'll pull the seats out, add the cross pieces for the console, and weld everything up and grind it down nice and smooth.

I'll also explore installing the adjustable tracks. I'm inclined (pun intended) to put them on and see what we think. That way each seat can be adjusted individually and yet the whole thing can be moved. That should give the max of flexibility and access to the storage.


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I'm inclined (pun intended)


Is a pun confessed half redressed?


Today the neighbors left for an interim location before they can get into a long-term house.

Good news! They'll be able to settle down a little bit, after this horrible experience.


Waiting for the conclusion of you seat tests!



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