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Let's Discuss The 2023 Show - In Detail

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Gary, it's your show, do what you want! :nabble_laughing-25-x-25_orig:

Kidding! I like the classes you presented and I'm totally good with it. I suspect we will have more trucks this year too and that works. I have reservations about the kids favorite though.

So, do we have judges or will the people be voting? You said something about judges sometime back.

Pasting these here to have on this page:

Best Engine

Best Interior

Best Modifications

Best Paint

Crowd Favorite

Farthest Driven


I am not really sold on the kids favorite either.

I like the year splits you created but feel they would only work if official judges were used. Otherwise it's too much for people off the street to keep track of.

I like the crowd voting over judges, I think.., but hey, what's the harm in trying it if there are volunteers that are willing to spend the day there?

I would need to read this thread a couple more times but I am not seeing how the 'classic' categories I listed above fit in with the scorecard. Is it a one or the other? If so, I hate to lose the classics.

I don't know how your church feels about raffles but a few shows I've gone to have entry fees that provide the entrant with X number of tickets. So rather than having a lot of trophy winners they have a few (like the classics) and then spend some time doing the raffle. Not talking big items but just things like cleaning supplies, matchbox cars, etc. Just mentioning it.

Having a hard time really nailing down a "here is my overall suggestion" since I keep going back and forth on my thoughts. :nabble_anim_crazy:

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Ok folks, it is getting real - real close. And I have to nail the categories down very quickly as I need to order the trophies. So I've read and re-read all of the comments and then talked to David about this today. And I think that things are starting to emerge from the fog.

The screenshot below is an analysis of the 2022 entrants, and I've sorted them by year, applied the F-Series generation # to them, and then looked at three ways of organizing them - assuming 2023 will have roughly the same distribution:

  • By series: That doesn't really work because in the Series % column you can see that many of the series have just one entry. Plus I don't want to have 10% classes.

  • John's Approach: John/Machspeed suggested that we do 48 - 79; 80 - 86; and 90 - 96. But that leaves out several early and late ones, and has almost 2/3's of the entries in one class.

  • Gary's Approach: So, what about doing 1966 & earlier; 1967 - 1972; 1973 - 1979; 1980 - 86, & 1987 and later? That gives a pretty even distribution and allows for very early and very late vehicles.

So, what do you think? And PLEASE don't say "It is your show so do it however you want." I'm asking for input as I want it to be our show, and I want it to be fair.

On top of those 5 classes I might do a few others, like children's favorite, crowd favorite, best modifications, best 4x4, or? What are your thoughts here? (The idea of having a children's favorite comes from one vendor giving us children's ballot.)

HELP, PLEASE! :nabble_waving_orig:

Gary, your split is proportional to the years distribution and appears well balanced.

But you base it on 2022 show only. Were the precedent shows similar and having same kind of year/truck participation?

I mean, is it “stable” from one year show to another, or does it vary a lot?


If stable, your table sounds good to me.

But if it varies a lot, possible that you’ll have to adjust it on the spot to re-balance it?

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Gary, your split is proportional to the years distribution and appears well balanced.

But you base it on 2022 show only. Were the precedent shows similar and having same kind of year/truck participation?

I mean, is it “stable” from one year show to another, or does it vary a lot?


If stable, your table sounds good to me.

But if it varies a lot, possible that you’ll have to adjust it on the spot to re-balance it?

Jeff - The # of trucks each year is very unstable. The 37 trucks we had last year was the most ever, with mid-20's being more normal prior to COVID. But the # of entrants has been growing, so I'm hoping for at least that many this year - especially since I've posted about it on over 20 Facebook pages.

As for adjusting on the spot, that's not easy. If we don't have any entrants in a category then we just won't issue that trophy and gifts. However, we will initially allocate the gifts across the full spectrum of classes, and if we have to re-allocate then that could be a problem.

John & Scott - We don't have judges. Obviously we could judge the Bullnose era, and Keith could on Bumps & Dents but he doesn't think he'll come. So that basically puts us back to "the crowd".

Given that, and the comments about it being, I'm not seeing how we go with the new classes. What am I missing?

So, what about this set of classes:

  • Best Engine: Crowd voted

  • Best Interior: Crowd voted

  • Best Modifications: Crowd voted

  • Best Paint: Crowd voted, although if we have John Keeline...

  • Crowd Favorite: Crowd voted

  • Farthest Driven: Jeff is surely gonna be the winner here @ 1500 miles :nabble_smiley_cool:

  • Best Bullnose: Let's pick someone to judge this one that doesn't have a dog in the fight. Maybe Steve Fox? Maybe my paint/body man John Keeline?



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Jeff - The # of trucks each year is very unstable. The 37 trucks we had last year was the most ever, with mid-20's being more normal prior to COVID. But the # of entrants has been growing, so I'm hoping for at least that many this year - especially since I've posted about it on over 20 Facebook pages.

As for adjusting on the spot, that's not easy. If we don't have any entrants in a category then we just won't issue that trophy and gifts. However, we will initially allocate the gifts across the full spectrum of classes, and if we have to re-allocate then that could be a problem.

John & Scott - We don't have judges. Obviously we could judge the Bullnose era, and Keith could on Bumps & Dents but he doesn't think he'll come. So that basically puts us back to "the crowd".

Given that, and the comments about it being, I'm not seeing how we go with the new classes. What am I missing?

So, what about this set of classes:

  • Best Engine: Crowd voted

  • Best Interior: Crowd voted

  • Best Modifications: Crowd voted

  • Best Paint: Crowd voted, although if we have John Keeline...

  • Crowd Favorite: Crowd voted

  • Farthest Driven: Jeff is surely gonna be the winner here @ 1500 miles :nabble_smiley_cool:

  • Best Bullnose: Let's pick someone to judge this one that doesn't have a dog in the fight. Maybe Steve Fox? Maybe my paint/body man John Keeline?


I can go with this too! However, and this is my opion only; on the crowd favorite stuff, ballots go out only to people entering trucks. One ballot only, no family members given ballots.

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Jeff - The # of trucks each year is very unstable. The 37 trucks we had last year was the most ever, with mid-20's being more normal prior to COVID. But the # of entrants has been growing, so I'm hoping for at least that many this year - especially since I've posted about it on over 20 Facebook pages.

As for adjusting on the spot, that's not easy. If we don't have any entrants in a category then we just won't issue that trophy and gifts. However, we will initially allocate the gifts across the full spectrum of classes, and if we have to re-allocate then that could be a problem.

John & Scott - We don't have judges. Obviously we could judge the Bullnose era, and Keith could on Bumps & Dents but he doesn't think he'll come. So that basically puts us back to "the crowd".

Given that, and the comments about it being, I'm not seeing how we go with the new classes. What am I missing?

So, what about this set of classes:

  • Best Engine: Crowd voted

  • Best Interior: Crowd voted

  • Best Modifications: Crowd voted

  • Best Paint: Crowd voted, although if we have John Keeline...

  • Crowd Favorite: Crowd voted

  • Farthest Driven: Jeff is surely gonna be the winner here @ 1500 miles :nabble_smiley_cool:

  • Best Bullnose: Let's pick someone to judge this one that doesn't have a dog in the fight. Maybe Steve Fox? Maybe my paint/body man John Keeline?


I can go with this too! However, and this is my opion only; on the crowd favorite stuff, ballots go out only to people entering trucks. One ballot only, no family members given ballots.

John - Thanks for the calls today. I think we got this worked out and here's my understanding:

  • Classes: 1966 & earlier; 1967 - 1972; 1973 - 1979; 1980 - 86, & 1987 and later

  • Trophies: One for each class and then one each for Best Engine, Best Interior, Best Modifications, Best Paint, Crowd Favorite, & Farthest Driven

  • Voting: Entrant only, meaning a ballot will be given to the driver of each truck and s/he will get to vote

You are going to come up with a proposal for the form we fill out on each truck, and I was to find out what vehicle ID cards I have left over. As it turns out, I have 60 of the ones below, which are 8.5" wide and 5.5" high and are on card stock. That should be enough.


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