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Been quiet for a while - personal issues

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I've always loved this site and people on it. I have been occasionally lurking here, but mostly inactive. I'm taken back with current asking prices for both our trucks and the basic parts within. I'm going through a divorce and one piece of contention (there are many) is my beloved F150. I'm about to simply give it to her so that I can be done being held hostage to her warfare over it. She has even attempted to sell it on various places online behind my back.

I'm wondering what to do with it, and I know this is a personal decision I have to figure out. I'm all over the place back and forth, but I hate feeling like I'm being taken advantage of over and over. If anybody out here is a serious and thoughtful individual who carefully follows the values of these things, I'd be interested in your evaluation of my truck's true market value (not pie in the sky, or desperation sale). Additionally, if you are interested/able to buy it from me what would you offer? I may sell it if I end up with it somehow depending on the value.

Here it is. Thank you for your thoughtful comments. As you can expect, this is very hard for me to consider having to sell my truck I don't want to let go of since I know a replacement will be hard to get in the future and I'll have to pay more in the end to do it all over.



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Petr Haggerty's tool (what they presumably use for classic show car insurance quotes), you're in the 10K ballpark (Better than the usual daily driver, but not 100% stock). Maybe more. Certainly a pretty truck (makes my bullnose look like junkyard fodder!).

Best wishes on the situation.

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I'm so sorry to hear this and I feel for you. Regardless of the truck, the whole situation stinks, I'm sure. In regards to your truck it is one of the finest on here and I've always admired it. I'm in agreement with ratdude on it's value. Whatever happens, wishing you the best.
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so my brother in law went through a divorce and ended up giving up a lot just to get out and get it over with. His dad wanted him to fight her for what was responsibly his but the marriage was so bad what he lost did not matter, he has moved on.

so the answer is it depends, is this an amicable divorce or not, if not let it go and move on.

And are you happy to be getting divorced ? folks would say to my brother in law so sad for you and he would reply he couldn't be happier

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I hate to bring it up, but do you have a lawyer involved? My ex and I ended up having to have them do the negotiations and yes I lost in the big picture. Her house is still in my name - she has to stays current on pmts but it affects my credit with that mortgage in my name, even with a quit claim. I came away with most everything I wanted to keep. Sold motorcycle before it got real bad so she didn't get any of that. I ended up with my daily driver car (that her mother bought for us).

But the lawyers really had to help us both work it out. Sucks that it was like that. But that truck has value and needs to be split equitably. One of you has to pay the other or compromise in other places to make it all "equal". Divorce makes the most reasonable folks turn petulant.

I wish you the best of luck in your situation. It is not pleasant at all for most folks.


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so my brother in law went through a divorce and ended up giving up a lot just to get out and get it over with. His dad wanted him to fight her for what was responsibly his but the marriage was so bad what he lost did not matter, he has moved on.

so the answer is it depends, is this an amicable divorce or not, if not let it go and move on.

And are you happy to be getting divorced ? folks would say to my brother in law so sad for you and he would reply he couldn't be happier

Sorry to hear about you issue.

If you sell it how much of the pie dose she get? Is it half?

What if she gets it and sells it how much do you get? or would that be after you 2 split?

If you both come to a price and she gets half could you give her the money, buy her out type deal?

Do you have a good family member of friend you could sell them the truck and after the air clears buy it back?

With all this you dont want the price to high if you have to give her money but if you must sell it then you want as much as you can get till she gets part of it also.

It sucks either way.

I was lucky as mine left me with the cars & trucks, 1 4x4 I bought for her to use in winter.

Good luck hope it turns out good for you.

Dave ----

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Sorry to hear about you issue.

If you sell it how much of the pie dose she get? Is it half?

What if she gets it and sells it how much do you get? or would that be after you 2 split?

If you both come to a price and she gets half could you give her the money, buy her out type deal?

Do you have a good family member of friend you could sell them the truck and after the air clears buy it back?

With all this you dont want the price to high if you have to give her money but if you must sell it then you want as much as you can get till she gets part of it also.

It sucks either way.

I was lucky as mine left me with the cars & trucks, 1 4x4 I bought for her to use in winter.

Good luck hope it turns out good for you.

Dave ----

You have my sympathy, brother. I have been through that garbage and it stinks. I got ripped pretty good even with a lawyer. Divorce took 3 years due to problems selling the house. Ironically, after dealing with me very poorly, some time after the divorce was over she regretted it and wanted to get back together. I am not real bright but I am not that stupid.

Best of luck.

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You have my sympathy, brother. I have been through that garbage and it stinks. I got ripped pretty good even with a lawyer. Divorce took 3 years due to problems selling the house. Ironically, after dealing with me very poorly, some time after the divorce was over she regretted it and wanted to get back together. I am not real bright but I am not that stupid.

Best of luck.

Feels like a start to country western song,ben there done that i feel for you hope you can keep the truck

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I think Troy's truck might be worth a little more than $10k.

This one just sold on BaT for $13k...


Also, you can go on the Mecum Auction webpage and view all previous Bullnoses sold to get an idea of values. I'd guess at $10k for sure, possibly more (up to $15k?)

I was really struck by how absolutely nice the truck in question is. I even showed it to wife to show how nice these can really look.

I also agree this is more than a 10K truck. I have no idea the value, but this would be worth having appraised properly for negotiating a settlement.

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