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🇺🇸 In Memory of those who paid the ultimate price 🇺🇸

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Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S.

We honor the war dead and usually have parades and big cookouts.

It's also the traditional welcome to summer.

I want to give my thanks to those who perished defending the values and interests of this nation.

I want to express my grief and condolences to their families and loved ones.

And say to everyone, that they will not be forgotten.

Because they are our hero's!


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Way to go Jim, A post that thanks those that died in the service of this great nation, instead of thanking all veterans for their service.

Good job sir.

We have veterans day in the fall....

It always frosts me when people do that!

Though I think ANY day is a GOOD day to thank those that serve(d)!

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Very good Jim!

Coming from a military family and marrying originally into another I have a few who did not make it through and some who by pure luck did. Great Grandfather survived the explosion of the Maine, only to end up shot through the lung at Belleau Wood. He survived that too, but it left him partially paralyzed on one arm My late wife's dad and uncle were there, uncle did not survive. Grandfather on Dad's side was WWI and WWII service in the Navy, and ultimately in the 60s lost his legs to circulation problems from standing watch in the North Atlantic in WWI. Dad survived a Kamikaze attack on one of his Destroyers in WWII.

May we always remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country!

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Very good Jim!

Coming from a military family and marrying originally into another I have a few who did not make it through and some who by pure luck did. Great Grandfather survived the explosion of the Maine, only to end up shot through the lung at Belleau Wood. He survived that too, but it left him partially paralyzed on one arm My late wife's dad and uncle were there, uncle did not survive. Grandfather on Dad's side was WWI and WWII service in the Navy, and ultimately in the 60s lost his legs to circulation problems from standing watch in the North Atlantic in WWI. Dad survived a Kamikaze attack on one of his Destroyers in WWII.

May we always remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country!

I said to Ray in the lounge that I don't know anything about the military.

But I do know how I feel about those who fought and lost their lives fighting for this country.

I wish there was a salute smiley, but alas...

I'd like to thank you for your service, Bill.

This, and every day.

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I said to Ray in the lounge that I don't know anything about the military.

But I do know how I feel about those who fought and lost their lives fighting for this country.

I wish there was a salute smiley, but alas...

I'd like to thank you for your service, Bill.

This, and every day.

Freedom and Liberty sit at the top of a slippery slope. Those who put it there laid their bodies down on that slope for others to climb up them. At the bottom lays totalitarianism, censorship, gulags, concentration camps, and lawlessness.

Especially right now, we should remember those who died so that we can have liberty and freedom. Any who forgets the fallen, or give up a little liberty or freedom, deserve none of what was paid for in blood.

The tree of Liberty is growing thirstier by the day, make no mistake about it.

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Freedom and Liberty sit at the top of a slippery slope. Those who put it there laid their bodies down on that slope for others to climb up them. At the bottom lays totalitarianism, censorship, gulags, concentration camps, and lawlessness.

Especially right now, we should remember those who died so that we can have liberty and freedom. Any who forgets the fallen, or give up a little liberty or freedom, deserve none of what was paid for in blood.

The tree of Liberty is growing thirstier by the day, make no mistake about it.

Amen, brothers! We have remembered all weekend. And plan to watch some movie tonight that reminds us more.

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So, what do you think you'll watch?

Bridge over the river Kwai?

Saving Private Ryan?

Something about Iwo Jima?

Don't laugh - PT109. We were listening to the radio recently and that song came on. So today as we were discussing what to watch we decided on that one.

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