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Buyer beware - integrity

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Fellow forum members,

Over the weekend, I felt the need/urge to post something which I hope will be beneficial. Recently, we have all followed the parts being offered by one member to another. This is great and what we are all about... helping each other come closer to completing a project.

But, buyer beware! People are people and have different thoughts about what is fair. Years ago, on another forum, I made a purchase from a member who was a "posting guru" with thousands of posts. As a somewhat "newbie", I trusted the individual and sent a check and never received the part; only excuses. One of the moderators PM'ed me after I posted a warning to others without mentioning the name of the one who took advantage. The moderator had been following the particular thread where the part was being described and figured out who the offender was. The moderator "knew" the individual and contacted him via PM as well as email, but the outcome was the same. What is hard for me to comprehend is that the offending individual was well respected with regard to his knowledge and ability to find treasures at the junkyards and was willing to give all that up... it was found that he had done the same to others and the word got out on the forum. He withdrew from the forum. What a waste of talent.

Years later, one comes to know others who are men of integrity. They do what they say they will and you can put total trust in them as they are motivated differently. There are some for which you can see a part that you know is desired by one of the men of integrity and make the purchase, so it will not be bought by someone else, and you know the person will be thankful and will make the proper compensation. You can send something to one of these and if they say they will pay and cover freight, you know the "check is in the mail".

I feel that many on this forum fall into this category, but have had actual transactions with two. Some of you, no doubt, know of others. Gary Lewis and Jonathan Donald definitely fall into this category. Others, I trust fully just by their history, but have not actually dealt with them in an actual parts transaction.

Be careful at first and use PayPal or certified checks, etc.

I hope this will be taken in the way I mean it and helpful to any "newbies".


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David - I thank you for that endorsement. But I feel somewhat like Tim did here at the house that Friday night when I introduced him as “The Ford engine guru”. I don’t really deserve nor want the adulation. :nabble_smiley_blush:

But, your words of caution are good. I, too, have been burned by more than one person on transactions - although none on this forum. However, I don’t need to get even or cause them any problems - they’ll have to come to terms with that some day. (I wish I really, really felt that way. A week ago yesterday the sermon was on forgiveness - my toes are still hurting.)

Anyway, there are many on here with whom I’ve had dealings and trust implicitly. I won’t mention any names for fear I’ll miss someone and offend them. But we have a good group of people on here, and I’m glad to call this “home”. 😉

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David and Gary, I thank you both for bringing up the subject and showing both sides.

I didn't start out looking to dismantle the 450 to sell parts.

I just wanted the short block and Gary mentioned he wanted some bits too.

Then Bill chimed in.

Then Theo helped me pull the engine and noticed how clean the cab was for a New England truck. (it's from New Hampshire)

Then .....

When Gary decided to get the 'huck' I told him that there was no commitment to anything I had pulled.

But he wanted it anyway, and offered to pay shipping so I wasn't out of pocket beyond the packing materials.

THAT is a stand up guy!

I may not have a lot of faith or grace, but I try to live my life with integrity, mostly because when all you have is your word, it better be good.


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Buyer be ware and seller as well...

I've done a lot of parts back and forth with members of forums and Facebook. Mostly the exchanges have been positive and add to my enjoyment of the hobby. Usually the sale or purchase is prefaced by some personal sharing of one's project goals and parts needs. This contributes to the perception of friendship over the shared interest and a sense of trust that may turn out to be false. Sometimes this manifests in delayed payment, lack of acknowledgement or thanks and in one such instance this trust bit me in the behind to the tune of over $100.

I prefer to send the part up front so that I know the actual shipping charge before taking someone's money. Usually upon messaging the tracking number my PayPal receives a deposit within the day. But it is a risk I take and it was bound to happen.

Unless you go though eBay where users are verified and face legal consequences for bad business, there is no way avoid one party in the equation taking the risk. Whoever sends the part or money first runs the risk of the other person flaking out. So you do have to be careful in your estimation of the other person and always realize the deal could go south so don't bet more than you can afford to loose.

One should not forget mistakes of the past, but yes, holding on to resentments is equivalent to a drowning man holding on to a rock. Or a Buddha put it, "holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die". Forgiveness is important even if the wrongdoer is unaware. Doing so diminishes the amount of space that person takes up in your mind and frees your mental energy to accomplish other things.

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David and Gary, I thank you both for bringing up the subject and showing both sides.

I didn't start out looking to dismantle the 450 to sell parts.

I just wanted the short block and Gary mentioned he wanted some bits too.

Then Bill chimed in.

Then Theo helped me pull the engine and noticed how clean the cab was for a New England truck. (it's from New Hampshire)

Then .....

When Gary decided to get the 'huck' I told him that there was no commitment to anything I had pulled.

But he wanted it anyway, and offered to pay shipping so I wasn't out of pocket beyond the packing materials.

THAT is a stand up guy!

I may not have a lot of faith or grace, but I try to live my life with integrity, mostly because when all you have is your word, it better be good.

Jim, we have already discussed delivery of my parts, and I will gladly pay for your fuel cost down to Dover DE and probably buy you lunch or dinner depending on time of day. At least Dover seems to be a reasonable location once your sister is ready for you to do her repairs.

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Jim, we have already discussed delivery of my parts, and I will gladly pay for your fuel cost down to Dover DE and probably buy you lunch or dinner depending on time of day. At least Dover seems to be a reasonable location once your sister is ready for you to do her repairs.


I'm going to Swathmore anyhow.

Dover is only another hour according to Google maps.

I really appreciate your offer, but...

I'm putting your radiator flaps in with the rest of your parts.

Is there a particular date that works best for you? I know the dates you've told me *don't* work.

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I'm going to Swathmore anyhow.

Dover is only another hour according to Google maps.

I really appreciate your offer, but...

I'm putting your radiator flaps in with the rest of your parts.

Is there a particular date that works best for you? I know the dates you've told me *don't* work.

Right now the 15th, 23rd and 29th of November. 15th is dog grooming, 23rd is Thanksgiving Day, 29th I have a Drs appointment at 10:00 AM in Onley VA.

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Buyer be ware and seller as well...

I've done a lot of parts back and forth with members of forums and Facebook. Mostly the exchanges have been positive and add to my enjoyment of the hobby. Usually the sale or purchase is prefaced by some personal sharing of one's project goals and parts needs. This contributes to the perception of friendship over the shared interest and a sense of trust that may turn out to be false. Sometimes this manifests in delayed payment, lack of acknowledgement or thanks and in one such instance this trust bit me in the behind to the tune of over $100.

I prefer to send the part up front so that I know the actual shipping charge before taking someone's money. Usually upon messaging the tracking number my PayPal receives a deposit within the day. But it is a risk I take and it was bound to happen.

Unless you go though eBay where users are verified and face legal consequences for bad business, there is no way avoid one party in the equation taking the risk. Whoever sends the part or money first runs the risk of the other person flaking out. So you do have to be careful in your estimation of the other person and always realize the deal could go south so don't bet more than you can afford to loose.

One should not forget mistakes of the past, but yes, holding on to resentments is equivalent to a drowning man holding on to a rock. Or a Buddha put it, "holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die". Forgiveness is important even if the wrongdoer is unaware. Doing so diminishes the amount of space that person takes up in your mind and frees your mental energy to accomplish other things.

I have sold, and bought, a lot of parts over the years. A LOT !! I use my gut . . and have only had a few bad experiences. That's going to happen and those few certainly have not changed my outlook. I recently sold a bike to a guy in CA. I was the seller, so no issues in being ripped off. But the buyer was a PITA :) Really! When the shipper contacted me, I told him as much. He said he has dealt with this guy before and yes, he totally understands :) So sure, they are out there, But by far, most exchanges have been smooth. There is a trust that needs to be built.

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