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You don't seem to care that it's EXACTLY as it rolled off the line.

Just that it fits your *vision of what it should be*

****snipped from wdydtytt****

A question about OCD Shaun, if it isn't too personal.

Do you find it crippling in any way?

How does it affect you?

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How is it for you?

Do you find it crippling in any way?

If this is too personal, just say no comment.

As an autistic i'm interested in other people's perspectives on the world.

Unfortunately I don't seem to have any boundaries or a filter between brain and mouth.

No issue, haha.

I don't have the type of OCD where I have to touch things a million times, so I'm fortunate for that. But I do find myself arranging my groceries on the conveyor belt so that there are no gaps, or straightening things that are crooked. In no way is it crippling, I just would save more time (and money haha) if I just let things be. I never stress out about it like I've seen some people do, so I see it as just a little quirk that sets me apart from other people and that's it.

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You don't seem to care that it's EXACTLY as it rolled off the line.

Just that it fits your *vision of what it should be*

That's the briar patch that I went down with my F150 and I'm trying REALLY hard not to go there again. I went so far as to convert my top lock door panels to slide locks and add the one year only vinyl trim panels above the arm rest. Who even does that?

My obsession with detail on that truck is what kept me from working on what really mattered, and that was getting it running. That's why I became burned out, that's why there's a new truck in it's spot, and that's why I'm happy to be headed in the right direction of "Just get it running and worry about looks later" with the F350.

The mirrors were a good deal though, so I had to jump on those. :nabble_smiley_happy:

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I'm a pedant, but not obsessive compulsive.

When people ask the difference, I say

"I like the bills in my wallet grouped by denomination, OCD is when you have to file them by serial number" :nabble_anim_crazy:

My oldest son claims to be OCD. He's never been officially diagnosed, and he's definitely not crippled by it at all. But like Shaun, he does spend more time than most people arranging clothes in his closet, or keeping things on top of his dresser at right angles.

The point of bringing that up is to give the basis for his version of the pedant / OCD comparison. He describes himself as OCD, but not CDO, where it has to be in alphabetic order.

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I'm a pedant, but not obsessive compulsive.

When people ask the difference, I say

"I like the bills in my wallet grouped by denomination, OCD is when you have to file them by serial number" :nabble_anim_crazy:

My oldest son claims to be OCD. He's never been officially diagnosed, and he's definitely not crippled by it at all. But like Shaun, he does spend more time than most people arranging clothes in his closet, or keeping things on top of his dresser at right angles.

The point of bringing that up is to give the basis for his version of the pedant / OCD comparison. He describes himself as OCD, but not CDO, where it has to be in alphabetic order.

My biggest issue is with Symmetry. Everything I see has to be in a certain order. Luckily, I'm able to refrain from arranging things that aren't mine. :nabble_smiley_good:

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My obsession with detail on that truck is what kept me from working on what really mattered, and that was getting it running. That's why I became burned out, that's why there's a new truck in it's spot, and that's why I'm happy to be headed in the right direction

THIS is what I've been trying to impress on Gary lately.

Focus your energy on Dad's Truck, it's a legacy.

Big Blue needs done. Not that you shouldn't do the best you can, but don't fixate on some tiny perceived 'flaw' that is going to be rusted back into the earth after you're gone.

Or make up new options because you can't just set course and sail.

There isn't enough lifetimes to do EVERYTHING like that.

This makes me think maybe my shrink isn't laying it all out.:nabble_anim_confused:

Things like going to the hardware for screws and getting so frustrated that I pulled 3 10-24x 1 1/2 out of the bin but had to take 2 10-32 and put them in the right spot will have me going through that bin and sorting them for length and pitch.

I'll chat with the always helpful and friendly old timer while doing this.

NOT the whole section or anything, and only if I'm not pressed for time, but so the next person doesn't have to deal with that :nabble_poo-23_orig:.

****Don't even get me going on plumbing fittings in box stores! *head explodes

My autism makes me good at what others find tedious, and I do see patterns in things like plants and music.

I'm really good at puzzles and spatial relations (things like Tetris)

I can pack a truck or storage bin like nobody's business.

But I can live a mess, not orderly. I totally know where everything is, but if you looked at my 3/8 metric drawer you would know chaos.

Thank you both for sharing! :nabble_anim_handshake:

I appreciated your candor and I've learned something too.


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My obsession with detail on that truck is what kept me from working on what really mattered, and that was getting it running. That's why I became burned out, that's why there's a new truck in it's spot, and that's why I'm happy to be headed in the right direction

THIS is what I've been trying to impress on Gary lately.

Focus your energy on Dad's Truck, it's a legacy.

Big Blue needs done. Not that you shouldn't do the best you can, but don't fixate on some tiny perceived 'flaw' that is going to be rusted back into the earth after you're gone.

Or make up new options because you can't just set course and sail.

There isn't enough lifetimes to do EVERYTHING like that.

This makes me think maybe my shrink isn't laying it all out.:nabble_anim_confused:

Things like going to the hardware for screws and getting so frustrated that I pulled 3 10-24x 1 1/2 out of the bin but had to take 2 10-32 and put them in the right spot will have me going through that bin and sorting them for length and pitch.

I'll chat with the always helpful and friendly old timer while doing this.

NOT the whole section or anything, and only if I'm not pressed for time, but so the next person doesn't have to deal with that :nabble_poo-23_orig:.

****Don't even get me going on plumbing fittings in box stores! *head explodes

My autism makes me good at what others find tedious, and I do see patterns in things like plants and music.

I'm really good at puzzles and spatial relations (things like Tetris)

I can pack a truck or storage bin like nobody's business.

But I can live a mess, not orderly. I totally know where everything is, but if you looked at my 3/8 metric drawer you would know chaos.

Thank you both for sharing! :nabble_anim_handshake:

I appreciated your candor and I've learned something too.

My job is fun. Most of our stockrooms look like the one below. Mine looks organized and symmetrical. :nabble_smiley_happy:


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I see the hinges, and I'm in the trades.

THAT'S the sort of thing that drives people nuts about me.

I notice the little details, and want to know why.

Things that are incongruous, out of place. (Or hinges you don't find in a normal stockroom)

I was the kid who read the dictionary and encyclopedia.

I wanted to play 'which one doesn't belong in this set'


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