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Anyone else here on the forum do homesteading?

We have 5 acres, a couple barns, chickens, know our local wild edibles, grow some food, plan to have a few goats, are building a green house and try to "prep". We arent crazy lunatic end of the world preppers, but we do believe in being prepared for realistic situations.

I have the mentality of future preparation however I'm not stockpiling weapons or canned goods. I do have a solid understanding of the landscape here and all that it can provide me in case of emergency, as well as the knowledge of how to humanely alter the population of any group of edible bodies or ground growth.

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Not sure what I think of it.

I know what I think.... :nabble_smiley_argh:

But at least it looks well executed!

I saw a great looking babypoop brown Bronco II driving thru Darien the other day.

If you want an EB, get an EB.

If you want something more modern at least put the whole body on a newer chassis.


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I saw a great looking babypoop brown Bronco II driving thru Darien the other day.

If you want an EB, get an EB.

If you want something more modern at least put the whole body on a newer chassis.


Ford created a huge dud with the rear glass on the Bronco II's. Never been a fan of them because of it.

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The Landie Defender look????

Yeah, it didn't come off too well.

Just a random thought, but is it too much for people to tell you when they can't make it to a prior arrangement? Had a friend text me Monday, and she asked if I was available this week. We agreed on Wednesday, and I told her to let me know when and where she wanted to meet. She said she would let me know later that night, but here it is Wednesday and I've heard nothing. This is the second time she's done this, so I'm not letting it get to a third. I don't even bother reminding people of missed arrangements anymore because I always get some excuse of why they couldn't send me a simple "Hey, I can't make it". Generation Y and Z are really something else.

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Just a random thought, but is it too much for people to tell you when they can't make it to a prior arrangement? Had a friend text me Monday, and she asked if I was available this week. We agreed on Wednesday, and I told her to let me know when and where she wanted to meet. She said she would let me know later that night, but here it is Wednesday and I've heard nothing. This is the second time she's done this, so I'm not letting it get to a third. I don't even bother reminding people of missed arrangements anymore because I always get some excuse of why they couldn't send me a simple "Hey, I can't make it". Generation Y and Z are really something else.

For my own edification, I had to look up Gen Y and Gen Z. Here's what I found here:

Baby Boomers: Baby boomers were born between 1944 and 1964. They're current between 55-75 years old (76 million in U.S.)

Gen X: Gen X was born between 1965 - 1979 and are currently between 40-54 years old (82 million people in U.S.)

Gen Y: Gen Y, or Millennials, were born between 1980 and 1994. They are currently between 25-39 years old.

Gen Y.1 = 25-29 years old (31 million people in U.S.)

Gen Y.2 = 29-39 (42 million people in U.S.)

Gen Z: Gen Z is the newest generation to be named and were born between 1995 and 2015. They are currently between 4-24 years old (nearly 74 million in U.S.)

My daughter, SiL, wife, and I just had a conversation about these groups. Our daughter and SiL were both born in 1980. But his parents are 10 years younger than Janey and I. Apparently some studies have shown that our daughter is more likely to be a Gen X than a Gen Y, but our SiL is firmly a Gen Y.

Now, to Shaun's question. I think not telling you they aren't going to make it is a serious lack of understanding of common courtesies. And somewhere our collective training of children has failed to impress courtesy upon them.

Personally, I view electronic communication, such as this, email, and text as interpersonal communication. And when you provide information to people there is a response required - at least a "thank you". But it isn't unusual at all for such exchanges to lack that final response. I don't understand. You wouldn't do that face-to-face, so why would you fail to do so electronically?

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