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I looked at the post where I said "Hate" sounds ignorant.

What comparison am I making?

Maybe if you used the quote function and bolded or italicized my comment I can give you a better answer.

"The fundamentalist Muslims share your views towards idolatry and public expression of emotion."

I certainly don't have problems with public affection (within reason). My issue with the music I was referring to, is that it isn't emotional-it's sexual. I adore love songs-true love songs.

And I don't share any views with fundamentalist Muslims.

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When they walk up to their EV, that is me telling them that EVs won't be forever vehicles like my trucks and could end up in a landfill in 15 years if they choose to not replace the failing battery.

I drive a 2018 Chevy Volt, and I 100% share your opinion.

6 years old and the battery can't hold more that 80% full charge, compared with when it was new. Hopefully it is hybrid, and I still maintain my 3.1L/100km (78mpg) average. Short distances EV, long gas.

Talking with the dealer about EV pickups, I learned that changing such battery can reach up to 20K$ CAD (15000$ US)!!!

Who will be willing to pay that money when their vehicle autonomy will drop to 2/3???

Wally is just ahead.


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"The fundamentalist Muslims share your views towards idolatry and public expression of emotion."

I certainly don't have problems with public affection (within reason). My issue with the music I was referring to, is that it isn't emotional-it's sexual. I adore love songs-true love songs.

And I don't share any views with fundamentalist Muslims.

Then I definitely owe you an apology, for assuming your beliefs.

I will say (in my defense) that all Abrahamic religions necessarily share fundamental beliefs, and the few KJB acolytes I personally know are puritanical in that way.

But I personally want to express that I'm never about pigeon holing an individual.

I've certainly been on the receiving end of that nonsense.

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Then I definitely owe you an apology, for assuming your beliefs.

I will say (in my defense) that all Abrahamic religions necessarily share fundamental beliefs, and the few KJB acolytes I personally know are puritanical in that way.

But I personally want to express that I'm never about pigeon holing an individual.

I've certainly been on the receiving end of that nonsense.

No apologies necessary, Jim. You don't have to walk on egg shells around me. I don't take offense at anything. And yes, the faiths do share some very basic tenets, but if you follow them out to their complete outworking, you will come to different, if not completely opposite conclusions. That's probably as far as we can go here.

Display of emotion in public is more of a cultural issue. I happen to live in a very ethnically diverse area, where Caucasians are barely the majority. I see different expressions of the same things every day.

And yes, it seems natural to try to put each other into boxes. Though there are boxes, to be sure.

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No apologies necessary, Jim. You don't have to walk on egg shells around me. I don't take offense at anything. And yes, the faiths do share some very basic tenets, but if you follow them out to their complete outworking, you will come to different, if not completely opposite conclusions. That's probably as far as we can go here.

Display of emotion in public is more of a cultural issue. I happen to live in a very ethnically diverse area, where Caucasians are barely the majority. I see different expressions of the same things every day.

And yes, it seems natural to try to put each other into boxes. Though there are boxes, to be sure.

I have a good friend (of 38 years) that's in his late 60's and grew up in rural Alabama.

Best John can explain it's 50 miles outside of Montgomery.

There are rare occasions I ask him why he came north, or what he witnessed as a child.

I only know that he and his siblings went to work in grade school because they'd lost their father....

It can be a challenge for this damned Yankee to understand colloquialisms from the deep south, but I certainly enjoy the diversity of cultures.


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I have a good friend (of 38 years) that's in his late 60's and grew up in rural Alabama.

Best John can explain it's 50 miles outside of Montgomery.

There are rare occasions I ask him why he came north, or what he witnessed as a child.

I only know that he and his siblings went to work in grade school because they'd lost their father....

It can be a challenge for this damned Yankee to understand colloquialisms from the deep south, but I certainly enjoy the diversity of cultures.

Having spent my whole life here, I often forget what a unique subset of the American experience the deep south is. I haven't really been anywhere else, except for North Dakota, which I abhor (no offense). Half my family is from Savannah, and the other half from Minneapolis. I wouldn't live anywhere else in the world, though I sometimes wish I was closer to the coast. I need to eat more shrimp...

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Having spent my whole life here, I often forget what a unique subset of the American experience the deep south is. I haven't really been anywhere else, except for North Dakota, which I abhor (no offense). Half my family is from Savannah, and the other half from Minneapolis. I wouldn't live anywhere else in the world, though I sometimes wish I was closer to the coast. I need to eat more shrimp...

I've lived in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and even the UK. Plus I've visited all of the 50 states and have spent time in countries from Nicaragua to Russia. Each brought a different slant on things and I'm glad I got to see them. Some I wouldn't want to live in and others I'd love to live in. But they've all helped me to see the world in a different way than if I'd never got to see them.

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I've lived in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and even the UK. Plus I've visited all of the 50 states and have spent time in countries from Nicaragua to Russia. Each brought a different slant on things and I'm glad I got to see them. Some I wouldn't want to live in and others I'd love to live in. But they've all helped me to see the world in a different way than if I'd never got to see them.

I was browsing Marketplace earlier and came across an ad for some Bullnose doors. I clicked the ad to see what else the seller had, and I happened to see that they had a brown/tan door for sale. The colors look to be the same as what was on my F150, and it wasn't until I looked closer that I realized it may actually be a door from my F150. I compared it to old pictures I have, and it looks ALOT like my old door (same dents). I took a look at the seller's name, and I'm almost 85% sure that's who I sold the truck to. I've known my F150 was likely parted out, but I've messaged the seller to see how much he has left. Even if I can just get the door, that's one piece of my F150 that I'll have back.

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I was browsing Marketplace earlier and came across an ad for some Bullnose doors. I clicked the ad to see what else the seller had, and I happened to see that they had a brown/tan door for sale. The colors look to be the same as what was on my F150, and it wasn't until I looked closer that I realized it may actually be a door from my F150. I compared it to old pictures I have, and it looks ALOT like my old door (same dents). I took a look at the seller's name, and I'm almost 85% sure that's who I sold the truck to. I've known my F150 was likely parted out, but I've messaged the seller to see how much he has left. Even if I can just get the door, that's one piece of my F150 that I'll have back.

Shaun! That's awesome but a bit heart breaking! If you can get some parts from it that would be wonderful, but to know it has been parted out has to hurt. Sorry!

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Shaun! That's awesome but a bit heart breaking! If you can get some parts from it that would be wonderful, but to know it has been parted out has to hurt. Sorry!

Thanks Gary!

I'll be heading out there on Sunday to at least pick up the door and see what else may be there. It's been 7 years so I'm not really hopeful he'll have much of anything left, but I'm willing to buy more (not the whole truck, I just want some parts from it) if he still has them and is willing to sell. Plenty of people consider themselves lucky to find the entire vehicle, but I'll be happy with at least a door. I really don't need it or plan to use it, but it will end up hanging in my shop as a memory.

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