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Looking for Bulged Bullnose Fenders

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If Alex is wanting a fully fiberglass 'pre runner' style fender with the crease around the opening like a bullnose he is in for some work no matter what.

Maybe he wants the rise? IDK exactly what he's going for *** but that's what he said above ***

Sorry it's been a while to get back to this post but I'm definitely interested in Bulge AND Rise. Noticing how the Fender line is different than the later model trucks I think I may be up to the challenge of laying some Glass. Although I'm a boat owner, I'm no Fiberglass-master, I know several others that know more than I about the process, but none work on trucks. So this will probably be a job...uh I mean and Adventure, that will require some consultation along the way. I'm thinking some spare fenders as templates to keep the lines the same then slit the sheetmetal to expand the out and glass them over. either accomplishing a negative fore over all glass fenders or possibly to build out and sand for paint.

I'm pretty much making this up as I type and it Kind of sounds like it'd work,

Open to suggestions.....

I guess my question would be what exactly are you going for, and how much time or money are you willing to invest to get it?

There is a lot of crap mounted to that fender including the battery, starter relay, voltage regulator (if 1G), jack and hood hinge off the top of my head...

Unless you are wanting to change and fabricate all of that, using the factory fender as a starting point is your only route.

How important is that Bullnose styling crease around the wheel opening to you?

If not then Shaun's fenders @ ~$400 is WAY cheaper than material and time to make your own.

Even if the crease is important you may be time and money ahead to do like I said above and pull moulds off your existing fenders and add it to them.

But you would pull two and graft them together to get the extra height and width before clamping them to the outside of the glass ones.

To pull this off entirely in steel is going to take the artistic vision, knowledge and skills of someone like Ron Fournier.


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