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Should We Move To A New Forum Platform?

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Gary, I vote yes BUT:

• This forum hosts a HUGE library. This is a gold mine. Moving to a new platform should offer an easy way to transfer it.

• Another repository of information stands in the ability to search by subject and look at the numerous topics and threads. Suggestion: A new platform should offer the same possibility PLUS:

- The ability for the posting member to tag the subject(s) discussed in his (her) thread (choosing in a pre-formatted subjects/categories menu?). This would help all members to search more efficiently. Kind of organisation of threads.

- The possibility to "sort" the threads (more recent first, or reversal).

- If possible, a more user-friendly way to post videos.

- If possible, the possibility to post larger pictures (for more detailed zoom, if needed).

- If possible, the possibility for a member to easily create "sub-topics" in his main thread. For exemple, a restoration project could be sorted by main subjects (body, interior, engine, electricity, etc). Or, a trip/adventure could be separated by different visited regions, or by trails for overlanding.

- A more flexible search engine.

- If possible, the possibility for a member (with no administrator status) to temporarily "lock" his post. For example, while writing the «storyboard» of a restoration journey, a member would want to have the time to structure and complete his posts, before opening it to other members reactions, commentaries and questions.

Do you already have an idea of such platform?


I know it's important for you to keep it free access for members. But maybe there could be a tag/button/link to enable an easy way for a voluntary contribution, for members who would want to help to maintain the forum, contribute for some future hosting fees, or for some software subscription, on a strictly voluntary basis if you want so.

Jeff - You have some good ideas, and some I'd not thought of. But first, let's make sure we are talking about the same thing. The "forum" is the part that all of us type into, reply to, etc. The rest, which you get to via the menu above, is on Weebly and is not being considered for change.

As for the cost, I will watch to see if there is a way for people to contribute. Right now the forum itself isn't costing anything, although there are charges associated with it. But if we move it will cost something, we just don't know how much. So I'll keep that in mind.

And your idea of people being able to lock their own threads is a good one. But we might get their by creating a "forum" for those people since I think some platforms allow giving specific people the ability to manage their own forum. That might allow creating subforums and locking them. Good idea.


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I don't know how to do that. I tried uploading a word doc, but it basically threw an error to the effect that only "picture" type files were allowed. I don't know that it can't be done, I just don't know how to do it.

However, there is also a "wiki" function that might allow that type of thing. I've never spent much time in there, but that seems like the place to put documents of that type. Screen shot of that below.

If you want, I can reach out to the Xweb moderators/admins and see if they would be willing to answer these types of questions for you.

Pete - That would be helpful. They will probably know if embedding is possible. I frequently embed Word, Excel, and PDF documents.

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I don't know how to do that. I tried uploading a word doc, but it basically threw an error to the effect that only "picture" type files were allowed. I don't know that it can't be done, I just don't know how to do it.

However, there is also a "wiki" function that might allow that type of thing. I've never spent much time in there, but that seems like the place to put documents of that type. Screen shot of that below.

If you want, I can reach out to the Xweb moderators/admins and see if they would be willing to answer these types of questions for you.

Pete - That would be helpful. They will probably know if embedding is possible. I frequently embed Word, Excel, and PDF documents.

I have reached out to the admins there.

In the meantime, you might want to sign up on the forum. That would give you some idea of the process, and would put you in a position to directly contact the admins if they consent. The website is xwebforums.com.

Let me know if there are any anti-robot questions about Fiats or anything and I'll get the right answer for you.

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The "forum" is the part that all of us type into, reply to, etc. The rest, which you get to via the menu above, is on Weebly and is not being considered for change.

Ok, I thought that the “documentation” menu was part of Nabble platform.

Now I understand that these are in fact “external links” to a different storage host, out of Nabble hosting/structure itself?

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Gary, a number of years ago my son and I set up a site for me, Oldschoolhotrodder.com we were using PHPNuke which worked well, except it was housed on a PC in my house that needed to stay on 24/7.

I believe his site, Archionslair is still up.

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Gary, a number of years ago my son and I set up a site for me, Oldschoolhotrodder.com we were using PHPNuke which worked well, except it was housed on a PC in my house that needed to stay on 24/7.

I believe his site, Archionslair is still up.

Pete - I'll see about signing up tomorrow. Thanks.

Jeff - It is actually the other way 'round. The website and all of the documentation is on Weebly. The forum is on Nabble but is embedded on a page on the Weebly website so it looks like it is part of the same website.

We've done something similar with the phpBB forum that you can see by clicking the menu item for New Bullnose Test Forum. That forum is actually on an Amazon Web Services server that Chris is renting a slice of, but we've made it look like it is on Weebly.

Bill - I'm finding that forum software has come a long ways in the last several years, and older platforms have fewer functions. But I'll take a look at phpNuke.

All - I got a note back from Franklin of Nabble: "I originally planned to write a replacement for Nabble, but I changed my mind and won't do this. I only support Nabble for my own use. Nabble will be around for a while but I think users should look for an alternative."

So we do need to find an alternative, and this time let's find one we like. I don't think we are in a huge hurry, but it is good that we've started.

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Between vbulliten dying and Photobucket deleting virtually decades of priceless documentation and Facebook, most forums I frequented are now dead.

I do not envy anyone trying to keep a site like this going, and I would just like to share my appreciation for all who are involved, and I am sure your guys will figure it out and make the right choices.

Anything a laymen might be able to help with, let me know.

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Between vbulliten dying and Photobucket deleting virtually decades of priceless documentation and Facebook, most forums I frequented are now dead.

I do not envy anyone trying to keep a site like this going, and I would just like to share my appreciation for all who are involved, and I am sure your guys will figure it out and make the right choices.

Anything a laymen might be able to help with, let me know.

That's why I don't want to jump to just anything to get away from Nabble. I want to find some software that will be around for a long time and be user friendly.

But you just raised a question that I need to answer for each platform we look at - where do they store their pictures? Luckily Nabble stores them with the posts, so even though Photobucket is deleting pics that won't hurt us. But we want our future platform to do the same and not do like FTE where just the links to the pics are stored.

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I have reached out to the admins there.

In the meantime, you might want to sign up on the forum. That would give you some idea of the process, and would put you in a position to directly contact the admins if they consent. The website is xwebforums.com.

Let me know if there are any anti-robot questions about Fiats or anything and I'll get the right answer for you.

Gary, I sent you an email. An administrator over at xwebs has volunteered to answer any questions about xenforo that he can. His email address is in that email.

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