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Dyn Blin

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  1. When I insulated my door, I found most of mine had deformed or split. I found mine in the Dorman catalogue and unexpectedly on Amazon. Is this what you're looking for? Dorman 75451 Edit- others beat me to it OE: E6AZ 5421952A
  2. Inbound via PayPal- thanks for allowing the beneficiaries to support the resource!
  3. Gary, I've been on the other side of the pond for a bit and haven't checked in. Please place me on the contributor list and call on me when the time comes.
  4. Thanks, David. I also saw that one last night (I'm the "watcher"). Although I'm not in a spot to complain about price on NOS, that $90 + Shipping makes me want to measure twice as it seems to not match the length in #Dummy's quoted post. I'll circle back to memorialize the outcome for posterity. -Mark
  5. Deeply Obliged, Jim. Thank you for the late evening reply. Mark
  6. I'm with you, Chris. Met my wife here, raised 4 kids here, business is here. I'm around for a while longer anyway. I agree, IMHO, eventually ICE vehicles will be taxed/fee'd to a point most will let them go. There's only one or two STAR-certified testers left in the county that are also repairing, and emission parts (and routing diagrams) are getting rarer than hen's teeth. Many fine points and places to still be in this huge state. 'Hope our paths cross one day. -Mark
  7. 'Hoping to solicit some group wisdom on sourcing a part number. When tuning the carb for this year's emission testing, I noticed the throttle cable assembly plastics are brittle and cracked. I *think* I recall some differences between speed control and non-cruise part #'s. Will a knowledgeable party please point me in a direction to dive deeper? -Mark
  8. It's a been a while since I've posted. I'm always lurking but tend not to weigh in without something that might add some value. Coincidentally, I saw Nor-Cal Ed's post just before having to stop in at one of the last local shops that offer my state's approved "enhanced" emission testing required for our older bullnoses as part of our license registration renewal process. My "build" will continue to be original until I might move out of the a jurisdiction that prohibits any emissions-connect modifications, or our state passes an exemption for older vehicles (both unlikely events). Before each test, I check/change plugs, air filters, oil change, clean, replace rotor and cap & re-tune the carb & adjust choke/idle. So far, every other year for the last decade, I've passed with a comfortable margin and tried to remember to post results here. Here's this year's installment: ,
  9. Dave is correct. 80, 81 82 & most 83 did not have the switch on the e-brake and wiring to light the dash indicator.
  10. Nothing like a set of shinies to refresh the look! I did the same a couple years back, and am still impressed how dang light aluminum is compared to the steel wheels they replaced.. & require moving when I sweep the garage. Those have been well taken care of. Nice find!
  11. Ryan at Blue-Top steered me to Type F for my box a couple years back. I'll show myself out.
  12. I love my 351, but every time I see a well-kept straight 6 of any truck vintage I admire the access and fondly recall my high school Maverick. Thanks for the grin, Dane!
  13. Similar to Dave's suggestion, I've used a small cuts of colored shrink tubing of a size appropriate to avoid restriction of the lumen after heat is applied. Placing these close to the connection ends and in the middle of the hose to identify the routing and purpose really helps in my family fleet of turbo-aspirated models and the small spaces containing multiple emissions vacuum runs. Quality Si tubing can be dear to price when replacing old stressed rubber lines, especially when I find a brand that is stiff enough not to collapse under load. Buying a quantity in a single basic color and marking them with the colored shrink bands has been a good solution for my use.
  14. https://www.ebay.com/itm/353906273913?epid=1842554490&hash=item5266752e79:g:TDcAAOSwis1iBrPj Looks great!
  15. A pretty cool conclusion to that chapter. One more onion layer peeled with less tears at the end! I've been keeping records on where all the parts on my truck come from-through members and ebay and Craigslist. Someday I'll make my own map. In the meantime you have a little bit of NorCal in yours.
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