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Everything posted by kramttocs

  1. Yep, the 86 are primarily vacuum. That would be great if the levers do come out (and go back in ). I'll take a bunch of photos when I tear into my spare.
  2. Would be happy to be wrong but I still see it as a normal receiver with the removable ends flipped upside down and then cut to fit the profile. Even if so though, it's a really good solution. The front horns are different between those years (crumple zone and how the bumper attaches). As for the other jy sway bar one, with that style of sway bar, since the bar goes behind that crossmember (at least on my 86 f150) I don't see why it would interfere. My front sway bar hooks up with a flat crossmember but even with that I think it could be worked around.
  3. Like I am doing now lol... Since you are tearing it all down and detailing everything. One of the things I have been trying to wrap my head around is the climate control panel. My metal sliders are rusty, and I think it would be cool to be able to pull that faceplate and either get the red/blue restored or come up with something custom. I like how you think! I was actually looking over that control unit a couple weeks ago hoping to find a way to remove the levers and coat them as mine are rusty also. Nothing obvious stood out at the time but I recall Chris over at FTE mentioning something about drilling out the melted pins to hold the face halves together and restoring the color so I tabled my progress on it until I could look up that thread. I seem to recall something about there being pieces of color plastic sheets in there to filter the color but could be mistaken. I don't think any powder coating will be an option on the levers since they are likely integral to the switches but just some black spray paint will look good and be an improvement. When I get back from Tulsa I'll look up that thread and play around with a really faded spare unit I have. If you do anything before then on it, definitely let me know.
  4. Hey Gary - I was going to post this in the Big Blue project thread but didn't find it so will just throw it here since it does apply to Camano also. ... While in your shop, David was showing me the Medium Duty truck radio bezel that you are planning to use with the row of switches at the top (great idea). Not sure what your trailer controller plans are but I have never been a fan of the trailer controllers down below the dash despite all our farm trucks having that as the norm. Just a couple days ago I stumbled upon the Reese 8508700. There is also a Redarc version but I like the functionality of the Reese better from what I've compared. This unit has a remote dial and led indicator that allows you to mount it in the dash. For Camano I am going to 3D print something that looks very similar to the dealer installed a/c controls located in the dash cubby to house this dial and my GVOD toggle but when David showed me that bezel I thought it would be a good place for the trailer controls also. Just an idea.
  5. Very helpful and welcome! That looks really good. Great to know on the sway bar. Does it look like they took a semi-universal receiver, slid out and rotated the end pieces, then modified them to fit around the frame horns? Or do the end pieces look entirely custom?
  6. That does look good and with the fog lights it blends in well. Is the owner/poster anyone reachable that could provide attaching photos? Do you have a sway bar? Trying to think of any considerations and that would be one.
  7. Thanks Scott! It's supposed to be the original factory color, although I'm having a hard time getting used it compared to the old chalky flat blue that it was...lol. I'm not sure if the new color is 100% correct, but it's close enough for me. My thought is that unless it's a museum all numbers match vehicle, being spot on with the 84 color is less important than you being happy with the look. No doubt -after your truck is back on the road, people will be approaching you about it in the parking lot no matter how close to factory it is!
  8. There was actually a thread not long ago about front bumpers/receiver hitches that had some photos. There are a number of ways to do it and just as many final looks (both good and bad depending upon your taste). My personal preference is the hidden receiver behind the folding license plate.
  9. In Tulsa at the Gathering Place. Really neat place. Kids are loving it despite the light rain.
  10. Have a set of those Boom Mats waiting to go in. In addition to sound improvement they also protect the speaker from any elements.
  11. For a large truck but very nice looking https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F143272908719
  12. Mine is stored up on a shelf so can't verify but the plastic buttons you are talking about are pins that were melted flat, right? No way to reuse that style that I could imagine. Still assuming it's that style, I would see about taking a Dremel to the head to remove it, then see if it's big enough to drill and tap. If so you could bolt it on with flat washers. If that doesn't work you could see about epoxying your own head on it. The benefit being that you could do the same grinding to remove it if needed in the future. Or you could always go the adhesive route and forego the pins altogether Flying blind so disregard if the 'buttons' aren't what I am thinking of
  13. NothingSpecial already mentioned the one I've seen before -spare tire. Could also be used for a bike mount. But with it being custom - no one but the owner will really know. Same for why they plated over the step
  14. What about a Bullnose with a medium duty truck speedometer which goes to 999,999.9? Hmm true. Although if it's ever rolled over, I'd say it wins just because....
  15. Not sure what it's technically called but it's the step with the hole that you'd drop a pin in for a hay wagon tongue or bolt a ball to. No doubt there is a super simple name that's alluding me. Yeah, the original plan was to powder coat it and I've decided to go with the textured black like the receiver hitch and kind of like the black bumper trim pieces. I was just thinking that it might look neat in body color but that wouldn't last on a driver like this. It came apart with little fuss so going to straighten it tomorrow (slight bend near the hole) and drop it off at the shop - too long for my oven.
  16. Just some off the top of my head thoughts. Random drawing/names on a hat? New categories: Highest Odometer, Lowest Odometer? Would need to be limited to bullnoses or at least odometers that roll over. Some kind of guessing game? Similar to how many jelly beans in a jar but doesn't need to be physical. Could deal with odometers or total lug nut count (assuming there is a vehicle registration chart) or....
  17. Started taking the rear bumper apart today. Removed the arms for prep and coating. Anyone ever heard of someone grinding off the rivets for the step/tongue hole center piece? Planning to start on that tonight. Avoiding too much heat is the only consideration I can think of. Any color suggestions for it? Been doing gloss black for everything underneath but not sure I want this part to stand out and shine. The receiver hitch is a textured flat black coating. Debated having the body shop paint it the body accent color but not sure about that either. Main reason being the paint holding up to boots.
  18. Picked up wood pellets #2 today. Hoping to kickstart fall weather... Also spent a LOT of the day cleaning up the shop. It had gotten really bad but there's nothing like seeing everything back in its place....until the next time I use it and leave it scattered around.
  19. Guess that is what im getting at, granted you couldn't really hurt the mpgs any worse. Yep, I got ya. These trucks are bad enough with aerodynamics that adding or not adding something like this is purely a personal preference in the looks of it.
  20. I don't know who made the unit I have but here are the measurements & pictures 53" across 15" tall front to back 3" at the top 6.5" at the bottom Front view Side view Kind of a top view Hope that helps Dave ---- edit: I did check and the seat is all the way back and it still had room between seat & rack. There is one like that in the local jy. I pulled it but then realized it was a universal unit so left it. I believe I found that it was from JC Whitney. Yours looks in better shape as that one was warped and cracking at the screw holes. Don't see it on their site now but looks like it's DeeZee manufactured. Part CO-75
  21. I like it. I'd also be interested in photos from the guys that have them regarding how/where they bolt in.
  22. What kind of wdh do you have? Been keeping my eye out for a good one.
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