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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Well, as usual I'm making this too difficult. Turned out that I had the piece of angle shown below in the dip stick stay testing laying around and the bolt holes are the right distance apart so it bolted right on. And then I realized that the back edge was sticking up and it was almost in the right position. A bit of measuring said that if the edge was 5/8" farther back it would be perfect for the cable to mount on. Right height and right distance. So I looked around and I have a piece of rolled angle that has large enough flanges to allow the back one to be at just the right spot. And, the flanges are ~.088" and the cable can handle .100" in the slot. So, all it will take is to cut a piece of the angle, drill the holes in it for the carb bolts, relieve it for the back of the carb, cut a slot in it for the cable to slide into and drill a hole for the cable's tab to snap into. And for the speed control cable, I suspect that if I box the ends of the angle I can use the one on the driver's side to screw the speed control bracket to. Done.
  2. I paid a professional driveline guy to rebuild it. He had the use of the correct tools at the shop where he works, and I'm told that the ZF requires some special tools. In fact, his friend that's rebuilt a number of transfer cases and differentials for me said he won't do ZF's as they take tools he doesn't have.
  3. I think we used different holes, but wound up in roughly the same place. However, the rubber bushing in the shocks would easily accommodate the differences. When are you going to have it on the road?
  4. No, I didn't change anything. But side-by-side is tricky. Depending on how you do it there may be a difference from device to device when viewing them. I use the "left" and "right" buttons and then add width="48%" to the string that's generated when you upload the pic. That's about the max you can do to put two pics side by side, and my using percentages it seems to work on different devices as it is a percentage of the screen size.
  5. I think I'll be running the carb for some time, far beyond break-in. And I want to put some miles on it. In fact, I have a dream that I've not typed nor voiced, and that is to take Big Blue to Colorado this fall. So speed control would be a big help. As for the EFI cables, yes I saw that. And I should have those cables as well.
  6. Bill - I think that's an excellent idea! I do believe the casing will allow it to be twisted 90 degrees, but will give it a try later today. However, there's really nothing special about the bracket. Both the throttle cable and speed control cable just go into a u-shaped slot with a hole below. The throttle cable has a tab that is supposed to snap into the hole, although the one on Big Blue doesn't stay so I'll replace it. And the speed control cable has a screw hole through which a screw passes and secures it to the bracket. So it wouldn't be too hard to make a slot and hole in a piece of angle to accept the cables. The biggest issue is that the speed control cable needs to clip in maybe 2" back of where the throttle cable clips in as it has to allow the throttle to open w/o hitting the speed control cable. But the speed control bracket screws onto the side of the throttle cable bracket, so I might be able to re-use it. Anyway, good idea!
  7. Jim - I'll confess I didn't follow all of that. But I appreciate the suggestions. So let me ask some questions and make comments to try to understand: Turning the fore/aft piece so the horizonal part faces out would work, and I like that. And hopefully I could cut a divot in it to miss the boss. I'll have to check the height of the top of the boss to see if I can use it in some way and still get the bracket down where I want it. Agreed that the throttle cable won't care if it is rotated, but there's also the speed control cable which parallels the throttle cable. And while it uses a chain so can probably be rotated some, it would be best to keep it horizontal to the throttle cable. As for placement of the bracket, perhaps this pic will help. The carb bolt spacing is 5.16", so I'd guess that the throttle cable is roughly 3 1/2" outboard of the left carb bolt. I'll have to do a lot more playing with things to figure out where it can all go. But that probably won't happen until Friday as the kids have come back as of last night for a few days before leaving for Charleston. I wish this was a candidate for CAD, but I fear cardboard is too flimsy. But perhaps I can c-clamp a couple of pieces of angle together with the bracket bolted to one of them and get a better handle on where that boss is and how to get around it. Or at worst case tack weld them together.
  8. I, too, am appalled by what I see, locally as well as on TV. This is truly a terrible disease and we really need to understand that and heed the warnings and follow the guidance. That having been said, let's kick around some different ways of doing a virtual truck show so people will have an idea of what we are talking about. Here are some thoughts, so please let us know your thoughts about them. But note that I use the term "the team" very loosely 'cause I don't know what nor who it/they is/are yet. But rest assured I'll need help. MEDIA: Video: Everyone that enters creates a short video of his truck. We would limit it to maybe a minute or two. And you'd send the video to "the team" and some magic is done to splice them all together. Or we put up each video separately as splicing them together could get long. Let's say there are 100 entries and each is limited to a minute, we'd have almost a two hour video. Photo: Instead of videos, everyone sends in several pics of their truck(s). We'd limit the # of pics, and maybe have some suggested ones. Or required ones? Anyway, then we'd put together a page or pages with the pics? VOTING: I'm thinking that any member can vote, and we'll have a poll for each category. TIME FRAME: We need to allow people time to watch all the videos or view the pictures and vote, so how long should we give them? Do we put the video or pictures up a week in advance? Two weeks? And open the polling then. And announce the winners on the "day of the show"? ELIGIBILITY: Any member can enter as many of his/her trucks as s/he wants. And while this is the Bullnose Forum, we have members that don't have a Bullnose. So how 'bout allowing members to enter any Ford truck? Thoughts? Suggestions? Improvements?
  9. It isn't a job, it is a labor of love. The forum has really taken off, far beyond my wildest imagination, and I like making it work for us. All of us. So the outages really bug me, especially when I am not aware of why we had an outage nor whether they really fixed it or it is still "out there" and will come back. I was an IT professional and I understand how things should be run. And this ain't it. So I'm hoping to make some improvements.
  10. Doni - Steve is correct, it isn't sitting down in quite right. But here's the illustration showing how it goes together. And, by the way, a mid-ship tank refers to one on the side ahead of the axle. Yours is an "aft-axle" tank.
  11. Well, phooey! If you look at this pic I've pointed to a standoff that holds the injector brackets. It is just under the aluminum plate, and while I don't know how far, I fear it is a lot less than the flange height of the angle I was planning to use. In other words, I don't think I can drop it down 1 1/2". So I'll need to determine how much room I have and either use a piece of angle with a shorter flange or not put the fore/aft angle fully below the other one, but butt it into it part way down. Its a shame that the standoff ends other than horizontally or I might could use it to stabilize the end of the angle.
  12. I'm horrible when I try to visualize things, so that type of CAD would be a good idea for me. Let's try this. The red angle is the one going across the back of the carb. The black angle is the one going back from the red one, and you can see that it boxes the end of the red angle in. And the green is a piece welded to the red angle to box the other end in, so there's no flex. Is that halfway between cardboard and computer aided design?
  13. Yes, I hope it heals quickly so you can go get it. I'm anxious to find out what it is!
  14. Yes, you've done a great job! So sort out the little details and take it easy. And touch that brake pedal and grin.
  15. I didn't find dimples, but it was very easy to find the right location and drill the holes. I really like the later visors as I don't like the sag that the Bullnose visors eventually get.
  16. We may be on the same page, Jim. I've been staring at my TurboCAD screen trying to figure out how to show this in 3D, but let me describe what I think I've come to. In this pic I'd trim the throttle bracket as show with the red lines and drill holes where shown. The a piece of angle would run across the back of the carb with the side flange pointing down, behind the carb. And another piece of angle would come straight back, but it would have its side flange going up on the far left, and its bottom flange would go under the side flange of the angle on the carb. Assuming 1 1/2" angle, that would put the mounting flange for the bracket 1 1/2" below where it is in the previous pics, and solve to "too high" problem. And the side flange on the front/rear piece of angle would box the other angle. Plus, I could extend that other angle to the passenger's side slightly and box it. So there wouldn't be any flex. Does any of that make sense? Do I need to draw it?
  17. Bill - That's cool! Nice card! But you are 83? Wow! I hope I'm doing that well in 10 years. Congrat's! Cory - Can't wait to see what you have. I see either another project truck or a whole lot of parts.
  18. Jim - I'll get to the material and design in a minute. But do you see a problem with the bracket being high, as is shown in my pic from the side? The video shows that it works, but..... But no, the plate is not on the lower plenum. It is sitting on top of the back of the Edelbrock and is held on with the two rear bolts. As for the material, I thought about using steel angle but wanted to try it with aluminum first as it is far easier to work with. Now that I have the profile to fit the back of the carb I can transfer that to a piece of angle. And then weld another piece of angle at right angles to go back to support the bracket. Then I'll trim the bracket so it fits the angle, placing the bolts front to rear along the angle. But, if the bracket is too high I could section it, taking maybe 1" out of it, and weld it back together
  19. You can see the spacer (10A344) behind the fan, here. So you may not see it as it isn't directly behind the pulley.
  20. I don't know, Jim. But the two 351HO air cleaners I have came with only one snorkel. Anyway, I need help, y'all. I made an adapter to put a stock throttle cable bracket on the EFI plenum, but I'm not really happy with it, so need some brainstorming. First, here's the adapter itself with the stock throttle cable bracket c-clamped to it. It is just a 3/16" piece of aluminum plate I had laying around and I've not shortened it as I'm not sure it is going to work. And here it is on the back of the carb: And here is the carb mounted with the adapter and bracket in place and the throttle cable connected: But, that doesn't really show why I'm not sure it is going to work. Here's a shot from the side and you can see that the throttle cable is coming down at an angle to the carb: Last, here's a video of it in action. What do you think? Will it work? What do you suggest to make it better?
  21. Don't forget to see if you can space the pulley out. As you will see on our page, shown below, all Bullnose trucks are supposed to have a spacer behind the pulley. Do you? Can you put a thicker one on?
  22. All I know is what I was taught in college. I was in a fraternity that did its own food serving and dish washing - w/o an electric dishwasher. The health inspector came by at the first of every year and taught us how to wash dishes, and then came back periodically to make sure we were following his instructions. And they were to use water hot enough that we couldn't hold our hands in it to rinse, and he said that is typically above 130 degrees F. And to add a little bleach to the wash water. We did, religiously, and I don't remember anyone passing illnesses on.
  23. That wasn't an insult - at least to Holly. Personally, I think an electric dishwasher is a health item as much as a convenience item. I do the majority of the "dish washing" now, and I get the dishes pretty clean before they go in the washer. But the washer does the last little bit and ensures that any germs have been killed. A few years ago we visited our kids in Nicaragua, and when we got there they were suffering from some malady that they were passing around between family members. As I usually do I did the dish washing, but quickly learned that they not only didn't have a dish washer but they didn't even have hot water. Instead, they used a soap meant for cold water. Period. I explained that it takes HOT water to kill germs, but that bleach helps. So we started heating water on the stove to rinse the dishes with and used a bit of bleach in the wash water. Miraculously the malady soon disappeared. So I'm a firm believer in electric dishwashers - to ensure dishes are truly free of germs. (But, they also work nicely in a shop to clean parts, and since the one in the shop is now broken and we need a new one in the house 'cause the rack is rusting away, I'll get a "new" one in the shop soon. )
  24. I do, but she doesn't like it when I call her that! I was thinking along the same lines. His is named Holly.
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