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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Jim - Please trust me, I am being careful on the ladder! Having fallen off of one ~10 years ago when building the shop and breaking my heel, I realize that if I were to break something not it would be far worse. John - I thought I could mod these tombstones but can't, at least not easily. They are internally set up so that the pins are jumpered to each other, and I can't see a way to get them apart. But since these bulbs are set up that power goes in on one end and the pins on the other are just to hold the bulb, the tombstones on that end don't matter.
  2. I don't find that part number in our MPC. We didn't have the servo assembly part numbers on the page (Documentation/Electrical/Speed Control) but do now.
  3. Interesting. The seller says it is for a 1986, and indeed that's what the MPC says. But, why? What's different in the rear frame or bumper for '86 vs the other years? 86 F 150/350 E5TZ 17A958-A
  4. For whatever reason that one is from 7/84 through 86, only. 84/86 F-U150/350 — w/intermittent wipers "From 7/84" E4TZ 17C476-A SW-1961 #E4TF 17C476-AA-less 17C494 mounting bracket
  5. Yes, it is a nice price. And being NOS it should work far longer than the aftermarket ones. 80/84 F100/350 EOTZ 9275-A Use with aft axle steel fuel tank—incl. (1) COAF 9276-A gasket
  6. Note that this is for a 2wd. And for 1981 through '85 it is for an automatic transmission, only. E0TZ 9A820-E 80-only F100/350 - - 2/W/D-w/factory installed speed control w/o ratio adapter 81/85 F100/350 — w/factory installed speed control -2/W/D with A/T
  7. Those were pretty standard add-ons back in the 70's. I toyed with adding one to our '72 F250 but don't think I did. The issue was that with a 9 1/2' camper and the necessary relocation of the bumper back 1 1/2' the spare tire was so far forward that you'd have a really hard time getting to it if you needed to do so. But the tire in front of the radiator looked like a good way to interrupt the air flow to the radiator, so I debated. I think in the end I rolled the dice and hoped I'd not need the spare, and I think I won as I don't remember using it. However, I do remember the little Coleman 12v compressor pumping its guts out trying to inflate the wide tires I'd replaced the ones on the split rims in the rear with. We played several hands of canasta while it worked away. Had the spare been on the front it would have been far faster to change it.
  8. That's not the most corrosion I've seen, but it is concerning. However, the headlight relay mod fixes that as well as other ills in the headlight wiring. I'd highly recommend it.
  9. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=johnny+cash+car+song&view=detail&mid=876A90B167FB166FFF77876A90B167FB166FFF77&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3djohnny%2bcash%2bcar%2bsong%26form%3dEDNTHT%26refig%3d5bcc9c5d7c554c98b4d7223bcdf10131%26mkt%3den-us%26msnews%3d1%26PC%3dHCTS%26sp%3d2%26ghc%3d1%26qs%3dLS%26pq%3djohnny%2bcash%2bca%26sk%3dPRES1LS1%26sc%3d8-14%26cvid%3d5bcc9c5d7c554c98b4d7223bcdf10131%26cc%3dUS%26setlang%3den-US That's true, David. BB was built One Piece At A Time. But you won't know that unless you are really knowledgeable about Bullnose trucks. From the outside there's not much to see that doesn't fit - unless you know that an F250 shouldn't have a straight front axle, or even that the F350 didn't get one until '86. And at this point in time, under the hood it would take someone pretty au fait with Ford trucks to spot that it shouldn't have a 3G, it should have a starter relay, it shouldn't have a PDB, it should have a different A/C system, etc.
  10. I think that's a good approach, Jim. Unfortunately that won't work very well for me. My fixtures are hard wired with conduit between them and then each one is screwed to the ceiling joist. So there'd be a lot more work changing the whole fixture out than this approach. I'm anxious to get the first one done. I'll be able to lay the camera on the work table, probably directly below the joint between the new LED fixture and the old fluorescent one, and see if it shows us the difference.
  11. If the shoe fits, wear it! In this case, maybe "If the coat fits"? I just think it'll go well with Big Blue. We know it is later than the 80's, but it is doubtful others will know. Nor will many know the year of BB. So, it'll fit right in.
  12. You are now on the map. Did you take an automotive course? I know there are some around but haven't talked to anyone that did. Anyway, glad you are here. You'll find we have everything from bone stock, including all of the CA emissions, to seriously modified. You'll fit right in.
  13. Yes, very nice! But I'm with Jim - that's a spreadbore adapter. What's the plan, Stan? The Q-Jet is one of my favorite carbs.
  14. Nice! But one? You could be holding that one for a long time before finding one to match.
  15. Just like some on this forum: classic! I like that "classic" statement. And just for posterity, here is one of the pics of it from the advert:
  16. Yep, that's what I thought. BIS would have been exactly the degree I needed given how my career went instead of Math & Physics. But that kind of a degree wasn't even dreamed of 50+ years ago, and I'd probably not taken it had it been 'cause I wanted to be a scientist or engineer. As for Rock Auto, I'm kind of in the same place on the upper radiator hose for Big Blue. I want the one that doesn't have the kick-up for a AIR pump as I'm not running one. RA has several different ones and will be cheaper, but if I get the wrong part it'll be a hassle getting the right one. With the local parts store if it isn't the right part I won't take it.
  17. I haven't been doing much with the truck lately (aside from driving it), so not much posting from me here. But we've had several hard and fast thunderstorms recently (this evening we got a full 1.5" of rain in the time it took us to eat dinner), and I'm happy to report that with the drain spouts removed and the dirt cleared, my cabin water issues are resolved. It's been bone dry in there since May. Yes, that is great news! And good to hear/see from you, Matthew!
  18. Glad you found and fixed that. If the AOD has a weakness it is in the way that is adjusted. Off very far can cause serious problems.
  19. Welcome, Dawson! "Ford performance mechanic"? Cool! But, what is a performance mechanic? Where in Georgia? We could add you to the map if we had a zip. Didn't you have a question about a tranny?
  20. So, welcome! How 'bout some pics of your truck? You can do that here and/or in the new thread you are going to create. Also, where's home? I ask because we have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and we can add you if we had your zip/postal code. And, while you are working on that, here are some things to consider. First, there are basically three 4-speed transmissions with a granny low. You can see their gear ratios on the page here, but all are 1:1 in 4th: Documentation/Driveline/Calculators. But, why a 4-speed? Why not a 5-speed since that would have an overdrive. NP435: Lowest 1st T-18: These were typically used behind any of the engines except the 460 and the diesel. Good low gear. T-19: These were used behind the 460 and diesel and have a pretty "tall" first gear So, when you create that new thread in the main section tell us what you are going to do with the truck.
  21. That's not much of an introduction. Typically we learn a bit about you before launching into the "help me do this" effort. And, this isn't the best part of the forum in which to get help since not as many people will see it here. So I suggest that once we dispense with the introduction that you do two things: So, welcome! How 'bout some pics of your truck? You can do that here and/or in the new thread you are going to create. Also, where's home? I ask because we have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and we can add you if we had your zip/postal code.
  22. Ok, I got my LED bulbs in today and started to install them, only to realize I should have ordered the non-shunted tombstones. It took me a while to figure out what I had, but once I did it was obvious I needed those. They'll be here on Saturday. If it would help anyone else I can scan in the instructions and explain what I found and why I needed those.
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