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  1. Arright guys, here we go. Currently the truck is running, but not great. Problem is the carb. It is a 600cfm Eddy Performer that, before I owned it, had been sprayed with silver spray paint (including down the air horn), had random kick down linkage welded to the throttle lever, then sat in the rain for over 3 years, full of ethanol gas. I "revived" it to a degree by soaking it in pine-sol and rebuilding it, and it runs astoundingly well considering what it has been through, but it will never be right again. I got both my AFR gauges working, and the passenger side idle mixture screw does nothing. It is running a bit lean on that side, which tells me the idle circuit is most likely plugged up with crystallized ethanol. Anyone who has encountered that stuff before knows that nothing short of aqua regia will dissolve it. So, time for a replacement. I'm stuck between the Edelbrock 650cfm AVS2, and the Summit 600cfm Autolite clone. Both are derived from nearly antediluvian carb designs. The AVS2 is much more established, and has a great reputation. I have only met 2 people running the Summit carb, but both had been using them for well over a decade with no issues. Thoughts?
  2. Scotty definitely knows his stuff. I wish I could have one of his stroker builds....
  3. From my perception, it seems that the IT workers in India get paid pennies on the $ compared to those in the west. But, sadly, that is the state of most of the world. Also this is my first post on the new platform. Seems nice. Can videos be uploaded without youtube?
  4. I can. The reason is because even though we warranty a lot of them, we still make a massive profit. I won't give the exact figures, but it's over 7 digits per year. He said that he hates those pumps and would replace them if he could, but there aren't any better options on the market.
  5. Thanks Vivek.... if it works that is. Also quite likely the most expensive setup.
  6. Things weren't any better in 2013-2014. I worked for an Advance Auto store that was originally the only auto parts store in the area for years. Autozone came right before I started and immediately took half the sales. Then Walmart came and took the oil change sales, some battery sales, and that of the piddly things on the sales floor. Despite this, Advance never dropped the sales goals for my store. About 6 months after I started, they implemented a new sales goal policy where you were written up if you did not meet your sales goals for the period. I worked the late shift (2-9pm), so of course I never made my sales goals since they were astronomical. Once you hit 4 writeups, they terminated you. I made it to three write ups, and then put in my notice so that my last day was the day prior to when they would have likely terminated me. Only one person from my store ended up not getting termed, mainly because he only worked 10 hours a week and his position wasn't included in the sales goals requirements. I won't feel sad when Advance goes belly up. They did it to themselves. I work for the "better parts store" (not Autozone). My now former manager (got promoted) started with Advance, and from what he's told me, it definitely sounds like they are run by people who know nothing about parts or even retail in general. One of my current coworkers used to be a manager for them, and she doesn't know what a carrier bearing is, or understand the difference between 2 or 4 wheel drive. She used to run a store quite literally by herself, with no help. My current employer is a fantastic company to work for. They are still run by the original family, and ALL managers, store, district, regional, and beyond, all the way up to the CEO, started out on the parts counter. They will not hire someone as a manager who does not have parts experience. I have talked to very high positions in the company. We have a social media type thing that allows us to communicate with Store Operations. I once went on there and ranted a bit about a certain "performance" fuel pump that we carry that has a high failure rate. In less than 2 hours, I came in the store from putting in a battery, and was told that corporate was on the phone for me. I was greeted by the product manager for all of our performance parts (the guy who actually determines what goes on our shelves), and he patiently explained to me why we carry that specific pump, despite the failure rate. The guy is a gear head himself, and I was on the phone with him for over 7 minutes. Awesome stuff.
  7. Welcome Freddy! And Jim, we don't have much issue with rust on them here, just that they've all apparently been :nabble_florida-man-42_orig:'d.
  8. Arright fellers. Finally got my shrink ray working again. Set it to 50% and this is what I got: Welded up an ugly little bracket for it.
  9. Hey what's wrong with tritones? I've been known to use a little "controlled discord" sometimes.
  10. It's fine. My factory hose did that, and the Precision replacement. Neither leak. It's weird, and I'm not sure how a fitting can move like that and not leak, but they do.
  11. Yes, everything comes over. All of the posts, all of your points, joining dates, etc. EVERYTHING. But wait, what about our unique emoticons? I mean, what would we do without ?
  12. Dumb question, but I haven't been reading the mail, so forgive me: all the current threads on the forum will exist on the new platform, correct?
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