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How Many Of You Would Agree To Administrate A Bullnose Facebook Page?

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I've been asked by a friend of mine to set up a Facebook page for Bullnose trucks. I'll give you his reasoning in a bit, but first I'd like to know how many of you would be willing to serve as admin's on such a page.

And this page would take some admin'ing as we would insist on people adhering to the same guidelines we have here on the forum. That doesn't seem to be the way some of the people on FB operate, so it would take some hands-on work as I'm sure we'll have to ban a few in order to help them understand we mean business. I can't do it myself, so I'd need several of y'all to do it.


Yes, I know that we discussed this 2+ years ago and the poll was heavily against doing it. But there were some that saw the benefit and felt it can be managed. And since it doesn't really detract from this forum, the question this time is who is willing to be an admin on the Bullnose Forum or Gary's Garagemahal FB page? (We have both of those names nailed down.)

Now, here's some of his reasoning. When I asked "why" he said:

Because more people are on FB. Everybody has the app on their phones, it logs them on automatically so they can post a question or a picture without having to jump through hoops. Forums most definitely have a place...for documentation especially...but for banter, quick shares of related material, etc., FB had a distinct advantage. It is what it is. 🤷

It's personal. I'd like to be associated with a bullnose group with knowledgeable people that I can quickly post to. You're the man when it comes to these trucks, so in my humble opinion a related FB group would just be an extension of your excellent website.

I won't tell you who he is, but I will say that he has a successful FB page and it has a very calm and collected group of people on it. So I trust that he knows what he is talking about.

But again, I don't have the time to do this by myself so would have to have several people willing to play admin. I see from reading the previous thread that Bill volunteered as did Clifton, so I'll tag them. And Troy has the experience so although he seems to like the forum approach more I'll tag him as well.

Anyone? :nabble_waving_orig:

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I'm the admin for the FB page for another forum I frequented (not so much anymore, but I'm still good buddies with the owner)... only it was unofficial as said owner hates social media.

I really ought to take it behind the shed with an axe and a stump... as I haven't updated it in 10+ years as it was merely to funnel people over to the actual site. Every time a "do something to promote this" message comes from facebook, I kinda die inside a bit. Yet I'm told "nah, keep it up"... which makes me a FB slum lord?

The issue you run into is discussions get stuck on FB and never make it into the actual forum's collective knowledge. Which was really the only thing I did... not a very good admin if all they do is tell people "take it to the forum". Conversely, that's bad for FB statistics... so anyway :nabble_anim_crazy:

That said, since it sounds like this is an official endeavor, and since we do more than just a forum (the truck show, etc), a FB page may make more sense, if nothing else, as a means of promotion.

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Gary, I can. I am admin on two Ford related groups, 429/460 and Ford Dually trucks.

Thanks, Bill. Let's see how many other takers we have as I can't get spread much thinner or we will never get some of this documentation on the site.

Larry/Ratdude747 - I'm not sure what to make of your comments. Did you volunteer? Are you saying you have done it, but badly? :nabble_anim_confused:

And yes, it may be a means of promotion. But it can also help those who will only use FB. It isn't something that all of the forum members will want to be part of. Maybe not many. But according to my friend that is pushing for it, "if you build it they will come".

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Thanks, Bill. Let's see how many other takers we have as I can't get spread much thinner or we will never get some of this documentation on the site.

Larry/Ratdude747 - I'm not sure what to make of your comments. Did you volunteer? Are you saying you have done it, but badly? :nabble_anim_confused:

And yes, it may be a means of promotion. But it can also help those who will only use FB. It isn't something that all of the forum members will want to be part of. Maybe not many. But according to my friend that is pushing for it, "if you build it they will come".

I'm still against it. I've watched 3/4 of the forum-based Facebook groups/pages I've been a part of go downhill after a year or so. Just because people are volunteering to admin the group now, doesn't mean they will want or be able to do so a year from now. Who is going to admin it then?

"If you build it, they will come" is a terrible phrase for this situation because I've seen it built, I've seen very few people come, and I've watched it fall into disrepair because of it.

How are you going to make the page more visible amongst the ever-increasing number of bullnose pages already on Facebook? What will your page have that the other pages don't?

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I'm still against it. I've watched 3/4 of the forum-based Facebook groups/pages I've been a part of go downhill after a year or so. Just because people are volunteering to admin the group now, doesn't mean they will want or be able to do so a year from now. Who is going to admin it then?"If you build it, they will come" is a terrible phrase for this situation because I've seen it built, I've seen very few people come, and I've watched it fall into disrepair because of it. How are you going to make the page more visible amongst the ever-increasing number of bullnose pages already on Facebook? What will your page have that the other pages don't?
Good questions and comments, Shaun.


I'm on several FB pages for trucks, some of which aren't just Bullnose. And while they collectively seem active, I honestly haven't been looking to see if some are dead and some are carrying the load. I guess I should as some of those may well have folded up. :nabble_anim_confused:


As for what our page would have that others don't, I'd say knowledge and backed up with documentation.
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Good questions and comments, Shaun.


I'm on several FB pages for trucks, some of which aren't just Bullnose. And while they collectively seem active, I honestly haven't been looking to see if some are dead and some are carrying the load. I guess I should as some of those may well have folded up. :nabble_anim_confused:


As for what our page would have that others don't, I'd say knowledge and backed up with documentation.
I’m not someone who can or would admin, so I haven’t commented. But after reading Shaun’s comments I thought I would.My Facebook account got hacked and I was able to shut it down, but I tried to contact them because there were pictures and posts I wanted. I found no way to contact Facebook. I would be concerned about security and mainly to me social media is lacking.I wouldn’t go to a Facebook page. But, I come here because of the way you operate and share knowledge.And of course there are a great bunch of people here!Just because it’s the way it’s done now doesn’t mean it’s good.Edit: spelling correction.
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I'm still against it.

LOL Shaun. A tip of the hat for being honest. I am sort of indifferent on the topic, but if I had to pick, I'd probably be with Shaun.

I wish I could help Gary, but as it is I have to dig deep into my own willpower to keep civil on Facebook, and, well, I don't even have a Bullnose these days haha.

I'm still on a few of the Bullnose pages on FB, but I deleted any of them that were public. I try to avoid public pages...personal pet peeve is all.

You almost need to ask for admins ON Facebook Gary...that's where you'll find the highest concentration of people willing to do it.


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I hate FB.

This « Timeline » construction is annoying, almost impossible to retrieve an information you saw and need to look again.

I subscribed to couple of "private groups"…. I just almost never go.


If a FB page is in order to make a kind of publicity for the Forum, kind of «Hello! Join us at this address», maybe I can buy it. Otherwise, don’t see what plus-value it will afford.

Generally speaking, I use to «Google» an information I am looking for. It never takes me to FB.

I found the Forum while googling.


BTW, couple of years ago, I created (and administrated) a public FB page for our local secondary school football team, for which I was volunteering.

It was a nice way to rapidly share each game sport photos, the boys (and their families and friends) were anxious to see the latest game pictures. They could react, post their comments, their laughter and their tears. This FB page was a nice «group emotional sharing place».

Actually, my office (also my daughter’s veterinarian hospital) each have a corporate FB page. My younger partners (yes.. I’m now the grey haired senior) administrate our page, posting our latest activities an projects. Kind of publicity for our office, showing who we are and what we do.

So FB can be a tool. But its timeline structure (in my humble opinion) is not built to enable easy searching, nor any kind of cataloging or information sorting.

I am pretty sure a FB page could only be a directional publicity for the Forum, nothing more.

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