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Thanks, Jonathan.

To give you some numbers, as I type we have 224 "likes". But there are only 168 members, so it is obvious that people who are not members "liked" the forum and/or website. And that gets the word out to their friends, who may "like" it, and things multiply.

You might wonder how effective this is. Here's a chart showing the number of people who have viewed the forum or website daily since the first day of the website in late 2015. As you can see, it is growing significantly, and quite a bit of that growth is due to exactly what Jonathan mentioned - posting links to the site on Facebook. In fact, that big spike toward the end is when the owner of a 20K+ member Facebook page shared a link to our site on his page.

So, please both like the page and provide links to the site in order to help others.

I have linked portions of this site or the whole thing as needed on FB when people are asking for information that can be found here. It saves me from trying to dig it up, post it then read all the BS from "experts" as they try to confuse the issue.

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I have linked portions of this site or the whole thing as needed on FB when people are asking for information that can be found here. It saves me from trying to dig it up, post it then read all the BS from "experts" as they try to confuse the issue.

Yes, the "experts" are about to make me quit the truck pages on Facebook. Like the guy that asked about the broken check valve in the AIR system. I can't believe the range of answers he go, most of which were wrong, and some of which were intentionally wrong.

But, like I did for that guy, I usually post a link to the correct information. And that has got to help people by getting them familiar with the site so they can find their own answers - assuming they will take the time to explore further.

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