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Bullnose Forum

New Joining Process & Guidelines - Please Read

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Folks - In preparation for our migration to the AWS servers we've revised our "joining" process. And while you are probably already a member so won't be impacted by a change in the joining process, we also changed the guidelines. And since we hold all members to the guidelines this does apply to you, so please continue to read this post.

The reason for changing the guidelines was because we wanted to include them in the joining process and require new members to say they've read them and will adhere to them. But when we studied what we had we discovered that parts of them were really more "suggestions" than "guidelines". And, we found that a statement on the FORD Forum page regarding politics and religion really needed to be in the guidelines.

So now if you go to the New Members Start Here folder you'll find that we've listed both guidelines and suggestions, as shown on the left, below. And if you were to register as a new member you'd find the page shown on the right, with just the guidelines listed and a box that has to be ticked to say you've read them and will follow them.

But if you have suggestions on either the guidelines or the process please let us know.


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