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I'm creating this new thread because I want everyone to have a chance of seeing this info and it might get missed in the Forum Hosting Plans - Update thread that is pinned. However, I'll copy this in there for completeness.

We believe we are ever-so-close to migrating from the Nabble servers to the AWS servers. Basically the only thing keeping us from that is that most of us cannot log in properly. :nabble_smiley_cry: Yes, that's a big problem, but the solution should be fairly easy as it appears to have something to do with changes that were made to the Nabble code, and we believe we can back those out - but not until September when Pedro has some time to help.

However, there are steps that we can take now to start things moving. If you remember we've planned to change from being labeled as "Gary's Garagemahal (the Bullnose bible)" to just "The Bullnose Bible". We've actually bought/leased the URL of bullnosebible.com to go along with this and we need to set up the domain names properly as well as make the needed changes to the website.

We are working in the background to get the steps nailed down to make the changes as the timing has to be just right or we could have glitches. But when we have them worked out I'll give you a heads-up and then we'll make the changes.

However, don't worry as the old URL will still get you here as it'll be forwarded to the new one. So other than there being a change at the top of the page you shouldn't see any differences.

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