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Planning For Big Blue's Trip To Ouray

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Oh yes, what is the recommended footwear? I'm thinking boots, or at least heavy duty shoes?

Obviously we'll take rain gear and jackets. But is there anything else recommended?

I'm probably over-thinking this, my brain has been warped by 40+ years of TV news stories on how to prepare for trips to the high country (especially in winter).

Ever since my teenage years, I have always worn tennis shoes if I was in a car/Jeep and not driving; hiking boots otherwise.

As an adult, my what-if mind makes me think of possibly needing to spend the night in the truck on the top of a mountain for some reason, which can become quite chilly overnight. Don't expect your cellphone to work up there.

Drinking water would be good to have, some people get altitude sickness if they exert themselves too hard. A first aid kit in case you fall or otherwise injure yourself, but I think you've already got that accounted for (I seem to remember discussion & pictures on this topic some time ago). A way to start a fire. A hiking stick if you plan to be out & about might be helpful.

When are you expecting to arrive up there? I'm mostly interested in how many people you encounter, the population of the state has more than doubled since I moved here in 1978, and it's really difficult to get away from people these days....

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Oh yes, what is the recommended footwear? I'm thinking boots, or at least heavy duty shoes?

Obviously we'll take rain gear and jackets. But is there anything else recommended?

I always wear good hiking boots when I'm 'wheeling. The stiffer soles are nicer on your feet when you are walking on very uneven surfaces, and some better ankle support than heavy duty shoes is a good idea too. But this close to the trip, take footwear that you already have broken in. Not that you'll necessarily be doing a lot of hiking, but as the Boy Scouts say (as well as Scar from Disney's "The Lion King"), Be Prepared.

A pair of leather gloves can be nice if you have to move rocks or handle a winch line (I keep a pair with my recovery gear).

Bring lunch and plenty of drinking water. There aren't any fast food places up on those trails! Bringing some extra food and blankets in case you need to spend the night isn't a terrible idea, but odds are VERY slim it'd be needed.

Sunburn happens a lot faster and a lot worse with 12,000 feet of filtering air below you. Sunscreen is good, but a boonie hat, long sleeves and long pants might be better.

Air temperature matters surprisingly little in the mountains. The air just doesn't have enough heat capacity to make much difference. On a sunny 50 degree day you might be sweating in shorts and a T-shirt while standing in snow that's not melting. Wind will make some difference, clouds and rain will make a lot of difference. So wearing a fairly thin base layer with a sweatshirt and a rain shell available works pretty well. A lightweight fleece jacket is even better than a sweatshirt because it doesn't soak up water.

And rain reminds me, you are on top of a big lightning rod any time you're on a mountain, so keep that in mind if a thunder storm comes up. And don't go down Black Bear if any significant rain might be encountered. I haven't run into that, but I think I sent you a link once of a couple Jeeps that had boulders bouncing past them and eventually got trapped by a landslide.

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Oh yes, what is the recommended footwear? I'm thinking boots, or at least heavy duty shoes?

Obviously we'll take rain gear and jackets. But is there anything else recommended?

I always wear good hiking boots when I'm 'wheeling. The stiffer soles are nicer on your feet when you are walking on very uneven surfaces, and some better ankle support than heavy duty shoes is a good idea too. But this close to the trip, take footwear that you already have broken in. Not that you'll necessarily be doing a lot of hiking, but as the Boy Scouts say (as well as Scar from Disney's "The Lion King"), Be Prepared.

A pair of leather gloves can be nice if you have to move rocks or handle a winch line (I keep a pair with my recovery gear).

Bring lunch and plenty of drinking water. There aren't any fast food places up on those trails! Bringing some extra food and blankets in case you need to spend the night isn't a terrible idea, but odds are VERY slim it'd be needed.

Sunburn happens a lot faster and a lot worse with 12,000 feet of filtering air below you. Sunscreen is good, but a boonie hat, long sleeves and long pants might be better.

Air temperature matters surprisingly little in the mountains. The air just doesn't have enough heat capacity to make much difference. On a sunny 50 degree day you might be sweating in shorts and a T-shirt while standing in snow that's not melting. Wind will make some difference, clouds and rain will make a lot of difference. So wearing a fairly thin base layer with a sweatshirt and a rain shell available works pretty well. A lightweight fleece jacket is even better than a sweatshirt because it doesn't soak up water.

And rain reminds me, you are on top of a big lightning rod any time you're on a mountain, so keep that in mind if a thunder storm comes up. And don't go down Black Bear if any significant rain might be encountered. I haven't run into that, but I think I sent you a link once of a couple Jeeps that had boulders bouncing past them and eventually got trapped by a landslide.

Well, lots of good info in those posts. Thanks, guys.

Bob: We drove around Telluride with our friends last October and it is a cute town. But we didn't stay long after lunch 'cause we had to turn the Jeep in by 2:00 - and we just made it. Imogene pass will probably take less time that Last Dollar Road, especially since we got out many times on LDR to take pics - the aspen were gorgeous! So, we should have time to look around.

And we will get a prompt start on Day 2. Thanks for the warning. :nabble_smiley_wink:

Yes, we are coming from Engineer Mountain Road up Poughkeepsie Gulch. I think it will be interesting to at least see The Wall, if not try it. And with the option of winching up it, I don't really see too much problem. (Famous last words.)

As for Black Bear, we'll be cautious. I really doubt we do it, and could easily go back and tackle The Wall again if we wanted. But yes, I've seen the video of the water and boulders, as well as the one with the cartwheeling Jeep, so I'm sure we will be cautious.

Anyway, it sounds like we have a decent plan. I also sent it to my brother this afternoon and we are going to talk tomorrow about it, but he's already approved it. And we will talk about clothing, footwear, food, water, etc. We'll be prepared.

Chris - We will get to Ouray on the 7th and run the trails on the 8th through the 11th. And yes, we will have drinking water, warm clothes, etc. We do have the first aid kit, altitude sickness meds, and a way to start a fire, but I hadn't thought about a hiking stick. That might come in really handy. And I think I'll wear my boots.

Bob - Yep, I guess I'll wear my shop boots. Best clean them up a bit. And I have lots of gloves in, for sure. As for clothes, I plan to wear jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. And in the bed in a tote I'll have a jacket, fleece, rain coat, etc.

We'll have sunscreen, sun glasses, and lip balm. Plus a ball cap and my floppy hat. And probably had better take some Gold Bond or other moisturizing lotion.

Ok, it sounds like a plan! Thanks, guys! :nabble_anim_jump:


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Obviously we'll take rain gear and jackets. But is there anything else recommended?

Almost forgot... toilet paper, possibly also a hand shovel.

One nice thing is that there are quite a few outhouses scattered around on the trails east of highway 550 (I have the ones i know about marked on my sketchy map). I THINK there might be one near the top of Imogene, but I don't think Black Bear has any.

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One nice thing is that there are quite a few outhouses scattered around on the trails east of highway 550 (I have the ones i know about marked on my sketchy map). I THINK there might be one near the top of Imogene, but I don't think Black Bear has any.

Chris - I hadn't thought about that! But, we will also need hand sanitizer.

Bob - I'm hoping we'll find the outhouses, but it is best to be prepared. And, if Black Bear doesn't have any then...

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Chris - I hadn't thought about that! But, we will also need hand sanitizer.

Bob - I'm hoping we'll find the outhouses, but it is best to be prepared. And, if Black Bear doesn't have any then...

I posted yesterday that I washed and waxed Big Blue to get ready for both the show and the trip. Today I cleaned the windows, vacuumed the carpet, changed the oil and filter, lubed everything, checked brake, power steering, and coolant levels, and rotated the tires. Plus I put up the GMRS antenna and put the mike in place. I think it is ready!

My brother was to get instruction on how to use Gaia today from his son, and possibly borrow his iPad to run it on. Our wives talked today and coordinated who is bringing what food stuffs, water, soft drinks, etc.

So all that is left is from me to get my clothing picked out and packed. But one of the things I'm going to take is my "new" jacket. May not get cold enough, but maybe? http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/thinking-26_orig.jpg


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So all that is left is from me to get my clothing picked out and packed. But one of the things I'm going to take is my "new" jacket. May not get cold enough, but maybe? :nabble_thinking-26_orig:


New / old? :nabble_smiley_wink:

Fairly new to me, as you know, but haven't really had a chance to wear it much - if any. Maybe this is that chance? So it is going. Seems fitting.

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I posted yesterday that I washed and waxed Big Blue to get ready for both the show and the trip. Today I cleaned the windows, vacuumed the carpet, changed the oil and filter, lubed everything, checked brake, power steering, and coolant levels, and rotated the tires. Plus I put up the GMRS antenna and put the mike in place. I think it is ready!

My brother was to get instruction on how to use Gaia today from his son, and possibly borrow his iPad to run it on. Our wives talked today and coordinated who is bringing what food stuffs, water, soft drinks, etc.

So all that is left is from me to get my clothing picked out and packed. But one of the things I'm going to take is my "new" jacket. May not get cold enough, but maybe? :nabble_thinking-26_orig:

Wow, you were busy yesterday. Looks like you got a lot done too! Got off of work yesterday, ate dinner and went out into the shop to do some detailing on the truck but just could not tolerate the heat and humidity. Had a fan blowing too! Got the windows cleaned and was done!

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