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Some Thoughts About How To Use This Forum

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Jonathan - That's a very good find. And it explains a lot. The guy that wrote it, Greg, is the nice gentleman that has helped me significantly on setting up this forum. He seems to be one of the most knowledgeable people on the support forum about Nabble, short of the very few who have Nabble behind their name.

Do you think we need to either copy that and post it somewhere or just have a link to it? I'm sure Greg would be happy for us to use it, but I'll ask.

Either a handy link or reprint with permission would be great, just so folks know how to use it and make the images display the way they intended. I still wish the normal embedded image resolution could be more than 750 x 750 and not be cropped on the right, but for general illustration it's adequate. It's mainly a bummer if you want to zoom in on a detail, or save a particularly nice image that someone else posts up for your own photo archives.

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Either a handy link or reprint with permission would be great, just so folks know how to use it and make the images display the way they intended. I still wish the normal embedded image resolution could be more than 750 x 750 and not be cropped on the right, but for general illustration it's adequate. It's mainly a bummer if you want to zoom in on a detail, or save a particularly nice image that someone else posts up for your own photo archives.
Lots of thoughts here. First, in my response to Ron I noticed that the Flareside illustration didn't fully show at 750 pixels. So I kept decreasing the width until I got to 720, and that's where all of it showed. I can't explain that, but offer it as an observation. 


Second, in thinking about documentation re the forum I realized that there is no reason I can't have a few more pages "nested" under this one in the navigation menu. So I moved the Bullnose Gallery and a new page called Forum FAQ's under Bullnose Forum.  Like this:

  • Bullnose Forum
    • Bullnose Gallery
    • Forum FAQ's
But I'll get Greg's permission and copy his stuff over to the FAQ's page so we can add info to it as we learn.





On Monday, August 21, 2017, Ford F834 [via Bullnose Enthusiasts] <redacted_email_address> wrote:




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A couple of comments Gary, I think the navigation for the FAQ on the forum itself sounds good, along with the gallery if/when that is set up for use.

As far as the whole image thing, I am still a bit baffled. I think most of my confusion though is related to the way pages display on my iPhone 7 plus. The software on this phone does a lot of odd things to the display based on orientation. Turning the phone screen to landscape opens up a side bar in mail etc., so some of my problems may be my phone over-thinking things for me...

When I view the forum with the phone vertically, the right side is always cut off, even on the home page, and I can't scroll left to right to see the rest. When I turn the phone horizontal, I can see the whole thing.

Individual posts sometimes display entirely with the phone vertical, but sometimes it is cut off. I think it cuts off when large images are embedded or when responses came from email or other text was not formatted with the Nabble text box (?). Usually turning the phone horizontal allows me to see it all, but sometimes vertical only shows 1/4 of the width, and horizontal brings it to 2/3 (similar to vertical on the home page) and it won't scroll. There are some posts I can't view on my phone no matter what I do.

I tried downloading Google Chrome, but it behaved the same with the added quirk that I can't reply to posts. It launches the pesky re-login box while logged in no matter what. I can navigate to home>thread>reply in circles and always launches the login instead of the reply box.

Regarding the image width, my rosewood pics that I re-sized using the Nabble re-sizer, display fully with the phone vertical, along with all the text. The images in the flareside bumper thread are cut off on the right (both yours and Ron's) but I can scroll to see it. When I turn the phone horizontal yours displays completely, Ron's does not and will no longer scroll.

I'm sure this is more gory detail than you want/need, but it's pieces to the puzzle. I do 99% of my activity by phone, so naturally I want to figure out a best practice that will display on the device that I use.

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A couple of comments Gary, I think the navigation for the FAQ on the forum itself sounds good, along with the gallery if/when that is set up for use.

As far as the whole image thing, I am still a bit baffled. I think most of my confusion though is related to the way pages display on my iPhone 7 plus. The software on this phone does a lot of odd things to the display based on orientation. Turning the phone screen to landscape opens up a side bar in mail etc., so some of my problems may be my phone over-thinking things for me...

When I view the forum with the phone vertically, the right side is always cut off, even on the home page, and I can't scroll left to right to see the rest. When I turn the phone horizontal, I can see the whole thing.

Individual posts sometimes display entirely with the phone vertical, but sometimes it is cut off. I think it cuts off when large images are embedded or when responses came from email or other text was not formatted with the Nabble text box (?). Usually turning the phone horizontal allows me to see it all, but sometimes vertical only shows 1/4 of the width, and horizontal brings it to 2/3 (similar to vertical on the home page) and it won't scroll. There are some posts I can't view on my phone no matter what I do.

I tried downloading Google Chrome, but it behaved the same with the added quirk that I can't reply to posts. It launches the pesky re-login box while logged in no matter what. I can navigate to home>thread>reply in circles and always launches the login instead of the reply box.

Regarding the image width, my rosewood pics that I re-sized using the Nabble re-sizer, display fully with the phone vertical, along with all the text. The images in the flareside bumper thread are cut off on the right (both yours and Ron's) but I can scroll to see it. When I turn the phone horizontal yours displays completely, Ron's does not and will no longer scroll.

I'm sure this is more gory detail than you want/need, but it's pieces to the puzzle. I do 99% of my activity by phone, so naturally I want to figure out a best practice that will display on the device that I use.

Jonathan - My head hurts! :nabble_anim_confused: And not because of your post/observations, but because yours sorta line up with mine. Sorta.

I use essentially three devices: Windows computers, albeit one is a Win 8 and one a Win 10, iPad mini, and iPhone 6. I rarely post with the phone, but post a lot with the iPad and I have noticed similar things about not being able to see all of a post. I had thought it was associated with large images, but hadn't caught that some might be from email posts. Hmmmm.

Perhaps we can keep a log of posts that don't work? Maybe a new thread in Founder's Forum that documents what we find, with permalinks to the post? And, one of those posts needs to say "Every time I click on a link in an email that takes me to the Founder's Forum I get a sign-in request, even though I'm signed in." (And by the time I click the link above to go to the forum I've forgotten where I was going. :nabble_smiley_blush:)

However, if I want to do serious typing or editing I'll get this laptop (Win 10) or go to the shop on the dual-monitored Win 8 'puter. The ONLY editing of the web site is done from a real computer, as it is almost certain things will get messed up with a mobile device. So I've just adopted the idea of using a computer to do serious things. And, because of that I'm not seeing all the ills you are, or I'm not seeing them as frequently. So, if you can document your findings then maybe we can get our heads around things. And, maybe in doing so we can help people know how best to use Nabble.

Having said that, Greg, the guy that runs that boat forum you found and who gave me permission to use his guidelines on picture posting, said this morning:

Franklin recently announced that Nabble is in a non-development maintenance only phase. His plan is simply to get it stable (part of the planned outages currently going on is to move to better servers). That will then allow him the time to work on Blasma to which everyone will eventually be moved. That platform is designed to be open source and his hope is that it will attract many third-party developers which can add further bells and whistles.

In other words, what we are on is what it is, although we may figure out better ways to use it. But, they are working on a new system that, I hope, solves most of the problems we are seeing - and gives us some new ones to work out. :nabble_anim_crazy:

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Jonathan - My head hurts! :nabble_anim_confused: And not because of your post/observations, but because yours sorta line up with mine. Sorta.

I use essentially three devices: Windows computers, albeit one is a Win 8 and one a Win 10, iPad mini, and iPhone 6. I rarely post with the phone, but post a lot with the iPad and I have noticed similar things about not being able to see all of a post. I had thought it was associated with large images, but hadn't caught that some might be from email posts. Hmmmm.

Perhaps we can keep a log of posts that don't work? Maybe a new thread in Founder's Forum that documents what we find, with permalinks to the post? And, one of those posts needs to say "Every time I click on a link in an email that takes me to the Founder's Forum I get a sign-in request, even though I'm signed in." (And by the time I click the link above to go to the forum I've forgotten where I was going. :nabble_smiley_blush:)

However, if I want to do serious typing or editing I'll get this laptop (Win 10) or go to the shop on the dual-monitored Win 8 'puter. The ONLY editing of the web site is done from a real computer, as it is almost certain things will get messed up with a mobile device. So I've just adopted the idea of using a computer to do serious things. And, because of that I'm not seeing all the ills you are, or I'm not seeing them as frequently. So, if you can document your findings then maybe we can get our heads around things. And, maybe in doing so we can help people know how best to use Nabble.

Having said that, Greg, the guy that runs that boat forum you found and who gave me permission to use his guidelines on picture posting, said this morning:

Franklin recently announced that Nabble is in a non-development maintenance only phase. His plan is simply to get it stable (part of the planned outages currently going on is to move to better servers). That will then allow him the time to work on Blasma to which everyone will eventually be moved. That platform is designed to be open source and his hope is that it will attract many third-party developers which can add further bells and whistles.

In other words, what we are on is what it is, although we may figure out better ways to use it. But, they are working on a new system that, I hope, solves most of the problems we are seeing - and gives us some new ones to work out. :nabble_anim_crazy:

Gary, Nabble can be a little quirky here and there but overall it works pretty well. so far I have found a way to work around everything except the couple of threads that won't display horizontally. The relay for the blower motor is one. No matter what I do I can't get it to display on my phone. Period. I'm trying to figure out what is different in that thread compared to the others, but nothing is raising any flags. Maybe as we go along I will figure it out.

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