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Need Help Reaching FTE'ers About The Show & Swap Meet

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It is a sad state, but very true. I saw a lot of dirt bag behavior on the diesel board that went unnoticed, but the split second that a whif of business mis-use was mentioned it was like chumming shark infested waters. It still pains me because a lot of good people were members and some still are.

Gary, I did not realize that the sentiment was that bad. It’s actually hard for me to believe that you could be violating the rules since this not a business or a for-profit event, but clearly they don’t see it that way. It would be nice if they would participate in the event instead of banning it, but that is the very thing that made it all go sideways last year (refusing to supply even simple swag or the least bit of FTE support). The fact that they are turning around and asking you to call this a chapter event is insulting.

I appreciate the support, guys, but my intent with this thread wasn't to bash IB/FTE. In reality, I have a lot to thank them for:

  • If IB hadn't broken the photo albums where I'd spent considerable time creating how-to's I never would have started my website. Now there are over 400 pages of documentation that can be found nowhere else, and that is growing weekly.

  • If they'd have come through with the promised trinkets for last year's meet I'd not have realized I was funding something that was bringing in potential members, and therefore advertising money, for them.

    So we wouldn't have the Garagemahal show that is now attracting international interest.

  • Had IB Tim not called me and promised to try to fix things and pledged to call back but hasn't in a year and a half I might have not figured out how to create this forum.

So, I'm grateful to IB and FTE. And I have a lot of friends at FTE. So, how do we reach them about the show? Perhaps each of you know some that you can email, IM, text, PM, etc? I'll be doing the same with those I know, but as I'm sure FTE wouldn't approve I won't be using IB/FTE PM's to do that.

I'll get you the new flier as soon as I can so you can pass it on. And maybe our friends can pass it on to their friends and we can have a geometric progression. (I'm reminded of the film we saw in grade school about atomic energy where they had a room full of mouse traps with ping pong balls on them. They tossed one ball in and the room "exploded".)

Thanks in advance.

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This is what happens to a good site when it becomes a commercial product and advertising revenue becomes the most important concern.

In a nutshell, that's the gist of it - when money is involved, all the rules change.

Somebody is sure to make an analogy...

Say, there's a street intersection in some small, podunk town that has a few fast-food restaurants condensed together on the corners. Competition for people's money.

An aging grandma who loves to cook decides she makes better deserts than the commercial establishments sell, and she sets up a small stand nearby where she gives away her tasty creations for free. Fine.

But she cannot go to the nearby commercial establishments and hand out fliers advertising her freebie deserts, that won't fly. Even though she's not charging money for her chocolate-covered sopapillas, the other restaurants will see her as taking money from them.

It's a shame everything worked out the way it did and IB couldn't adequately (even minimally) support you as a CL, my original thoughts were that the two sites would operate in harmony. But everything happens for a reason, and this is not to be. C'est la vie.


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This is what happens to a good site when it becomes a commercial product and advertising revenue becomes the most important concern.

In a nutshell, that's the gist of it - when money is involved, all the rules change.

Somebody is sure to make an analogy...

Say, there's a street intersection in some small, podunk town that has a few fast-food restaurants condensed together on the corners. Competition for people's money.

An aging grandma who loves to cook decides she makes better deserts than the commercial establishments sell, and she sets up a small stand nearby where she gives away her tasty creations for free. Fine.

But she cannot go to the nearby commercial establishments and hand out fliers advertising her freebie deserts, that won't fly. Even though she's not charging money for her chocolate-covered sopapillas, the other restaurants will see her as taking money from them.

It's a shame everything worked out the way it did and IB couldn't adequately (even minimally) support you as a CL, my original thoughts were that the two sites would operate in harmony. But everything happens for a reason, and this is not to be. C'est la vie.

It is sad, a bunch of people trying to keep their old Ford's running and share information.

And I'm not bashing IB/FTE, just that money talks.

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It is sad, a bunch of people trying to keep their old Ford's running and share information.

And I'm not bashing IB/FTE, just that money talks.

Sure is too bad IB feels threatened? I still post on FTE, but if they have made this page a target, well, I'm happy to be forewarned.

As to spreading the word, I know Morris Korol, (FoMoKo1) is running a FB page these days called Saskatchewan F-100s. I'm friends with him on FB, think Chris may be too.

Sure would be nice to have a convoy of Saskatchewieners heading down to Oklahoma. Are you ready for that?:nabble_anim_blbl:

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Sure is too bad IB feels threatened? I still post on FTE, but if they have made this page a target, well, I'm happy to be forewarned.

As to spreading the word, I know Morris Korol, (FoMoKo1) is running a FB page these days called Saskatchewan F-100s. I'm friends with him on FB, think Chris may be too.

Sure would be nice to have a convoy of Saskatchewieners heading down to Oklahoma. Are you ready for that?:nabble_anim_blbl:

Vinny from Newfoundland is coming, so why not more Canucks? Would love to have you! Please seriously think about coming. And bring your wife. As you can see on the Outing For Wives thread, there will be things for them to do. And on Friday nite my wife, Janey, and I are hosting a meet and greet at our house for all that have come from out of town, as well as some of the "locals".

This looks to be a banner year, so don't miss it! :nabble_smiley_good:

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This is what happens to a good site when it becomes a commercial product and advertising revenue becomes the most important concern.

In a nutshell, that's the gist of it - when money is involved, all the rules change.

Somebody is sure to make an analogy...

Say, there's a street intersection in some small, podunk town that has a few fast-food restaurants condensed together on the corners. Competition for people's money.

An aging grandma who loves to cook decides she makes better deserts than the commercial establishments sell, and she sets up a small stand nearby where she gives away her tasty creations for free. Fine.

But she cannot go to the nearby commercial establishments and hand out fliers advertising her freebie deserts, that won't fly. Even though she's not charging money for her chocolate-covered sopapillas, the other restaurants will see her as taking money from them.

It's a shame everything worked out the way it did and IB couldn't adequately (even minimally) support you as a CL, my original thoughts were that the two sites would operate in harmony. But everything happens for a reason, and this is not to be. C'est la vie.

Chris - That's an interesting analogy, but it doesn't completely fit in this example. With restaurants there's just so much people eat or spend per day. But with forums people tend to join several that match their interests. Besides this forum I had been a contributor on FTE as well as several others.

Having said that, the giving-things-away bit of the analogy does fit. I fund the whole of the website, forum, show, and get-together, and there is no advertising of any kind. (Well, that's not quite true because Ron/reamer advertises his wares, but I don't get any of those funds.) So I do see why FTE is upset. Why would people want to go there and see all of those adverts when they can come here and not have them? Further, where is the documentation they need? FTE or here? Why not come here, for free, in the first place instead of going there and being directed back here?

(Side story: Scott Ringler, who is a member on here and is the "welder man" from last year's show, was over today - see the soon-to-be writeup in WHYDTYTT. He said he's been going to FTE 'cause he has a '78 and this site is about Bullnose trucks. But he thinks he's going to quit FTE 'cause he keeps getting trapped by Amazon adverts and has to close the browser window to get out.)

So, now that I think about it I understand why IB/FTE is concerned. Makes perfect sense. Or, makes no cents at all. :nabble_smiley_cool:

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